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So the rumors of an always-on DRM built into the console are resurfacing.


Part of me thinks there's no way they would do that, it would eviscerate their consumer base, especially with Sony not doing the same thing.  But then another part of me wonders how hard it would actually hit their bottom line, given the stereotype of Xbox being supported solely by CoD-playing dudebros.


*Edit* - The rumor also mentions bluray, but that's more of a "no shit" prediction.

Edited by TheMightyEthan
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*Edit* - The rumor also mentions bluray, but that's more of a "no shit" prediction.


You'd think so but many people think because Sony developed Blu-Ray that either a)they won't let MS have it b)MS won't touch it with a 10' barge pole. Completely ignoring the fact Sony developed CD and DVD and MS have used DVD fine (also forgetting all of Sonys media is proprietary, just some more successful than others), and SCE and the Sony that made Blu-Ray are different companies.

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I kinda hope they do. From some research I've being doing of late (and stuff I've known since they first entered with Xbox) they don't give a shit about games, that's a trojan horse. They want a Microsoft Entertainment Computer in your living room and the Xbox is currently that. They've forgotten how important that trojan horse element is *points to the fact GFWL Marketplace is now relegated to http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-GB/PC?xr=shellnav* and if they do mess around with severe DRM it's likely to bit them in the butt.


Buuutttttt many a xbox gamer has been happy to pay £35-£40 a year for online multiplayer, FB, Twitter, Youtube, IE, Netflix, Hulu, iPlayer, etc, while everyone else has gotten it for free so the moronicness of deep Xbox gamers is not to be underestimated and they'll likely happily fund this upcoming endeavour knowing no better. Which btw MS is making at least $1billion a year from XBL so kiss any hopes next gen might bring free online MP for 360 games/gamers goodbye now. No company is going to kiss $1billion+ goodbye while it's still good money.

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Well, back during the original Xbox it was all most people had. Then came the 360 with its myth of better experience which isn't the case or at least its not worth the price tag it is going for now. The PSN+ is totally optional and it gives you some really damn nice perks. Xbox Live isn't optional if you want to MP and it doesn't come with perks. Its for the bare necessities.


I doubt it'll die with the 720 but I think a good deal of us has wised up.

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Yeah it started out as the best of the best for consoles in the xbox, and honestly mantained its quality and position as the most user friendly and versatile online system in this gen. But Sony released Plus and it's just a better deal. While PSN isn't nearly as friendly or as sexy as xbox live as a whole it's free. It's like if somebody told you that you can have a gourmet burger once a month for 8 bucks, or pay 8 bucks a month for chances at getting free sandwiches/burgers/fries whenever you wanted during each month. The gourmet burger will be better quality wise but as a deal/quantity the second is better.


Dean hit the nail on the head here: Microsoft has been moving towards a trend of making the xbox a set-top multimedia box over a gaming machine exclusively. Not to say gaming won't be the main focus but they've put most of their resources in acquiring online deals first and to get video streaming apps/etc. Also trying to get cable companies to sell the 360 instead of a cable box. I can't remember the last time they put money into a big studio to produce a good respectable exclusive. They see us as wallets that talk. Not to say that Sony and the rest don't, but at least they're more subtle about it. MS wants you to pay for gold for shit other services do for free and for the most part better (such as netflix), No thanks I'm done.


Heh. Funny enough I'm leaving MS when I'm the closest to having the money to not care about these relatively small expenses.

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Xbox LIVE used to far outstrip the online offering of PSN. But as competition goes, Sony upped their game; improving the framework, supporting developers and introducing their own subscription service. It's pretty safe to say that PS+ wouldn't exist were it not for Xbox LIVE.


Anyway, MS has mostly sabotaged their own gaming side of things, plus my gaming habits and tendencies have changed, so I can't see myself wanting the next Xbox except maybe for Halo (nor the next PlayStation either, really). Plus, having ads and a subscription service just pisses me off. Their research may show that their plans will make more money, but it's not something I, as a consumer, would care for. Sony has shown a strong offering for gamers, while MS is going a different route (one already adequately supported by PC).


Honestly, the subscription fee really doesn't bother me financially, but I feel a little insulted by MS's decisions. And even that's too strong a word. Just disappointed, I guess.

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Okay "microsoft entertainment console" not "microsoft entertainment computer". But yeah, don't buy the next xbox folks. Great grandaddy didn't fight in the war so you could grow up to buy the next xbox.


Also the blu-ray totting, free to watch netflix sub (and others) console is, as "everybody knows", not that good of an entertainment centre compared to the 360? This is the thing that gets me, they're both clearly fully equipped to do all your video n music on the side. But MS is the only one putting any major effort into it and yet Sony doesn't really have to even try much(beyond developing blu-ray) and trounces all over them.

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I disconnected my Kinect when I was watching Netflix, discussing the show with my wife, one of my gestures about what I was saying made it think I was "waving" to activate it, and then something I said caused it to stop the show and start a different show.  Horrible experience.


The Netflix app is also shitty as all hell.  Especially if you want to watch a specific episode of a TV series.  I've been using the PS3 as my primary media device for a couple years now, and I have Gold so it's not even like the price is the issue, I just find the PS3's implementation of the software better.


*Edit* - The only reason I was using the 360 that time is because PSN was down for maintenance so I couldn't connect.  That's the one place where Xbox beats PS3:  Live doesn't go down for maintenance three times a week.

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It's true.  One of my comic book loving friends wanted me to watch Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes with him a while before they dropped the shitty new Netflix interface.  Bugs the hell out of me because, surprise, I don't have any friends who live nearby and could just come over to watch stuff with me.

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Supposed leak on Kinect 2.0 specs. Does seem Kinectness could be a major component of Xbox 3 which could really suck (especially if a chunk of processor time is taken away to keep it running happy at all times regardless of Kinect tie ins with a game or not). As the article note, it's still a kinect and all the issue and pitfalls with gaming that entails.

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