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Agreed on the melee. It could use some precision. I've gotten way too many easy kills by people who don't realize how easy it is to do. You're right, there is no way to change the side of your reticule. Let's hope they patch that in. I have no experience with Warhawk but I find that you can't abuse the vehicles in this and I love that. While no one seems to use mics... there does seem to be a certain level of teamwork like you mention. Like, I'll throw down a beacon in one area, then suddenly people are building turrets around it, someone builds a garage, and we all hop in the truck and go for the flag. Good stuff.


Any idea if they're selling it with a mic? I have a USB one, but I wouldn't mind going for a bluetooth if it comes with one.

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Yeah, so far people do seem pretty good about following the next guy's lead. I have had a few matches where we've had like three different Hawk pads in the same vicinity, but I got over my sheepishness and just started reclaiming structures in those situations to balance out our resources.


I haven't heard anything about a mic bundle, but Warhawk had one when it came out, so I'd say the possibility is certainly there. They've released a new iteration of the official bluetooth earpiece since then too, so that possibility may actually be pretty good.


Quick question: Have you figured out where people are getting rocket launchers and sniper rifles? I thought at first that the sniper towers were the likely culprits for the latter, but the couple of times I climbed one I didn't find anything at the top. I can't even begin to imagine where people are getting shoulder rockets, they aren't in supply bunkers. Unless I'm just confused and the weapon I'm seeing people use isn't a rocket, but that thing that's mapped to "up" on the control pad...

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Yeah, so far people do seem pretty good about following the next guy's lead. I have had a few matches where we've had like three different Hawk pads in the same vicinity, but I got over my sheepishness and just started reclaiming structures in those situations to balance out our resources.


I haven't heard anything about a mic bundle, but Warhawk had one when it came out, so I'd say the possibility is certainly there. They've released a new iteration of the official bluetooth earpiece since then too, so that possibility may actually be pretty good.


Quick question: Have you figured out where people are getting rocket launchers and sniper rifles? I thought at first that the sniper towers were the likely culprits for the latter, but the couple of times I climbed one I didn't find anything at the top. I can't even begin to imagine where people are getting shoulder rockets, they aren't in supply bunkers. Unless I'm just confused and the weapon I'm seeing people use isn't a rocket, but that thing that's mapped to "up" on the control pad...


Sniper rifles are indeed in the towers. Perhaps you overlooked it or someone snagged it. Rocket launchers are in the supply depot/bunker things that cost 4... whatever the hell the building currency is. The same building that also has the shotgun. The thing that is mapped to up is indeed that rocket launcher and how you destroy vehicles and buildings easily. There's some things I'm still figuring out like the repair gun. I know where it spawns on one map, but not the smaller one.

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Well, it depends on which aspects turned you off. Control-wise the vehicles are mostly similar. The Hawks seem a bit more limited in that you can't hover in place anymore, and it doesn't seem like you can do a vertical 180 (which I'm pretty sure you could pull off in Warhawk), though I've only attempted that once. Instead of hovering though, they change into giant mechs. Depends on how that sits with you. The ground controls are far more solid despite the flaws we just mentioned in here. If that was something that bugged you then you will be pleased.


I think the beta is going PSN-wide next week, but don't quote me on that...

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Yeah, so far people do seem pretty good about following the next guy's lead. I have had a few matches where we've had like three different Hawk pads in the same vicinity, but I got over my sheepishness and just started reclaiming structures in those situations to balance out our resources.


I haven't heard anything about a mic bundle, but Warhawk had one when it came out, so I'd say the possibility is certainly there. They've released a new iteration of the official bluetooth earpiece since then too, so that possibility may actually be pretty good.


Quick question: Have you figured out where people are getting rocket launchers and sniper rifles? I thought at first that the sniper towers were the likely culprits for the latter, but the couple of times I climbed one I didn't find anything at the top. I can't even begin to imagine where people are getting shoulder rockets, they aren't in supply bunkers. Unless I'm just confused and the weapon I'm seeing people use isn't a rocket, but that thing that's mapped to "up" on the control pad...


Sniper rifles are indeed in the towers. Perhaps you overlooked it or someone snagged it. Rocket launchers are in the supply depot/bunker things that cost 4... whatever the hell the building currency is. The same building that also has the shotgun. The thing that is mapped to up is indeed that rocket launcher and how you destroy vehicles and buildings easily. There's some things I'm still figuring out like the repair gun. I know where it spawns on one map, but not the smaller one.


Ah, ok thanks for that. They (the rockets) just didn't look the same coming out of enemies shooting at me while I was in a Hawk so I wasn't sure. I haven't seen one repair kit yet, I was wondering if they had ditched them altogether. There is probably a lot I haven't seen...

