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E3 Predictions


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This one got the most votes so I'm gonna set this one up first. E3 Betting will take a bit more work since I need to come up with the various bets and guestimate odds.


So the rules are:

  • Make 10 Predictions each. No more, no less.
  • Post more than 10 and the first ten will be counted, post less and they'll be counted as "losing" predictions.
  • You have until 3rd June to post and edit your predictions*
  • You cannot predict something that is already confirmed (I'll be checking)
  • Do not be overly generic e.g in the vein of "3DS games announced" or something.


Scoring is as follows:

  • It costs nothing to "enter"
  • Correct prediction will net you TAY$30
  • Incorrect prediction will lose you TAY$5
  • An incorrect prediction is something that is either completely wrong, or just doesn't happen
  • You can pick one from my pre-selected pool of predictions to net a possible TAY$300 but with a potential loss of TAY$60
  • You don't have to pick from the pool, but hey TAY$300 is TAY$300

Suggestions for to predict:

  • Release date of an announced game. To the month.
  • Features, name and games of "Project Cafe"
  • Games to be announced
  • Conference guest appearances (Beatles, James Cameron, Kevin Butler, it's a mixed bag)
  • Surprise announcements: aka "everyone gets a free xbox!"
  • NGP name, price, and release
  • Price Drops (to within $10 either way)
  • etc


Deans Mystery Prediction Pool

  • NGP announced to cost $250
  • Xbox 360 Successor is announced
  • HL2: Episode 3 is properly announced
  • FFXIII: Versus is dated for first half of 2012**
  • OnLive/Gaikia support for console(s).
  • Bungies Activision game announced
  • Revamp of XBL, MP to go free
  • Gears of War/Halo gets Kinect support
  • 3DS Main Pokemon title announced
  • Final Fantasy HD Collection (FFX-XII)


To make this all the more worthwhile I will be looking into adding a bunch of stuff to the itemstore.


Remember: This is all for FUN!


This is the exhibitor list, should help guide you:


These are the games coming:



*This is to give me time to check up on what people have posted and so things don't start to become too obvious as time gets closer.

**It goes against my stipulation, but tbh I don't want to be too specific n screw you guys out of TAY$60

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I assume predicting that Nintendo will unveil a new console would be cheating.


Predictions: I will take your GOW/Halo kinect prediction, so 9 more

2.New Mario Galaxy game is shown with Project Cafe

3. Project Cafe will have Moviebobs crazy theory

4. Sony will unveil new PS3 with backwards compaibility

5. Sly 4 official reveal

6.Showing off new downloadable Alan Wake

7. Valve shows up despite their word they wont

8. Pikmin 3 announced

9. EA announces Mirrors Edge 2

10. Halo HD remake confirmed by Microsoft

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I assume predicting that Nintendo will unveil a new console would be cheating.


It's rule number 4, can't predict things that are already confirmed. What you can do, as suggested, is predict it's name (current rumours are "Feel" and "Stream"), what games will be announced for it, how much it is priced at, etc.

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I assume predicting that Nintendo will unveil a new console would be cheating.


It's rule number 4, can't predict things that are already confirmed. What you can do, as suggested, is predict it's name (current rumours are "Feel" and "Stream"), what games will be announced for it, how much it is priced at, etc.

Just so you know, it has been confirmed that Bungie's next game will NOT be announced at E3 this year.

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I assume predicting that Nintendo will unveil a new console would be cheating.


It's rule number 4, can't predict things that are already confirmed. What you can do, as suggested, is predict it's name (current rumours are "Feel" and "Stream"), what games will be announced for it, how much it is priced at, etc.

Just so you know, it has been confirmed that Bungie's next game will NOT be announced at E3 this year.

Halo remake being announced is still possible though.

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I'm generally totally wrong about these predictions but they're fun anyway.


1. For my Dean bonus pick I'm going with Xbox successor announced mostly because I really want to see it happen.

Next predictions.

2.New Halo Game announced by 343 studios. (probably a Halo CE remake)

3.FF Versus XIII is totally absent from the show. (Does this count?)

4.Microsoft announces a portable system.

5.Sony and Microsoft announce that the next generation system will be a joint venture.

6.Red Dead Redemption sequel is revealed.

7.Metal Gear Solid Rising is scheduled for release in March 2012.

8.Modern Warfare 3 release confirmed for November.

9.Kings and Castles gets shown and given a target launch window.

10.Sony shows off new 3D headset for PS3 as an alternative to current displays.

Edited by Deanb
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Sony and Microsoft announce that the next generation system will be a joint venture.

I would so very much love for this to be true. Or rather, I would love for them to agree on a game standard which they can both make hardware for, like how lots of different companies can make DVD players.


Red Dead Redemption sequel is revealed.

This would also be awesome.

