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If you were a God


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Ok, so, here's the situation:


You were given all the powers of Gods. Basically, you could do pretty much anything.

But here are the rules.


-You only have them for 15minutes

-You can't mess with free will. (i.e. You can't think and someone will do your bidding, but you can force(physicaly) them to)

-You can't have infinite power (i.e. You can't make money fall from the sky infinitely. That "wish" will stop after the beforementioned 15minutes)

-After those 15mins are up, you return to your original form, or the form you chose to be in as long as it doesn't contradict laws of nature.

-You can't mess with time, but you can mess with space-time (i.e. teleportation is ok)


So, WHAT would you do?

Edited by -Dex-
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I have several ideas.


- Everyone in the world will go on a hugging spree provided they are physically capable. If not, the closest medical personnel will treat their problems, then resume hugging strangers for 15 minutes.


- Everyone suddenly sees in Counterstrike vision, and a pistol as well as an assault rifle of their preference (or whatever gun they have last seen) will appear in their hands. An booming, divine voice with an echo will declare across the world, in the language each person is most familiar with, "FREE FOR ALL DEATHMATCH. BEGIN." This will ensue for 15 minutes, and at the end everyone will respawn as they were before the round began. The victor will receive a bucket of water.


- I will become Jebus Rice, our Lord and Savory for 15 minutes. Everyone will receive free bowls of rice in any form they wish, as long as they ask it from me. Each person only gets one, though.


- Fly into the sun.


- Reform the entire world within 15 minutes, and make it so that even after my influence is gone the people I have trained will continue my work.




- I always wanted a DeLorean, and a driver's license. For 15 minutes!


- Make my computer FIX ITSELF. GOD DAMN, WHY ARE YOU SO HARD TO FIX?????? Or at the very least have it tell me on the monitor what exactly is wrong with it.


- Make the world blow up every 10 seconds for 15 minutes. HO HO HO HO.


- Make science and math easier for humans to understand, for 15 minutes, I guess...?


- Eat Vietnamese food for 15 minutes. Hehehe.

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Fixed for greater good.




In my case, I would create a tropical island similar to the one called Bora Bora. Then I would magically think an airport with a private jet within it, make a few summer houses, satellite internet, every passport imaginable, trillion dollars in my underground safe, and a huge ass boat.


And if I had some time to spare, I'd drink fresh grown coffee from the hills of Columbia.


So, when my 15mins are up. I can still invite all my dear friends to mah island and would support them financially on and off it.


Every day would be chill. :D

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