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If I remember correctly, Warhawk had Sony based servers (blue ranked servers in the server list), listen servers, or people could use their PS3s as a dedicated server for others. I believe the game gave you a trophy for providing a dedicated server for a certain amount of time, and possibly some other in-game reward to serve as an incentive. I don't remember exactly. I liked the concept, though, and I hope it comes back in Starhawk.

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Yeah it was four hours. First and probably last trophy I can say I earned in my sleep =p


I had a good time with Warhawk, and this looks better in every way possible. The inclusion of a 1P campaign is very welcome too, and looks pretty unique. This might even be a day-1 purchase for me.

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So finally looked up on this. It's very saturated, which I think does hurt the visuals a bit.


I think the "build n battle" thing is pretty suite, but it could possibly become a tad complex, I guess it does encourage you to be a foot soldier.

Certianly seems to be it's own thing, and if there's a decent amount of guys grabbing it it should be worth grabbing.


btw anyone have Warhawk? My housemate has it, could be worth a spin with a few of us.

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  • 8 months later...

Wow, I just spent a lot of time writing about my observations, only to have my strange touchpad placement and functionality kick me right between the legs and delete it all. It happens from time-to-time. I often periodically save long posts I'm typing on the web because of it, but I'm not always as diligent as I need to be, evidently.



Anyway, any other + subscribers fire this bad boy up yet?

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Yeah, I'm a little embarrassed by how long it took me to figure everything out. There are likely still a couple of elements or features that I'm completely oblivious of. I only discovered that the glowing barrels weren't for blowing up shit in the vicinity when I was playing this morning. At least my Warhawk experience left me familiar with the general control scheme and layout... though I think some of the button layout for ground (foot) combat may have changed.


But anyway, once I got past the intimidation of having so many choices of how to approach the battle, I started having a really good time. Those ground controls have improved big-time, along with the visuals, which are on a different level altogether. I have to say, I'm not sure how cool I am with the way the melee attacks seem to suck people into you, even if you aren't directly facing them. One of my only successful (small as it was) killstreaks took place when I forgot about shooting and just ran in a zig-zag up to the enemy and slashed. I'm sure that wasn't the intention of the devs, for people to do that. Also, unless I'm missing something and there is a way to toggle which side the reticle sits on, it doesn't seem like one can peer around the left side of a wall without exposing one's body completely...


They're tweaking frequently though, and I remember back during the Warhawk beta that these guys communicate well with their audience, so I have faith in them. The game still shines as it is anyway.


I don't know if it's just me, but it almost seems like the relationship between vehicles is much more like a game of rock, paper, scissors. I feel like while there was an element of that in the previous ones, it was much easier for someone to just stick to their choice mode of transport if they chose to and still do well, without necessarily being worthless to the team either. Just try to spend a whole round operating from a Hawk in this one though, and a lot of that time will be spent respawning. The removal of the hover mode greatly facilitates that, but I'm very pleased with the balance everything has achieved in this one. It makes you change your methods up, and give more thought to your approach.


It seems like the emphasis on team coordination and strategy has increased significantly with this pecking order that's harder to circumvent, which is a good thing, though it may not work so much in my favor, as I never really roll with a clan or anything.


But yeah, I'm going to be all over this shit when it drops. It's got a nice release date too, right before the summer lull. Great opportunity to get myself lost in a few weeks of mayhem. I'm definitely psyched.

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