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Xbox One


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Yeah MS run Azure platform, they want more people in the "cloud", though that's more corporate level than consumer at this point (SkyDrive and Win8 are it for consumer afaik). Though Xbone isn't really true "cloud", especially cloud computing. It says it does, but as noted up top, if it's only connected for a few kb once every 24hrs, that's nothing more than a DRM check. A few kb isn't even uploading saves to the cloud, or grabbing pre-crunched data or something. 


And yeah, structure of E&D has changed over the years. Allard left after the whole Courier incident (and I think a few other smaller guys left too due to lack of morale after that), and Robbie Bach too. Both had been in charge of Xbox from day one, and both left in 2010, which is about when things started to go south for Xbox division in over focusing on Kinect, and adding in the "apps" n such. 

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The Xbone will use "the cloud" for persistent gameworlds, storing of profile and saved game data, serving "digital" games, and that's it. 'The cloud" is just corporate-speak for "a shitload of servers."


I hate both the term "digital" when it means "no hard copy," and "the cloud."


ETA: people disappointed by the Xbone who then turn to the Wii U as their hardcore console gaming savior are morons.

Edited by Mr. GOH!
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That site instantly lost all credibility with me with this article.  Claiming the Wii U an 875% increase in sales because it jumped from #390 to #40 on Amazon UK's sales rankings, but that math is all kinds of fucked.  What they actually did was figure that 390 is 975% of 40, subtract 100% for the 40 and you're left with an 875% "increase", which just doesn't make any sense at all.  For all they know Wii U sales dropped but everything else dropped more, leaving it with a higher rank (which is admittedly unlikely).  It's just really shady reporting.

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This pretty much proves to my personally that the Xbone is the next Dreamcast. 


Also, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't think MS has said anything about The Cloud ™ improving graphics.  They talk about being able to have these big persistent worlds, but then that comment all of a sudden goes off about how it can't help graphics, which is not what they're talking about at all.  I mean, they've said that the servers can update slow stuff like the pre-baked lighting that doesn't matter if it's up to the second, which could arguably be improving the graphics, but there's no question that that's possible.

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Those saying the Juan will be the next Dreamcast don't take into account the xbox was one of the biggest money-makers for Microsoft this gen. If the Juan fails Microsoft will see it as how Nintendo sees the Virtua Boy: A failure as a console but not the brand in general. Unlike Sega, Microsoft isn't exactly bad financially so they can afford fucking up here and releasing a console in say 4-5 years. That is assuming it doesn't sell well enough to warrant them keeping it around. And I can see it selling just fine in the US at first.

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The Xbone will not fail. There are more than enough upper-middle-class folks who just do not give a shit about DRM, used game restrictions, online requirements, and the higher price tag. Hell, the higher price tag may signal that the Xbone is a superior piece of hardware to a good many consumers, especially families making over $150k a year. Just look at how tech sites like Gizmodo blew their proverbial wads over the Xbone because of its weaksauce multimedia functionality. Yes, it's half-measure bullshit, but people fucking LOVE half-measure bullshit when it's shiny and new-seeming.


The PS4 will do well among gamers under 30. Gamers over 30 with money either will play on PC (like goddamn bosses) and gets both consoles eventually.

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I reckon this will have a huge amount to do with release dates. If there's so much as a month's difference between the two consoles it could swing the early market leader which will give one side or the other the momentum and the ability to define the generation (gaming focused or multimedia generalist). MS and Sony are probably waiting to see the other's date before announcing theirs. It's a game of chicken.


EDIT: I'm over 30 with money. I sometimes game on PC, but I'm a PlayStation gamer first and foremost. PS4 day one.

Edited by Thursday Next
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Well, ThursdayNext, that is because you are a grade-A sucker. Ain't nothing a PS4 can do that my PC can't, except play a few exclusives about which I care not a whit.


