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Dragon's Dogma


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At inns, like the one at the encampment will let you learn new skills, but I'll tell you right now that the capital (Gran Soren) is suppose to be the world's hub. The inn there will allow you to do everything you can to your character and items. You'll unlock more skills in your vocation by ranking up, basically gaining experience in that vocation.


Word of advice, only your character can be a hybrid class. Your main pawn can only be the standard or advanced vocations which are Warrior, Ranger, and Sorcerer. Kinda bummed me out as I was planning on making my pawn an Assassin, but I believe the reason for this is because the hybrid classes are more effective through the user. What I mean by this is that technically you can use two vocation weapons, i.e. as a magick archer I can have both daggers and a staff. You can only equip one at a time, but theoretically I could just equip the staff during a fight.


As of now, I'm working on my pawn's Warrior vocation, but it kinda bums me (again) that if I kept her as a Fighter, it's not as "specialized" a vocation as a Warrior. Though, she was quite amazing as a Ranger.


I want to try out Assassin, but I'm working on ranking up Strider again. Being a Magick Archer is pretty cool, but your magic arrows are not going to be as great if you don't focus on magic even though you can use daggers.


EDIT: I'm going to add you on PSN tomorrow MBM39 (if you have this game on PS3). If you want, you can use my pawn as Friends can enlist each others' pawns no matter the level. Usually high level pawns will cost you Rift Crystals, but a friend of mine was ahead and so I used his Lv. 27 Sorcerer when I was at Lv. 19 and stuck because of some powerful bandits.

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Yesterday I finally buckled down, was satisfied with my character's and my pawn's equipment, and tackled the Everfall. Did about half of the Chambers, faced the final boss, and at Lv. 64, it wasn't that challenging. I used one health item just in case my pawn or I got hit by some deadly combination (if you know the true boss, you'll get this...)


So yeah, a spoiler...


I like the "true battle" stuff, and for the most part the final portion of the plot I enjoyed. I did most of the quests that reveal why certain things happen, so it's not nearly as out there if you see this beforehand. Still, the very end is very goofy if you made an opposite gender pawn. There's this "leaking" effect explain in the Witch Hunt quest where a pawn begins developing into a human if their Arisen master has a strong will.


Well, rather than your pawn simply becoming human, they take on your form. In the true ending, they end up on the beach of your hometown, along with your "love interest." I quote that because love interests are vague and no one person is locked in that position. I accidentally did the quest to save the duchess after a certain main quest (I thought I was heading to the Duke's Manse, but had not selected the proper quest), so she wasn't my love interest even though she, along with your "best friend" Quina, are the only obvious lovers.


So I had Madeline my first go during the battle with the Dragon, which isn't too bad even if she is kind of a crook. She's explicitly given the biggest breasts in the game, and I mean try making a female pawn with big breasts. I didn't for my pawn, but technically my pawn has the second-to-largest size option. Madeline's are on another scale.


Who appeared in my true ending? I made an "Arisen's Bond" out of the "Love-In-The-Rough" material you only get when you save the duchess, and there's only two things you can do with it: Upgrade a Knight's costume fully, or make an Arisen's Bond with a Noonflower. Make a forgery, give that forgery to a person and they'll have max affinity to you. I decided, hey, why not give it to Montebank? He'll have better items, possibly prices, right? His items sucked and I don't know if his prices were cheaper.


So yeah, he was the one who showed up as my "interest" to greet my newly transformed pawn.






EDIT: So this isn't left out of the spoiler: Dragon's Dogma has an arbitrary love interest system. You could end up with the lovely duchess who wants to sex you, or you could end up with a sweaty fat man simply because you helped him on a quest and bought stuff from him.

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Yeah fair enough mate. Def one of those games which isn't going to lead you through, and to, fun scenarios; you need to make the fun yourself. Needs a certain mindset. Maybe come back to it in future. I had to do that with FarCry 2 which I think does the same thing.

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The post-dragon stuff is really fun and since I have the guide it led me to the "secrets" throughout the world once there's "the event."


The Everfall itself is really fun, but all the good stuff available from the pawn merchants is very expensive. People have suggested doing New Game+ and saving your money. I began doing this, but New Game+ is really bland. The difficulty doesn't scale, but this is obvious for two reasons: 1) set enemy stats, and 2) first-time challenge.


Part of the challenge in Dragon's Dogma is knowing that certain enemies are very tough, ergo "difficulty." For example, when you head back to Gran Soren after defeating the Dragon, all the Giant Undead, Hellhounds, and Succubi are going to give you more trouble than the Dragon itself. In New Game+, most of the enemies are going to be fonder to you, though I've found some can still mess you up like certain bandit types. You're not going to have access to the truly amazing gear until getting back to the Everfall, or if you feel like defeating the Ur-Dragon in offline mode.


In online mode... Yeah, the Ur-Dragon has only been killed 103 on PS3 as of July 30th, and only 52 times on 360 since July 24th. Considering that the Ur-Dragon increases in health each time it is defeated, yeah, you're lucky if you end up at the right time and have the skill to deal the final blow. I mean, the Ur-Dragaon in Offline Mode nearly has 1,470,000 in Health. I can only imagine what the Online Ur-Dragon's Health is now...


To put that into perspective, the Dragon (and Archydra) has 100,000 in Health.


So yeah, New Game+ is rather grueling. Sometimes you don't want to rush because there are time sensitive quests, and there are typically benefits to doing them. I mean, I was planning on doing different Notice Board quests and the alternate quests that I passed up. It isn't worth the effort many times, and even when you're so powerful Escort missions are still a pain in the ass. After all, you're only as strong as your weakest ally. That would be the escort, the person that can only be healed by a spell, certain health items, and defended by certain curatives.


Still really enjoy the game, just my plans for trying out different vocations and spicing up my pawn are going so slowly since you get piss amounts of exp in the beginning of the game. She makes for a great Warrior, but the fun in having different vocations is mixing your Augments. Now I think I'll look through the guide to see if being a Mage any longer is worth it.


EDIT: Oh, but there is truly one amazing perk to New Game+: Purchasable Portcrystals!


Seriously, you only get one your first time, but second time around and you can set up a system of them. I have a stash of Ferrystones, so I'll make it work.

Edited by Atomsk88
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Once I started New Game+, I ended up buying about six Portcrystals and setting them up (in conjunction with the one you get normally) like this:


1) The cliff just right outside the back entrance of the Witchwood that's close to Cassadris.

2) Right outside the Shadow Fort.

3) Bloodwater Beach.

4) The Healing Spring near the Duke's Manse.

5) Hillfigure Knoll

6) The Great Encampment

7) Blue Moon Tower


Yup, I spent a fair amount of money to avoid having to escort anyone anywhere for the most part.

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1) The cliff just right outside the back entrance of the Witchwood that's close to Cassadris.

Yep, did that last night after going through the Witchwood once. Selena glitched or something, so I need to go back there sometime, but only when another quest permits it. I guess I could have gone back through the exit and that would have fixed things.


Anything that requires Selena, King Bay Leaves, or Metal Golems makes putting a Portcrystal there worth it, not to mention that it does make for a great Cassadris waypoint.

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I would say that as long as you went through the Everfall and got to the true ending, you can say you're finished. As I've said before, New Game+ doesn't offer a lot, just a few perks.


Sure, there is something a little special when you get to the final boss again, but putting in another 35+ hours isn't worth it unless you love the game and have the time to go through different quests.

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