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TAY's Top 53 Video Games


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It had a good story, good characters. The whole action RPG style at the time was very revolutionary. It's pretty much the same reason everyone loves Mass Effect now except that you got to be a Jedi which was even better IMO. It was also far more accessible than any other WRPG had ever been. So much less reading, inventory management and stat building.

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What the fuck? Warcraft III, the best fucking game in the history of video games is jointed with Super Smash Brothers fucking Brawl and that piece of shit Windwaker?




Kingdom Hearts is above Warcraft III?


No no no.




Kingdom Hearts is even on this list?


Next I expect to see that piece of shit Shadow of the Colossus with Kanji and Heartless 69'ing each other over the fact that they both stare at that game as they go down on each other.


Holy fucking shit. FFIX gets that high because Dean is dictator here and fucking TF2 is in the top five. Rolling my goddamn eyes.


Halo 3 and Halo above Halo 2? This is stupid.


Holy shit. Thank fucking God. Some goddamned sense with KotOR being number one.


I'll quote my great friend Yantelope if you don't agree with it:



Edited by Chewblaha
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A side note that deserves it's own post:


Halo is great. I have nothing against it, but Halo 2 improved it in every way possible.


First person mechanics that were broken were fixed. Online play. Wider variety of weapons. Better telling of it's story. A better story. Great plot hooks and turns. Great enemies. Great AI. Awesome Co-op that was improved greatly (YOU'RE JUST A PUSSY IF YOU DIED AND COMPLAINED THAT YOU HAD TO START OVER) putting in the skulls as a secret, hardcore way of doing things. Great easter eggs if you searched for them. Awesome cutscenes and cinematics. When it came out, it was probably the best looking console game in history. Great maps, great modes. Great everything.


Story was told correctly (as opposed to the abomination of Halo 3's [Albeit Halo 3 had great cutscenes] storytelling that made no goddamn sense) and the plot switches were done very well.


Improved vehicle control, improved everything.


Who cares about the magnum? The Battle Rifle was better in every way possible.


Halo 2 was easily one of the best console games ever made when it came out. That simple. Better than its predecessor and better than its successor and was the best Halo game out until Reach was released.


That simple. End rant.

Edited by Chewblaha
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I'd probably say I prefer Halo 2 as well, and I love the first game.


You can see my thoughts here: http://pressxordie.com/2010/09/13/greatest-halo-moments/


...but there are better ways of voicing your opinion, Chewie. :P



No there aren't.


Yes, there is, I'm just choosing to be like a spoiled little kid instead because I think it has greater dramatic effect.

Just stating the obvious.


I don't agree with all the choices on the list either, but I still respect their spots in the list because I think that even if they don't hold much value for me, there are others who think the game has merits worth mentioning.

Edited by Pirandello
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Spoiled? I couldn't give less shits. I'm just keeping with me being the only one who openly voices their opinions despite the current mode they are in.


Who the fuck are you?

So make your own list.


What? You thought this list was made for you? Beg pardon, sorry for not liking what you like.


Oh, and I'm the guy you bothered enough to respond to. Care to bother some more?

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What? You thought this list was made for you? Beg pardon, sorry for not liking what you like.


Oh, and I'm the guy you bothered enough to respond to. Care to bother some more?


No. I bothered to respond to someone who thought being cute and editing my statements would be fun. There was another guy who did that.


He, too, was a douchebag.

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Yes. It was a mess.

Here's, for the tunnel-visioned, a simple recap of Halo's plot.


Earth attacked. You go down to protect earth. You follow the ship's warp wake to a second Halo.

Meanwhile, as the Arbiter.


The Arbiter snuffs out a rebellion.

It just so happens that this rebellion reveals the true nature of the Great Journey. That would be activating Halo and destroying everything.


Suddenly, as Master Chief,

You find the flood's hive mind, Gravemind. And he reveals to you and the Arbiter the true cause of the Great Journey and reveals that everyone is fucked.


Then, as both characters,

You fight the Brutes, Jackals, and Drones.....and the flood, and you end up telling the Brutes the true nature, and Tartarus picks pride over sense and tries to kill everyone. You stop Halo from exploding and find out there is a master control point for Halo and that it's on Earth.