Though the release date will certainly matter, you're correct. I do think that the Xbone may risk a half-baked release; it may take months for MS to get its non-gaming media, social and otherwise, services up to speed. This is not necessarily what's going to happen, but there already have been several big tech product launches in which the core device is ready but several critical services are not. Such a release won't capture the kind of people who jizz their jeans over the Xbone's tepid promised media services  

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Oh yeah, I know, I was really responding to Vecha's posting it here in (apparent) agreement with it.

Yeah...I'm an idiot.


I meant to just post the article...not the comment. 


I don't agree that the cloud will improve the graphics. Believe it is a load a horse shit. 


There is this article however...that claims the "cloud" could make physics/lighting. Still think it's BS. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/05/how-the-xbox-one-draws-more-processing-power-from-cloud-computing/

Edited by Vecha
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Those saying the Juan will be the next Dreamcast don't take into account the xbox was one of the biggest money-makers for Microsoft this gen. If the Juan fails Microsoft will see it as how Nintendo sees the Virtua Boy: A failure as a console but not the brand in general. Unlike Sega, Microsoft isn't exactly bad financially so they can afford fucking up here and releasing a console in say 4-5 years. That is assuming it doesn't sell well enough to warrant them keeping it around. And I can see it selling just fine in the US at first.


Alright...bad example. I just think the console will fail and they(and their fans) will say it was "ahead of its time!"


Guess Virtual Boy is a better analogy. 

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The Xbone will not fail. There are more than enough upper-middle-class folks who just do not give a shit about DRM, used game restrictions, online requirements, and the higher price tag. Hell, the higher price tag may signal that the Xbone is a superior piece of hardware to a good many consumers, especially families making over $150k a year. Just look at how tech sites like Gizmodo blew their proverbial wads over the Xbone because of its weaksauce multimedia functionality. Yes, it's half-measure bullshit, but people fucking LOVE half-measure bullshit when it's shiny and new-seeming.




Didn't people think the same about the ps3 with its higher price tag? It also was more "high tech" with its innards. Especially the Blu Ray player...Though wasn't a media "powerhouse"


Didn't really start catching up to the 360 till some price cuts were arranged. 

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The PS3 did not fail, though. And the Xbone has more tech bling than the PS3 ever had.


ETA: And the launch Xbone is still cheaper than the launch PS3 was!

I'm just saying...I don't think the ps3 can thank its success solely on the fact that it was "superior."


I don't think the Xbone(if it succeeds) will do so because it does things a roku/apple tv/etc can do for cheaper. 


But...I'm no market expert, so who the hell knows. 

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Is anyone actually thinking the Xbox One will bomb? What is your criteria for that? I can see it doing well in the US and a few other areas. It will be hard to gauge if it's doing well or not since it's meant to deliver far more than games. It doesn't have to sell as many consoles as the PS4 to be successful. In terms of total hardware I can see them being in a comfortable second-place position.

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Is anyone actually thinking the Xbox One will bomb? What is your criteria for that? I can see it doing well in the US and a few other areas. It will be hard to gauge if it's doing well or not since it's meant to deliver far more than games. It doesn't have to sell as many consoles as the PS4 to be successful. In terms of total hardware I can see them being in a comfortable second-place position.


I guess it's more of a "I want it to bomb as its DRM restrictions are unprecedented...worse than any other device"


If I'm going to be serious, and set aside my bias, I suppose second place seems more realistic.Though...the way they are treating the Asian markets, and how(supposedly) pro-consumer other parts of Europe(besides the UK) is...maybe third? 


Time will tell...I am more fearful that come 5-10 years from now online check ins will become the norm. Even second place may send a signal to Sony/Ninty that taking total control of their console may not be a bad idea. 

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I imagine it'll still hit into the tens of millions of units come end of the generation, unlikely to be Sega bad, but will likely come "last". Potentially worse than Sony have been this gen (Which is pretty much on par with MS anyway).


I think it'll rest on how they market to consumer. They could probably just get away with "COD:The New One for Xbox One" and boom, millions of units sold.

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