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What game have you logged the most time in?


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So I put COD4 in my top 15 games because I realized that I had logged over 13 days of online time in that game maxing out my rank fully after 10 prestiges. We all have a favorite game but it's not always the game that has occupied the most of our life. I'm curious what game you think you've sunk more hours in than anything else.


Halo 3 or 2 has to be close to that but they don't log total hours on those games so I can't say with any degree of accuracy. Halo 3 I've logged 1639 games online and if each game averaged 10 minutes that would be a little more than 11 days online. Sadly I can't pull my Halo 2 stats because I cancelled that account but I bet it's close.

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Yeah, Halo 2 and COD4 should be up there with me as well. Of recent games, Minecraft for sure is king. I've been playing that game on and off a month after it came out.


Other games for sure are Scott Pilgrim and Earth Defense Force 2017. They are there because I went ahead to 100% Scott and I also tried my best to remain in the top 15 in the leaderboards. Yeah I know... it useless but hey, I was there. EDF is my next game to 100% and will take forever. So hard...

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Well, for the "newer" games, i have some 300 hours of BC2 on PC + at least 100 on the PS3. As for the older ones, i have no idea, but i've played some for months. Fallout 1/2, Baldurs Gate 1/2/expansions, Battlefield 2142, Battlefield 2, Heroes of Might and Magic 2/3, Starcaft, Warcraft 3 Quake 2/3 etc. I'm pretty sure i have at least 1000 hours in any one of those. Too lazy to type all the others in which i have at least ~500 hours.


Wow, when i look at it like this, i've sure wasted a lot of time.


Edit: Osnap, i forgot WoW and Warhammer Online. Ugh, i don't even want to think how much time went on those two...

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Ragnarok Online probably sits at the top since I played that on and off for several years... More recently and with an actual number attached to it TF2 is at 1364 hours. I've probably sunk a good chunk of time into Minecraft though no idea how much.


Same here!


It's the game I've logged the most time into. I've been playing it on and off consistently for over three years, and I only stopped at the beginning of this year. Eh, stuff gets old.

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Probably ST:Voyager Elite Force (RPG-X Mod). I've got 436 hours recorded on XFire, but that's only a fraction of what I imagine the number actually is. Team Fortress 2 (172hrs on XFire), Oblivion & Fallout 3 are likely all contenders for second most played - but I've rarely been logged into XFire while playing those.

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I spent several months playing Morrowind and the expansions, but I couldn't give a number of hours.


For recorded hours of play, it would be FFXII, at +155 hours. Persona 4 has over 170 hours logged, but I used the leveling 'cheat' for about 18 of those hours. From all the times I died and the time I'm putting into the True Ending, however, it could have more actual play time than FFXII.

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According to my Raptr, the top 4 out of 5 games I had invested the most time in are all MMORPGs (amounting to over 1100+ hours total).


Those were back in the days where I was more impressionable and the lack of content didn't bother me all that much.

Edited by Pirandello
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