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All right, I'm going to predict not what I think will happen, but what I want to happen that's still somewhat feasible. Because predicting what I think will actually happen would depress me horribly. So, without further ado:


1. Dragon Quest X shown in trailer form and given a "next year" release date

2. Last Story confirmed for US release this year

3. Xenoblade confirmed for US release this year

4. Touch screen controller that creates the illusion of texture confirmed for Wii 2

5. Super Mario 3DS confirmed for release in October

6. Kirby Wii announced for release in August

7. Activision publicly drops lawsuit(s) against the Modern Warefare guys as a publicity push

8. Nintendo's new marketing VP shows up, and the internet doesn't hate him

9. Red Steel 3 shown for Wii 2

10. Zelda Skyward Sword confirmed for separate release on Wii and Wii 2 (come on, we've all seen it coming by now)

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For my Dean bonus pick I'm going with Xbox successor announced mostly because I really want to see it happen.


Ah crap sorry. I tried making it clear but I guess there's some leeway. The predictions from my pool is one that can replace one of your other 10. You can only make 10 predictions. Either 10 all your own, or 9 your own and 1 from my pool.


As for the rest, yeah I guess "game doesn't show" is fine. There's a decent chance it will though.


Modern Warfare 3 release confirmed for November. :/ I guess that's fine too. :P


Kings and Castles gets uncancelled. - afaik, and my houseamate has been following this very closely, it's not cancelled, just on hold while they work on AoE:Online. This might be a decent one to swap out.



1. Dragon Quest X shown in trailer form and given a "next year" release date

2. Last Story confirmed for US release this year

3. Xenoblade confirmed for US release this year

Release date of an announced game. To the month.

The rest are cool though.

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Sony and Microsoft announce that the next generation system will be a joint venture.

I would so very much love for this to be true. Or rather, I would love for them to agree on a game standard which they can both make hardware for, like how lots of different companies can make DVD players.


Red Dead Redemption sequel is revealed.

This would also be awesome.



Yeah, I really think they'd both stand to make a ton of money too if they both signed up and made the uberconsole. Sadly it'll probably never happen.

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1. Dragon Quest X shown in trailer form and given a "next year" release date
Release date of an announced game. To the month.

The rest are cool though.

I think this one's okay too, because if I'm reading it correctly he's saying that they will actually specifically announce "next year" or "2012" as the release date. Under that reading, if instead they said like "May 2012" he would be wrong, and lose the points.

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1.) Dean's Mystery Pool of Death - Bungie's Activision game announced

2.) The Darkness II dated for November 2011

3.) Borderworlds (Borderlands sequel) announced

4.) Super Smash Bros. 3D announced for 3DS

5.) Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles announced for Wii successor

6.) NGP priced at $349

7.) GTAV announced

7a.) No PC version

8.) Xenoblade and The Last Story to be localized for US release in 2011

9.) TimeSplitters 4 announced to be taken off hold and to be released for 360, PS3, and Wii successor in 2012

10.) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater remake announced

11.) Half-Life 3 dated for Sep. 30, 2003 2011

Edited by Deanb
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I personally think that Half-Life 3 will never ever happen.


Also I agree with Deans pick that NGP = $300 but I didn't choose that as my bonus because I want it to be cheaper. If it's $250 I'm seriously considering getting one and making that my primary MP3 player and forgoing the smartphone.


Oh and Dean, are we talking $300 for either the 3G or non-3G version?

Edited by Yantelope
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I personally think that Half-Life 3 will never ever happen.


Also I agree with Deans pick that NGP = $300 but I didn't choose that as my bonus because I want it to be cheaper. If it's $250 I'm seriously considering getting one and making that my primary MP3 player and forgoing the smartphone.


Oh and Dean, are we talking $300 for either the 3G or non-3G version?

Half-Life 3, or whatever the next installment will be called, has already been confirmed. It's just a matter of when.


I think even $300 is a long shot for the NGP to be honest. It's got more powerful hardware and a bigger screen than Apple's iPhone, which retails for $599 for the smaller version. I know Sony's willing to take loss on hardware, but it just seems like that would be cutting too deep even for them.

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There is a fair amount of equipment in a phone that wont be in the NGP and there's a bit of profit in that $599 too. I think Sony knows that it would be product suicide to launch anything for more than $300. Personally I think sales will be sluggish at anything over $250. The 3DS has been slow to sell and I think pricing is part of the problem there in addition to the 3D not going over well.

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Yeah Apple have a 30% profit policy, so at least $200 can be shaved off that $599.


Also a slight oh-shit moment. Just realised I'm thinking the wrong price. Sorry guys I was meant to put it down as $250. As in to launch at the same price as the 3DS. Feel free to change your choice if that changes anything. Just noticed that people didn't seem weirded out by the price of any 3DS comparison and did a check on Gamestop. (it sells for £200 AKA $300 over here)

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So mine are:


  • Mystery bag: Final Fantasy HD collection announced
  • Grand Theft Auto V announced
  • Timesplitters 4 announced.
  • Mass Effect 3 for February 2012
  • Kinect for $100
  • Skype for Xbox
  • Super Smash Brothers for Project Cafe launch.
  • Kevin Butler at Sony Conference again
  • Playstation Vita


I'll add a few more later.

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