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Games you want to see get made!


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I, like most of you, often find myself thinking about how cool it would be if there was a game that was x,y, or z. Frankly its part of our nature as gamers to find something we like and see it fully realized, and even more awesome when you start to develop ideas in your head that are probably not going to happen.


So I decided it would be cool if we could have a safe environment to lay out game ideas that we think would be pretty neat, without any negative criticism. Lets be honest, we've all thought about writing that letter to your favorite game developer with a game idea.


I'll start with one that I've wanted for so long now. Remember the only limitation is your imagination.


Game type: Superhero Sandbox


Description: A sandbox game where you create and play your own superhero, Something similar to Champions Online, DCUO or CoX, but instead of an online game it would be a single player game. The game would have character progression, non linear story telling and a huge urban city filled with petty crime, villains, random bank robberies, and huge events. There would be chapters where the city ends up in a huge crisis needing you to fix the issues similar to how Oblivion gates affected the world in ESIV. The world is an original world with a background of heroes and villains made up exclusively for this game with "comics" for you to pick up and discover the background on the many many characters that inhabit this world.


The game would start out as you creating your character choosing powers, body type, gender and attitude (simple stuff like serious, strong, silly) and you are sent through a tutorial level in a lab where you gain your powers based off of the origin you choose in the creator. You are given a series of obvious moral choices, and depending on how you react to them will determine if you are a villain or a hero. This will create two separate stories: The villain role or the hero role. After you complete the mission either the established hero or villain will recruit you allowing you to make your costume. Thus your character now has an identity to show the world.


After the first chapter you will be given another set of moral choices allowing you to become the anti-villain/anti-hero if you feel you want to be. You now have two more stories branching out giving a total of four different stories. This will allow you to have a second costume to show the world. If you are a villain you can do villainous deeds like rob banks, train heists and the like, and heroes will have side quests to stop similar deeds.


I would love to see the minds of the people at Rockstar take on this project, they seem to make the best open world games, but I wouldn't mind seeing Sucker Punch or Naughty Dog take this project either. It would control like a third person action game.


So now its your turn, go ahead tell me what you think of my idea or put your own game idea out there! This is all in good fun!


**PS Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, I thought it would be OK in the general gaming forum**

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I always wanted a game where you could be a complete monster. I mean some really fucked up shit. Like in red dead red dead redemption as soon as I found out you could hog tie people I found a woman and put her on train tracks. Needless to say but stuff like that is when I really have fun in games.

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Game Type: RPG Parody


Description: A humorous, tongue-in-cheek role-playing game done in the classic 16-bit JRPG style, with a four-person party and turn-based battle system. The twist is that every quest you are given is unable to be completed until you run an errand for someone else, so that by the end of the game you are 100 times removed from the original goal. It would go something like this:


Player awakens, has amnesia, is told that he's the only one who can kill the Big Bad and save the world, so he must retrieve the Tear-Covered Sword of Sorrow from the Mountain of Misery. When he gets there, the gate is locked, so he is told he must retreive the key from the Black Wizard (who is, you know, black), so the Wizard has the key but first wants him to kill the miniature rats that have been stealing his crops, but the rats need a special pesticide that's only available in the next town over, Vitrol Village (everyone there is angry)... etc etc etc for 30 hours.


The payoff is that at the end, you get the final item that you need, you have 100 quest items, and you go back through the game world rapidly completing all your quests that you started dozens of hours before in a chain until you finally go to kill the Big Bad and... I don't know, something funny. Maybe he wasn't bad at all, just misunderstood? Or he's died of old age waiting for someone to attack him?

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I want a wrestling game that focuses on the act and showmanship of it all. Instead of trying to actually hit someone, you would use the dialog system in Alpha Protocol to try and make a decent intimidation speech. Before a match, your employers instruct you on exactly how the match should play out, and if you deviate from their plan at all, you take penalties from a few points off to a Game Over (You're fired!). During the actual match, you have to focus on making it look convincing, and perform your moves to the letter without ever really hitting your opponent. You work on your charm if you're a "good" guy, earning fans. If you're a "bad" guy, you'll want to earn as many enemies as possible. At the end of a season, your employers evaluate your performance compared to the rest of the wrestlers, and the worst-performing wrestlers get written out of the show.

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I have a couple of ideas and since there's no way they'd ever get made (although if someone does steal my ideas then I'm suin' their ass!)


The first was actually inspired by thoughts I considered putting into an article for PXoD but I figured it's maybe too self-indulgent; I'd be discussing the idea and inspiration, but it might sound too much like an actual game proposal. Basically, I was thinking about sports games and racing games in particular. I remember playing loads of Gran Turismo and whatever and there'd always be that 'rival'; even if your rival was 'that damn red car' and it was simply the AI chosen to be the 'best' and all the others were seemingly there to obstruct you. And that's where I figured it would be way more interesting if sports games had character(s). Then I got thinking about Star Wars Episode I: Racer...


