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Xbox One


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Fools, the Xbone is gonna be watercooled like a boss. Deluxe version comes inside it's own mini-freezer, too.


I had three 360s, and two redringed. The first was an unofficial refurb that lasted all of three months. the second was an Arcade I bought new in 2008 (had an HDD from the refurbed unit), and it RROD'd in less than seven months. My most recent one still works, AFAIK, since I haven't turned it on for almost two years.

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See I used my xbox fairly regularly. What pisses me off is when fucking ass-cunts on the internet are all "well I take care of my 360 very well you must've done something wrong"



Really ball-licker? I keep mine in the open and clean dust off it. Didn't stop 2 of my 360's from dying and getting changed and buying the fifth separately due to warranty being expired. I don't care if you make sweet tender love to your xbox, your treatment isn't making it last longer. Unless you had a decent one and never touched it.

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I had one ps3 and two 360s fail. 

Also had 2-3 replaced PS2s due to the Ps2's Disc Errors(I was too young to realize it could potentially be fixed yourself....)

Right now I'm using the repaired PS3...but the HDMI is blown(Really hate that you can't go 1080P on blu-ray movies without HDMI on the ps3...)

Anyways, kinda fucked this forum turned into "How many of your consoles died?" And I don't mean it's off topic...it definitely is. Even if the XBone wasn't plagued by the DRM/Kinect/NSA controversy...I don't think I'd want one due to the hardware failings, shitty past two-three years dedicated to Kinect, and Xbox live apps paywall.

Edited by Vecha
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The Xbone is undoubtedly a more complicated console that the 360, in terms of both hardware and software. Even if I wanted an Xbone, I'd wait a good six months before buying to see just how, exactly, MS will fuck things up. Hopefully not as badly as they did with the 360 and its RROD issues, but a lot more can go wrong with the Xbone rollout than could with the 360.

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Bungie came to the Sony conference to present it and said, as much as I recall, that they were partnering with Sony to have the best experience on the PS4. Which is codeword for "nothing special is on PS4 but we assure you it'll run really good, as good if not better than the Juan".



Sony tends to get exclusive shit like a gun or a map from third party developers outside of Call of Duty titles, so we'll see.

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I understand that competition is good for the industry and that the consumer will be the over-all winner but all of this fiasco with the Juan has just made me realize that Microsoft's current management has no fucking clue about what they're doing so now they're playing the "copy everything you see from the leader and hope people will realize we'll be more similar now".



If they have to go through all this trouble just to not be shit then there's an issue. They're not even going through it because they wanted to, they're going through it because of all the negative press. Fuck that.

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