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I'm not mad, just because I want to punch someone in the face, doesn't mean I'm mad. This is how I live my life, GOH!, this is me. BUT! What's interesting is the general arrogant attitude coming from Microsoft, that's been noted since the "deal with it" tweets, this is just another example.


I dunno what it is about your face, but I just wanna deliver one of THESE right into your suck hole.

I thought we were best friends :(

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When they ran the trailer at the MS event the audio didn't work. Same as when they tried to run the BF4 single player thing. Except that no one cares about a not Panzer Dragoon game so everyone just remembers Patrick Soderlund going out the back to murder a MS audio guy and get the BF4 trailer working.

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One good thing about the licensing thing: you can actually share games to up to 10 people. Of course no one can play the same game at the same time. On steam you can share accounts, true, as with any other but not individual games. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/06/microsoft-defends-the-xbox-ones-licensing-used-game-policies/

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Granted I just skimmed that article, so it might contradict me, but the impression I'd been getting from previous statements was that any one of your family members (as in, only one at a time) can play any game on your share, even if it's the game you are currently playing.  I hadn't seen anything about that being limited to games you aren't currently playing.

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Depends on the other restrictions too. If you have to have been "friends" for 30 days before you can loan a game, then how long do you have to be family? Can you add and remove people at will? Or do you have to wait a certain amount of time before a removed person can be re-added? One of MS biggest problems is that they don't seem to know how all this works. You've got half a dozen people telling slightly different stories about what works and what doesn't.


In my opinion, MS were going for a hardcore "only you can play your games" system, with retailer trade-ins. As Sony's soft approach became more apparent they've tried to backpedal and haven't been able to work out exactly what they will do, never mind how they will do it.


Loaning games won't even be implemented at the launch of the console to my knowledge, further reinforcing my belief that this is a last minute scramble to fix a PR fuster cluck.

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From the article:


You'll be able to link other Xbox Live accounts as having shared access to your library when you first set up a system and will also be able to add them later on (though specific details of how you manage these relationships is still not being discussed). The only limitation, it seems, is that only one person can be playing the shared copy of a single game at any given time. All in all, this does sound like a pretty convenient feature that's more workable than simply passing discs around amongst friends who are actually in your area.
@Thursday: friends and family are the same it seems, based on that article. There's no special criteria for family. Edited by eleven
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See, the way they've been using "the shared copy" though, along with what they've said on their official FAQ, to me indicates they're talking about the people you're sharing with, not the actual owner.  So if own Halo 5 and you're sharing it with your brother and your sister and your brother is playing the shared copy then your sister can't also start playing the shared copy until your brother stops, but you could start playing your copy without him stopping.


I think at the moment though it's probably like Thursday said, where MS themselves don't know how exactly it's going to work so they're not giving clear answers.

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This just gets me excited. It means I can borrow and share games with my internet friends (hint hint!), and if it does well enough, the next gen (of whatever) of digital games could follow and, if MS decides to keep this model, they'd risk being left out. Of course, that's wishful thinking, we just don't know how sustainable this model is. AFAIK, no one has ever done it before. I really want to know how MS is going to implement this.

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Hmmm, dunno. I'm dubious about it. Just seems like if you are sharing a game with 10 ("family") friends, you aren't going to get to play it much unless you bought the game. Can see it being fairly frustrating. Also... 10 seems like a lot of people to share with. Sony started out with a 5 device install limit for PSN games. They cut that down to 2. MS going the other way... well it seems odd. Especially if you can chop and change your 10 "family".

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What about older games? I could easily share a lot of my Steam games with my friends without them worrying if I want to play them, if Steam had this function. A lot of your Digital Games are just there being wasted. I have RDR on my backlog (yes it's not digital, just using it as a sample) and my friends don't have that I could lend them that. I don't have BF3, my friends are tired of it, I could borrow that for the campaign if I wanted. If both of you wanted to play the same game at the same time, buy it like how you'd buy 2 physical disks.


Edit: Also, if you read the article, it looks like they are aware of "friends" and "family" and you being untruthful, and it looks like they don't care. Sony cut it down because it was never their intention. Plus you could literally share 4 games and play all 4 games online with your friends. I don't think you even have to log into the shared account, just have it activated on the console. That's the reason, I think, they cut it down. It wasn't made for that. This one, though, backpedal or nor, is being made to actually share purchased games with other accounts, which can only be a good thing.

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Whatever the restrictions are it's better than the current status quo of digital purchases being only playable by the owner account and other accounts on the same device.


Another improvement they announced over the current Gold setup is that your friends who are on Silver will be able to play online with you with their own account (provided you're on the same console), whereas right now they can only play online as a non-owned "Guest" account.

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Not always the biggest fan of Jim Sterling...but I love this article as I have quite a few friends defending the Xbone with, "But it supports the devs and gets rid of Gamestop...ugh ugh gguuuuh" Of course...they don't realize that MS is probably working with GS on how to allow them to "trade" XBone games.  http://www.destructoid.com/used-games-and-aaa-games-are-incompatible-good--256227.phtml

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