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The Final Fantasy Type-0 Thread


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As an avid PSPer/RPG fan/Square Enix fanboy, this is one of my most anticipated games of 2011. There's been lots of screenshots in the past few months, and today, at a Dissidia tournament, actual footage was shown.





Is anyone else excited?

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Loved Loved Loved gameplay from Crisis Core although the story left much to be desired. Gotta say though this is looking better in every department, and I can`t believe they originally planned to make this a mobile phone game. It`s massive. Am cautiously optimistic.


Also, I should mention that this game used to be called Final Fantasy Agito XIII just for those who are a bit confused.

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Yeah it's one of the only PSP games to require two UMD games. It must have been completely different as a portable.


  On 5/21/2011 at 10:20 PM, Hakidia said:

Never heard of it.

As DarkMalice mentioned, it use to be called Final Fantasy Agito XIII, but it was renamed Type-0 this January. It's like Crisis Core meets Harry Potter.

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This game has been giving me good vibes for a while now. However, I really don't care for most of what Square-Enix has made over the last couple of years. I'm going to go with cautiously optimistic, but it all comes down to the story. SE can make good stories, but when it happens it almost seems like an accident.

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  On 7/20/2011 at 12:52 PM, MasterDex said:

I' m looking forward to getting my hands on this but man, it's been coming out for quite some time. This actually started as a phone game. Thank fuck they decided to throw it onto the PSP.


I think you're getting confused with third birthday. That started out as a phone game.

This was always meant to be part of the Fabula Nova blahblahblah series. However last year they had a change of heart and wanted to make this a series on its own and thus we got type 0. But yes it's been in conceptual stage since 2005.

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  On 7/20/2011 at 8:29 PM, WTF said:
  On 7/20/2011 at 12:52 PM, MasterDex said:

I' m looking forward to getting my hands on this but man, it's been coming out for quite some time. This actually started as a phone game. Thank fuck they decided to throw it onto the PSP.


I think you're getting confused with third birthday. That started out as a phone game.

This was always meant to be part of the Fabula Nova blahblahblah series. However last year they had a change of heart and wanted to make this a series on its own and thus we got type 0. But yes it's been in conceptual stage since 2005.


Actually, both Agito and 3rd Birthday started out as cell phone games but were both moved to the PSp back in 08 I think. They were tired of waiting for phones capable of handling those games.

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