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Xbox One


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That looks almost as bad as the original Xbox controller (though I'm not fond of the 360 controller either). The wings are too wide. At least they moved the "home" button, though.


Edit: Also these conferences are like "companies say the darnedest things" with Billy Cosby.

Edited by Saturnine Tenshi
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That looks almost as bad as the original Xbox controller (though I'm not fond of the 360 controller either). The wings are too wide. At least they moved the "home" button, though.


Edit: Also these conferences are like "companies say the darnedest things" with Billy Cosby.


According to Engadget the wings are the same width as the current 360 controller, but shorter. So they look wider. We'll see what happens, but overall engadget said its roughly the same feel as the 360 controller but with better triggers, dpad and new location for the Xbox button.


EDIT: Engadget Comparison to the 360 controller. Side by side the new one looks better. http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/21/xbox-one-controller-vs-xbox-360-controller-fight/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=feedburner&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+weblogsinc%2Fengadget+%28Engadget%29

Edited by madbassman39
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It was extremely disappointing, but if their claim of 15 exclusives next year, with 8 of those being new franchises, pans out over E3 I imagine that reaction might improve somewhat.


But yeah, that was a highly anticlimactic way to introduce the new console.

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I don't think the name is worse than the Wii U.  The Wii U was unclear as to what it was, but Xbox One is clearly something different than Xbox 360.  It might be mildly confusing with the original Xbox ("Xbox 1"), but how often is that going to come up?


Otherwise, yeah, pretty amazingly terrible presentation.

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So with the kinect thing, how many different accents can it detect. I hate to sound weird but there are certain pronounciations even within a specific language that can give it trouble. The biggest drawback of the reveal is it's purely US-centric minus FIFA. I'm sure the BBC has something planned for it (because of earlier rumours) outside of that....yeah.


The name isn't confusing. It's just a weird choice to name it 1. There's no synergy to use the term they'd go for. I mean One isn't a lifestyle number. It's a solitary number. You don't try to bring the perception of a solitary thing to a household that requires people to connect.


Besides always kinect and online. It literally does not approve of used games and if you want to use the same game on another account apparently you need to pay a small fee. Rental services will be so happy to hear about this -.-

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If they had 15 exclusives, why didn't they bring one or two along to this thing? I get that e3 is soon but surely they could have spared that many? Even if you don't like killzone , at least Sony was showing actual gameplay and giving us an idea of how the new games will look.


Edited by Mister Jack
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The name isn't confusing. It's just a weird choice to name it 1. There's no synergy to use the term they'd go for. I mean One isn't a lifestyle number. It's a solitary number. You don't try to bring the perception of a solitary thing to a household that requires people to connect.


For me personally my first thought was One as in "unity". It brings everything together into one seamless experience, and from that perspective the name makes perfect sense.


Also, you people really love to jump to conclusions.  From the Wired article Jack posted:


(Update: Microsoft called Wired after this story was originally published to say that the company did have a plan for used games, and that further details were forthcoming.)


It doesn't spell doom and gloom for rentals/used games just yet.


Finally, there's this from Hottie's Edge article:


But it doesn’t have to be “always on”. On xbox.com, Microsoft addressed this issue among other pressing questions saying, “It does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet. We’re designing Xbox One to be your all-in-one entertainment system that is connected to the cloud and always ready. We are also designing it so you can play games and watch Blu-ray movies and live TV if you lose your connection.”

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Well 8 new ips can be anything. Remember gunstringer, blackwater and all those other kinect titles were also new IPs. If they're not willing to show more than 1 new IP - it either means there's more kinect IPs or they're so further back that it's not ready to be shown.


Meanwhile PS EU's twitter has been interesting -->




They have been a bit cheeky. Google adwords, the tease yesterday. It's fun. I'd like some corporate brawl on both sides. It's fun.

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The thing I see with the console is that I'd love it if I lived in the states. But I don't. It's continuing down that path. US has a lot of content on Live. UK has content albeit lesser than the US. The rest of the world has pretty much shit. The whole entertainment box focus definitely goes after that. It's really not going to change much. US is the biggest market for the Xbox brand - there's no point wasting money in Japan. As for Europe they hope FIFA changes things but I dunno - it's just one game and one year. I'm not one who buys EA's unprecedented partnership or any third party's unprecedented partnership.


Hmm back when I worked in advertising we weren't asked to go with singular titles for products with multiple users.


No conclusion was jumped to on my account

"Microsoft did say that if a disc was used with a second account, that owner would be given the option to pay a fee and install the game from the disc, which would then mean that the new account would also own the game and could play it without the disc."


This is definitely going to be an interesting scenario for used games. If you want to play used you will have to pay a small fee or maybe the rental company takes care of that. However for anyone sharing a game between accounts this is a pain. This is something they printed that MS told them. So there you have it.


Edited to add: Now this might be an assumption but based on what was told, it seemed that all games had to be installed onto the HDD so this in a way is preventing multiple users from accessing the same game. It's similar to steam.


Edited to add again: It's confirmed. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/407912/microsoft-confirms-pre-owned-fee-for-xbox-one/

Basically each game has one activation. DRM.

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