Don't worry. You're not dumb.


REALLY. You're not.

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I thought Halo was the far, far better game. Simply because I found the moment-to-moment gameplay much more fun and exciting.


Halo 2 removed the weight, and stripped the weapons down into what felt like plastic shits; I didn't even think the graphics were that great (SC: Chaos Theory came out not 4 months later and had graphics that are still great by today's standards, whereas Halo 2 is painful to see). It all felt light and airy fairy and insubstantial, I got no satisfaction from actually shooting and fighting enemies. In the original it had this great pace and FOV so you could see everything happening, take your time enjoying it and flanking enemies- where as in Halo 2 I just felt like I was slipping down an awkward flume with cardboard cutouts of enemies popping up on either side.


The story wasn't memorable either, I remember reaching the end, feeling disappointed that it didn't really conclude anything, and that I had no real idea of what had just happened. It didn't even develop the characters much- and that's the point of the three-act structure, something the Mass Effect series has made full use of. The plot may have been fine, Chewy, but it was told in a totally allovertheplace manner- making it coherent and simple and clear to follow is the most important thing. I didn't feel it did that. At least, it wasn't very fun experiencing it.


Bungie did a good job of removing filler levels like there were in the original, but the level design was still nowhere near the quality of Halo: CE's. I can only remember a couple of levels from Halo 2, and all of them I remember with a kind of distaste, as if I was fighting a common cold while playing them.


The multiplayer was revolutionary, but it was pretty much the birth of "asshole 6 year old" syndrome, so I stopped playing it very quickly. The aggressively competitive nature of it just exploded and it became less and less fun as time went on.


However, I don't really blame Bungie for any of the things I take issue with- Halo 2 and 3 were meant to be the same game, but Microshaft forced them to turn out titles quicker, so they had to divide their plans and the work they were putting in. I found Halo 3 much more enjoyable, but still not great. Halo: Reach gave closest to the joy I found in Halo: CE out of the other games. ODST was great too.



On-topic: It was a great list. Reflected the views of everyone who voted as best as possible. Good stuff.


@Cyber Rat: Good call, the complete lack of Resident Evil was weird. At least Silent Hill got in there, my #1 =D

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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Yes. It was a mess.

Here's, for the tunnel-visioned, a simple recap of Halo's plot.


Earth attacked. You go down to protect earth. You follow the ship's warp wake to a second Halo.

Meanwhile, as the Arbiter.


The Arbiter snuffs out a rebellion.

It just so happens that this rebellion reveals the true nature of the Great Journey. That would be activating Halo and destroying everything.


Suddenly, as Master Chief,

You find the flood's hive mind, Gravemind. And he reveals to you and the Arbiter the true cause of the Great Journey and reveals that everyone is fucked.


Then, as both characters,

You fight the Brutes, Jackals, and Drones.....and the flood, and you end up telling the Brutes the true nature, and Tartarus picks pride over sense and tries to kill everyone. You stop Halo from exploding and find out there is a master control point for Halo and that it's on Earth.






Don't worry. You're not dumb.


REALLY. You're not.


Maybe if it were actually explained in the game in such a concise and straightforward manner, many of us wouldn't be confused about it. The way a game tells a story is just as important as the strength of the plot itself.


Halo 2 removed the weight, and stripped the weapons down


Yes, this exactly. The surprisingly awesome pistol in 1 became crap in 2, and I was never really satisfied firing most of the weapons in the second game.

Edited by P4: Man of the Cloth
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Maybe if it were actually explained in the game in such a concise and straightforward manner, many of us wouldn't be confused about it. The way a game tells a story is just as important as the strength of the plot itself.



This. I tried to explain it, but you said it in a much clearer manner. While I knew what had happened in Halo 2, it didn't seem interesting or told in a remotely exciting way, so I couldn't lay it out clearly in my head.


Also, on the weapons: yeah, to me the whole thing felt like a world of light, cheap plastic. Whereas Halo; CE was all solid, tangible metal and blasting weapons. The whole thing just looked and felt better- even though Halo 2 may have had a better engine and graphics. The feel and design just ruined the sequel for me. Something I feel Reach generally addressed, though going back it's still not as classic-feeling as CE.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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