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An informed gamer might care more about exclusives and the series they like more than DRM at the end of the day. You assume everyone not only shares the same opinion but that they will act in according to that opinion. Insert classic image of the "Boycott MW2" steam group where half the people were playing MW2.

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This pretty much proves to my personally that the Xbone is the next Dreamcast.


Sega died a hero; Microsoft has lived long enough to see itself become the villain.



MJ: the casual audience includes many folks for whom $500 is not an unreasonable amount to spend on a console they'll use only occasionally.


Is that really gonna be enough to drive sales to a profitable margin though? I think people are really underestimating the power of word of mouth. Just because a person doesn't play a whole lot of video games, chances are they probably know at least one person who knows the scene that they'll talk about it with. I honestly think about 95% of my friends have consulted me before buying a console. If somebody tells me they're buying an X-Box next gen, damn sure I'll be droppin some knowledge on them.


Also; I'm surprised nobody has brought up the Amazon poll yet; http://www.ibtimes.com/ps4-gamers-strongly-prefer-ps4-xbox-one-according-amazon-poll-photo-1307919

Basically Amazon put a poll up on Facebook asking people what console they would get. 30k for PS4; 1.6k for X-Box. Being an online poll though; it doesn't mean much. Reddit or 4chan might have had some influence on it (I have no idea).

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This pretty much proves to my personally that the Xbone is the next Dreamcast.


Sega died a hero; Microsoft has lived long enough to see itself become the villain.




lol Love that.


Don't think they ever were the great District Attorney though.


Maybe they became Two Face around Windows 95...or before.




Yes...my analogy sucked donkey balls. 

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MJ: the casual audience includes many folks for whom $500 is not an unreasonable amount to spend on a console they'll use only occasionally.


Is that really gonna be enough to drive sales to a profitable margin though? I think people are really underestimating the power of word of mouth. Just because a person doesn't play a whole lot of video games, chances are they probably know at least one person who knows the scene that they'll talk about it with. I honestly think about 95% of my friends have consulted me before buying a console. If somebody tells me they're buying an X-Box next gen, damn sure I'll be droppin some knowledge on them.




Yes, over time. A shitload of teenagers with well-off parents will want and get it because they don't give a rat's ass about the price. Folks enamored with the kinect will happily buy it. Folks who can be swayed by Best Buy salesfolks will buy the Xbone. People who have to justify the cost to their families, significant others, whatever will buy it because they can argue it has extra functionality everyone can enjoy. There are lots of non-vocal target demographics out there who will drive the Xbone's sales.


The target Xbone demo isn't going to be single dude gamers in their 20's; the word of mouth among that demo will remain bad. But it's not a huge demo, and mainstream acceptance will work in the Xbone's favor.


ETA: that pastebin article makes tons of sense. I would not be at all surprised if MS wanted to emulate Steam's success. But I would be surprised if it offers deeply discounted sales with the regularity and breadth of Steam's. 

Edited by Mr. GOH!
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As far as negative:positive stuff spreading and being remembered. I read recently there's some psychiatric thinking along lines of it taking 3 positive things to outweigh a negative experience. (Hmm, it was on a google design blog now I think of it, it was a thing they referenced, either way it's a thing that is probably rather true).


Anywho I expected this and here it is:

"New Xbox 'a sin against all service members'"


And I imagine within the US this is a pretty big deal that'll likely sway not just service members, but their family, friends and general population.

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I have my doubts that they'll change their policies unless things get really drastic. I mean they are STILL charging indie devs for patches and insisting that they can't self publish. Still! For a company that insists they're future proof, that is really backwards thinking. Even though at this point that policy does them more harm than good, they refuse to change it. I expect the same attitude with the restrictions. If you find something wrong with it, well, that's your problem.


Not only that but they still require a subscription to use media apps like Netflix. As far as I know they are the only hardware manufacturer that does this. They're just set in their ways and because of that they're ironically going to be the ones who end up stuck in the past, rather than leading the way to the future.

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