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Well, it depends on which aspects turned you off. Control-wise the vehicles are mostly similar. The Hawks seem a bit more limited in that you can't hover in place anymore, and it doesn't seem like you can do a vertical 180 (which I'm pretty sure you could pull off in Warhawk), though I've only attempted that once. Instead of hovering though, they change into giant mechs. Depends on how that sits with you. The ground controls are far more solid despite the flaws we just mentioned in here. If that was something that bugged you then you will be pleased.


I think the beta is going PSN-wide next week, but don't quote me on that...


I loved hovering in Warhawk, but turning into mechs is just as cool... The ground controls were really where I felt there needed to be improvements.

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Thanks for the heads up on the rocket launcher functionality. It all makes sense now.


Since I hadn't used a sniper rifle until a couple of days ago, I decided to go a little snipe happy the past few times I'm playing, and I must say I'm very pleased with how well that thing works. Very neat.


On a sadder note, I thought I finally earned 1st in a TDM when I went 9-1, but I only placed third. I suppose building factors more into the score than I suspected.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Did you ever find anything out on that topic Dean?


I'm about to put a few dollars down on this game this weekend. I won't be able to invest heavy hours for a couple of weeks still, but I really want in on this game @ ground level. Feel free to send a PSN inv anyone, PristineSneakers.

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I agree with johnny 100%. Funny thing is I liked warhawk enough to buy it day one and this is better than Warhawk. I just started to get tired of warhawks arcade-y feel (which is actually a nice change from the realistic shooters we have now) and Starhawk decided to keep that arcade-y feel. That's not a bad thing, but its not what I'm looking for at the moment.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure the first one was $40 on account of it not having a 1P mode, so I'm expecting this one to be $60. Don't quote me on that though. Good news for me, as I was pretty let down by Warhawk not having a 1p campaign. It sucks that this game might have been cheaper without it (and in turn more accessible), but oh well. I'm happy to give them my $60, which is not something I do often.

Edited by FredEffinChopin
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I think Starhawk will be very, very worth buying. The beta was fun but a little thin; the full game isn't going to be thin. It'll be bloated. With big maps and lots of game modes. So, so looking forward to it.


Just going to have to wait a couple of months before I can afford it :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

These people are awesome. Way to take care of the community. I even pre-ordered at Gamestop just so I could get this stuff. I'm wrestling with Sony to get my month of free PS+ activated (they were accusing Gamestop of having neglected to pass it on to me at first), but once that's set it'll have been worth dealing with my local Gamestop to get this one.


I can't wait to dig in to this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This game is making me feel like shit. I've never experienced abuse like this in my life. I'll admit that part of it is a likely result of my unfamiliarity with it (I suck), but some of it is kinda the result of shitty people and a game structure that allows them to be shitty. Spawn-camping seems to be the order of the day on there. Even if one team outnumbers the other, they show no shame in a TDM. They will bring all their tanks, trucks, and Hawks over to the enemy camp and just smoke people as they land in the spawn area. They even plant turrets right there at the base. Many games end with one team not being able to breathe and everyone just leaving. Not cool at all. It seems like people just don't care. I've even seen a video where someone shows you the best and cheesiest way to spawn-camp in order to win a trophy for coming out of a DM in 1st with no deaths. I guess it was too much work to start a 2-person room called "trophy" like I did, and snag the trophy that way.


Despite that though, and various connection/loading errors, I'm still enjoying the game a lot. It really makes me wish I had an accommodating schedule and a group of people who play that I wouldn't mind listening to on mic on a regular basis. I'd really like to be in a solid clan, in other words, so I can participate in some real and effective teamplay. I'd also like to get some co-op going, but it's kinda busted atm if you try to just find a random partner. Evidently it will work w/ an invite, so I might just befriend a stranger on a forum to do it. Can you believe that with a friends list @ around 90 only one other person has this game? Sad...

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It's not really possible, at least not in a smaller match, which for some reason I seem to find myself in most of the time. You have to escape the drop zone to plant one anyplace meaningful (provided you have the rift energy to do so), and you can't do that if your drop zone has been littered with auto-turrets and there are trucks, tanks, and hawks standing around watching your drop pod fall from the sky. Also, with only 2-3 people on a team, a fresh drop zone with no resources or rift sources won't help much, as the guys with vehicles will be on you as you drop, and you still have nothing but the rifle. You pretty much have to hope you can reach a spot a vehicle can't reach before they get to you, and be damn sharp with that rifle.


I guess I should stay away from the smaller matches, but with online functionality being so spotty on it (and me wanted to avoid anymore unnecessary awkward reboots that cause my PS3 to rebuild the file system), I've felt safer just letting the game match me up within my mode parameters. Usually when I find a solid game I just try to stick in that room as long as possible >.> I'd be more irritated about it if I wasn't certain that my PS3 might be at least a small part of the problem. There is a patch coming soon though, hopefully it'll do good things.


For the record, I hadn't experienced that in the beta either. I can't really figure out why... Maybe I mainly stuck with CTF or something? Or maybe the etiquette was generally better. Either way though, I don't approve of the brutal spawn-camping that goes on. It seems like I might be in the minority though....

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