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I've been waiting (read: hoping) for a new Carmageddon game. That was a series I spent many, many hours on as a kid. Absolutely loved 1, Splat Pack and 2. Brilliant and distinctive car designs, some neat little courses across wide-open levels and punny driver names. You didn't even have to race; you could wipe out every zombie on the map or waste all your opponents. Never did kill every zombie (trust me, there were about 300+ on a 'map') but sometimes wasting people wasn't always an option, especially when the police get involved.


This game was the first I knew to include a replay feature; the only ones I can remember after that were Burnout 1 and Halo 3 onwards (Halo's rules all). More games should have that.


The cars felt really weighty and it was great fun smashing them together (then hammering Backspace to repair yourself). If I recall you actually had to use the numpad (ie. your right hand) for steering, which would play havoc with people's brains nowadays, I'm sure. It was also pretty cool trying to take down bigger opponents like the huge dump truck or police vehicles.


The second game (although Splat Pack had enough content to be considered a whole new game) featured 'proper' 3D for things like as well as actual bits coming off of vehicles. Made for a lot of cool little crashes and I believe you could pop the doors open in hope of splattering a zombie. Chewie would probably love the Iron Maiden soundtrack as well (which did fit the game perfectly). It introduced timed missions to, I think, bookend different maps and though they were very tough, they were doable and it felt good when you nailed them...while racing along to Aces High.


I did play some multiplayer with friends in the third game (TDR 2000) and I think online modes in a new game would be awesome.


Really want to play this again now...


I remember thinking this was the best looking game ever...


p.s. I've put this in multi-platform because I'm pretty sure any new entry in the series will be across consoles at least.

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I enjoyed the old ones back in the day.


It's one of those series that, I feel, would only get better as the power of our machines improve. As the simulation gets more and more fun and epic. And as long as it keeps the pulpy mess action spirit of the old games, which is really the key thing.


Old school Carmageddon with a contemporary physics engine would be unreal =D

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Trust Kanji to take 'the opposite side'. :rolleyes:


I'm worried by how many people are psyched about this news. This series was awful. Like, really, truly fucking awful. And not in the, "this is mediocre series where you can overlook the flaws if the content appeals to you" way, but the "this series fails on all levels at being a good product" way. It's akin to seeing, "Bubsy 3D getting a reboot/sequel" and the comments filled with praise. I can't even fathom how such a retarded thing could happen.
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That's odd, considering the site is registered to them.


Ah, now it makes sense


A source familiar whois.sc followed the trail:


1) http://whois.domaintools.com/carmageddon.com

2) http://whois.domaintools.com/

“3 websites use this address. (examples: 2fatladiesrecords.com carmageddon.com theohmz.com)”

4) theohmz.com

“for all enquiries Adam Radestock”

5) http://uk.linkedin.com/in/raddish

Systems Manager at Stainless Games

6) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stainless_Games

“the company then went on to develop what later became Carmageddon”


Looks like the original developers are remaking Carmageddon.


Edited by Hot Heart
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They're doing great! Nearly halfway.


That sounds awesome.


Looking back at your old 2011 reply, Kanji's comment; it's easy to play Carmageddon and just label it as wasteware. It's one of those games where you really have to not give a shit and just enjoy the chaos. Replaying it as many times as you can was key. If you played to win you'd probably lose. I learnt that from the demo, playing it over and over. Then playing the game and playing it over and over.

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