Cutting to the chase, I thought it would pretty cool if there were something akin to the pod racing in Star Wars but with some simulation and real world-like elements as well as loads of customisation for your vehicle. Of course, depending on your 'tier', there'd be restrictions on how much kit or what value of equipment you could use on your vehicle; I also thought about having fictional sponsors who can supply parts for you and, obviously, with success come better deals. Your choices in parts could then affect what paths you take a long any given course (like in MotorStorm) or make you consider a different setup for different races. I've not thought this aspect through but, to add a bit more tension, if you crash then you're out of the race.


On top of that you'd obviously have all manner of different planets and tracks as well as actual personalities for racers, with their own driving styles. Perhaps this way you'd be able to develop some sort of rivalries based on something more tangible.


I also thought some sort of co-op or two-player-vehicles mode would be cool (maybe a separate league in itself) where there's a driver and a gunner, who sits facing backwards. But the gunner wouldn't be all powerful and able to blast people into bits; they'd even have to be aware of their ammo usage. In terms of weaponry they could have a gun that slowly decreases an opponent's speed if they can keep it trained on them, some sort of repulsor ray that can be directed a certain way, maybe some non-explosive mines... And to encourage teamwork, maybe the gunner has control over a boost power instead of the driver. EDIT: forgot to say that I figured it might be kind of boring to play as a gunner, I don't know... :P


I think I've said quite enough for now. :unsure:

I will save my other idea for later (if the first didn't bore you enough).

Edited by Hot Heart
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So say you play as Jason Statham, wrongly convicted of your wifes murder. You have some hot chick helping out. Just instead of a prison island you're in space?


Sounds good. The idea of trackside banter with rivals sounds good. A sabotage kind of element might be neat too. Also ganging up with other racers, fixing it n such, but they can also screw you over if need be. You could really heavily revamp the racing genre, but it would remain to be seen how it would work in practice.

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- Open-world singleplayer CRPG with a Lord of the Rings license. Can't believe how much utter crap gets put out under the LOTR name when this still hasn't been done.


- Maybe this could be done in a Left 4 Dead mod, but something like the L4D versus mode, except instead of the infected side controlling one character each, they are all controlled by one guy in a top-down RTS-style. The fog of war can black out the survivors' exact locations, and units available to spawn are regenerated in a balanced fashion (just like the actual Vs. mode). So you've got X number of special zombies you can deploy at any given moment, Y number of hordes you can send in, and big units like the Tank or Witch are like superweapons in the Command & Conquer series, very slowly regenerating. For the commander, it would be similar to DMing.

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There was a JRPG-of-sorts under the LOTR license. The Third Age. It was pretty fun...at least I remember it being pretty fun. You played as a group who were following on up after the main fellowship. Also you gained new weapons n shit, at least the realyl good stuff, but playing as the bosses and kicking your teams ass. Ending was weird though.

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I would love to see an open-world CRPG LotR game. I have high hopes for War of the North, but we'll see how well that goes.


I love to see open world games, sandbox or not, its just fun to explore a city, world, or something of the likes. I honestly would love to see a single player game that has the scope of Just Cause 2, in a fantasy style RPG. You go online and it can have up to 16 other players along with you, but you can only group in teams of up to 6 or 8, similar to how RDR does its multiplayer, but its the full single player experience. You can choose offline or online and group with other players. You can go into a "friendly" match, or an open world match. You team up, split loot and move on to the next.


To be honest I would like to see a game in any genre take up that kind of multiplayer. RDR is almost there, and thank goodness for it.


I would also like to see a really awesome Robin Hood Action RPG. As you can tell I like third person action games with character progression.

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I'd like to see a top-down adventure game set in a medieval-fantasy style open world city for HD consoles. You start off at your house in a fairly poor district and your mother sends you on a (seemingly) mundane task, such as getting some milk (in actual fact you will only be able to achieve this task once you have completed the game 100%). The catch to the game is that as soon as you leave the house you learn that a dragon has been spotted bearing down on the city, leaving you with only a certain amount of time before everyone is killed.


