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As I remember it, the first Kinect did sell well its first year. It was an upset for all the gamers that wanted the thing to trip over itself as it entered the market. I remember there being a Penny Arcade comic about the surprised success.


But yeah, on the second year the device was irrelevant for many consumers who got a kick out of it with a few games and not much else.

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In yet another reverse manoeuvre Xbox Ones will not double as dev kits as initially promised as part of their "ID@XBOX" plans. They're running out of things to unannounce.

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So now Ryse is being ported to PC. First Dead Rising 3, now this.

For once Ill stick up for the Xbox and say that this isn't a big deal like people think it is. Xbox One isn't going to sell that much less because their exclusives are on PC, mostly because a lot of people don't want to game on pc. Aside from hardcore gaming nerds like us, it probably doesn't register to the average gamer that way.

I just think that a pc gamer is more likely to buy an Xbox One than a Xbox One gamer wants to go to pc for gaming. A lot of people dont even see the PC as a gaming platform.


As long as Xbox One releases it first, I think theyll be fine porting stuff over 6 months or a year later to pc.

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So the Sunset Overdrive and CoD bundles they're releasing aren't including a Kinect. I didn't see the show, but from that I hear they didn't mention Kinect even once.

Im starting to believe they never really had a solid line up of games for it, just for system functions. I don't think the backlash against them has anything to do with this. Kind of lame.


Then again, they scrapped all that Halo movie stuff, so maybe they don't have a problem with throwing shit away.

Edited by Strangelove
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They don't want to throw good money after bad, especially since Mattrick's gone; Kinect was his baby.


They were losing the war bad, and a big part of it was the difference in price between the two consoles.  They had two options: 1) reduce price to $400 but keep Kinect, taking a much larger loss on each box, or 2) reduce price to $400 and ditch Kinect, meaning they won't recoup their investment in it.  They decided overall they were likely to make more money by ditching Kinect, and I think they were probably right.

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Yeah, they announced when they first took it out of the box that they're going to start selling Kinect separately, but with that method it will never see the adoption rates or software support it needs to really be a success.

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I dont know all the details, but I feel like Bungie making Destiny outside of MS was the reason they probably left MS in the first place. MS probably pressured them to keep making Halo games.

Had they let Bungie make Destiny, had they never thought about implementing their drm bllshit, and had they let the Kinect be optional so the console could have been priced the same as the PS4, we would be in a very different situation right now.

Most 360 owners would have stayed with MS, and MS would have Titanfall AND Destiny as exclusives. It really would have changed everything. Destiny is going to be huge. I think everyone knows it. I imagine "going after CoD money" is going to change into "going after Destiny money" eventually.


All because they wanted to do what they wanted to do instead of catering to the public's desires. Just plain stubborness.

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