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An Analysis of a SC2 Game


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So I recently got out of a friendly game of sc2 with duke of pwn. I am new to the game, and I shall now evaluate the game we had.

Mistake 1:turtling

Both duke and I turtled this game. That was a huge problem, as letting your opponent develop their armies. I tried to develop pressure by using reapers and harassing his economy, but they got slaughtered by bunkers. This was in part of the next mistake

Mistake 2:scouting

I was supposed to scout, and so did duke, I wa relying on reapers, and by that time, he had bunkers, and I didn't know. If I scouted earlier. I would have seen the bunkers and the missiles, and wouldn't have to have to change my build order to bc and thor. On the other hand, if duke scouted, he would have seen mass marines and a general bio army. He could have countered with seige tanks or battlecruisers, and maybe do some damage to my economy, which is the last point

Mistake3: economy

Both of our economy was shit. I didn't build enough units to account for the minerals and gas I collected. I built starport, factory, and reactor but got supply blocked. I needed to expand better and time my building right. On the other hand, duke ran out of minerals constantly and had at one time, 1k gas. Economy was the seperation and I should have managed it bette.

Ps apoligies for typos. I'm on a phone

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I used to do stuff like this on my LiveJournal for Warcraft III.


It's so fun to go back and look over your saved matches and all that and see what went wrong and what you knew you were responsible for.


Trust me. The more you save replays, the more you'll notice stuff you did wrong. Studying your faults in a match is the main way to get better. Other than that, it's nice to see someone else who analyzes their matches. I hated playing against people who you could just tell would make the same mistakes over and over.

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