The city is completely open world, so no buildings just for show that you can't actually go inside, and has a population proportional to the amount of houses in the city. Every single person you talk to (there will be about 100-200 or whatever is realistic, I'm not really too sure, something quite large) has some sort of quest or task for you to accomplish. They won't necessarily appeal directly to you so for many of them you will have to work out from your conversation with them what they want (a simple example: 'I really like the girl next door' and you work out you have to set the pair up). The real aim of the game is to defeat the dragon and save the day, and to do so within the time limit will be more than possible for a first time player. To achieve the 'perfect' ending however (no damage, to the city, no collateral damage etc.), you have to complete every single quest in the city. Depending on what type of player you are you can replay the game to find different ways of defeating the dragon, discovering new NPCs, items and abilities and finding different endings or if you're a hardcore completionist you can replay it until you have everything down to the exact sequence required to get 100%.


The gameplay itself will be very light on combat, instead it will be about finding the right item or outfit or thing to say for the right situation, and a good amount of puzzles thrown in for good measure. Completing the game once (no matter what ending you get) would unlock a mode with no time limit, for more relaxed exploration or practising for the perfect ending.


Another idea I had for a game is a first-person game with Oblivion-esque RPG mechanics set in a castle and you have a mystery to solve (perhaps a murderer picking people off in the castle one by one). The catch? You keep reliving the same say, Groundhog Day style. Character progression carries over when the day restarts, so as well as solving the mystery bit by bit, you have to build up your skills until, having discovered the identity of the murderer, you can intercept and defeat him before he commits the first murder. There could be an element of choice in what skills you choose to level up - you could be sneaky and ransack peoples rooms, learn torture from the dungeon keeper, learn alchemy to make a truth serum. Obviously there's no real way to lose - death will just make the day restart - and failure simply leaves you slightly more prepared when you wake up in the morning again. The game only ends when you kill of incapacitate the murderer so you can max out all your skills, find every secret in the castle, mess around with the NPCs, even romance any character in the game if you feel like it.

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I want to see another 3D space strategy game, a la Homeworld.


Even better would be a 3D space strategy game with gameplay somewhere between Homeworld and Nexus: The Jupiter Incident.


I'm pretty excited to see how Gemini Wars turns out. Hopefully it'll scratch that space RTS/strategy game itch.



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While not what I was talking about, that does look pretty badass nonetheless.


I liked Nexus' focus on battle strategy rather than grand strategy. You're not an admiral that commands the composition and actions of entire fleets, you're a commodore who commands no more than 2 or 3 ships at a time.

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I want to see a futuristic Full Spectrum Warrior with a more fluid movement and control, variety of equipment, more squad roles/larger squads, and better AI.


FSW was pretty good. A futuristic setting allows for integrated HUDs a-la Dead Space which would match well with the game.

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Another thing I would like to see (that will never get made) is a more mature Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. As mature as a game about mutant ninja turtles can get obviously. :blink:

Just one that wasn't aimed at children; a bit like the original comics.



I think the comics could be adapted in the same way the 2003 cartoon did an 'ultimate' version of past storylines (only for kids). What really got me thinking though was the actual combat; something with a bit more depth than previous TMNT games.


First off, they all use different weapons; each with their own fighting styles/techniques. While I wouldn't want 100% faithfulness for a particular weapon style, I'd like to see that sort of thing come into play in the combat. Donatello has a bō, a wooden staff, so I doubt he could block a sword blow (or more than one). He would rely on keeping the enemies at a distance and looking to deflect or dodge strikes from swords rather than full on block them. Not to say he couldn't later develop a tougher metallic staff but I haven't thought that through right now...


On the other hand, you have Raphael who uses sai. He needs to get in close but he can block swords, possibly even disarming the enemy. Locking a sword in the dagger's prongs enables him to deliver a punch with his free hand, or even a kick. He is much more able to face an opponent head-on. It does mean he can not be disarmed himself, as you may find more capable enemies that a different ninja turtle would fair better against. It's also known that Raphael has a tendency to throw his sai.


An important thing to note is that a disarmed player or enemy can obviously still fight but they can even pick up an opponent's weapon if it is in reach.


In other words, you'd have to think carefully about how you handle particular enemies; with each turtle fulfilling a particular role. It would obviously work best as a co-op game where'd you be working together; not sure how it would work out in single-player. To balance it out I think each turtle would have their own abilities or usefulness (Donatello has a predilection for gadgets). I think maybe include some progression in terms of what techniques you learn as well as what other weapon styles you might train in as back-up.


I would like to see that sort of sandbox-style in the general game, with fights taking place across rooftops rather than on the streets and the ability to try and escape from battle if you so wish (although you can't lead your enemies back to the sewers!)

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Id like to see an actually really funny game. A seriously laugh out loud game. Videogames go for cute or witty humor, never gutbusting shit. I dont know why.



That was Armed and Dangerous for me. Hilarious.




as for me, I'd just like to see some older franchises to be rebooted; like Mutant League. :(

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