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MGS, ZOE and Silent Hill HD collections!

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"Both packs will also boast a similar feature to the recently-unveiled PSP Remaster series, which Konami is calling "Transfarring". This will allow users to, when playing a game like Peace Walker that will be available on both handheld and console, transfer their saves between the two.


do want.

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Get that boring Kotaku link out of here, NOW! :angry:



That's the best Mega64 video I've ever seen. And I've seen them all (except for Version 3, which I am definitely ordering after that gold).


And once again, Sean's dad steals the fucking show.

Edited by DukeOfPwn
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Even though I'd been hoping for it to happen ever since Sony first started these HD collections, the Silent Hill Collection seems like a wasted opportunity.


No HD and Move-enabled Shattered Memories, I can understand. They can still release it on its own, I guess.


But no Silent Hill 4? Why?

I get that it wasn't the most popular SH title, but still, now it makes the whole thing feel incomplete.

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I'm at an impasse with the Metal Gear Solid HD collection.


I thought I would pass on it since I have the Essentials Collection (MGS 1-3), but I have yet to purchase Peace Walker and HD is always pleasant. With this "Transfarring" thing, it seems like an even sweeter deal. What's more is that I haven't finished either MGS 2 or 3. Started, but never finished.


I've never finished Portable Ops either, but that's because the damn thing is a bit confusing to play. <_<

Edited by Atomsk88
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So MGS3 will finally be as playable as the rest of the MGS games.

Such a great game brought down by technological limitations.


Its strange how much flack MGS4 got for the 2-3 minute installs, yet MGS3 has horrible fps and horrible load times when you open the menu to do ANYTHING.

You wanna equip another gun? Load.....

You wanna change camo? Load.........

You wanna eat food? Load........

You wanna heal yourself? Load...........

You wanna use the codec? looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooad!!!!!!!!!!


Ugh. I think I hate this game because everyone likes it so much. Im a dick.


My complaints still stand though. I prefer the 4 2-3 minute MGS4 installs over the 2-5 second loading times in MGS3. Its way more annoying. Technologically MGS2 us the most balanced. I love the shit out of it and its the reason Ill get this.


And for people who havent played Peace Walker: its awesome....


except for the fact that it was catered to the PSP. The stages are small as hell and very divided. it doesnt flow like the rest of the games. The cutscenes also arent as great when viewed on the big screen. Its all very underwhelming. Its still a great psp game though. Dont know if itll be a great PS3 game. We'll see....

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Seems odd that they'd do an HD remake of MGS 2, 3, and PW, but not bother with MGS or Portable Ops. Sequel remakes but not the originals? Unless Konami is hiding something else up their sleeve.


Unless there are added features (Transfarring doesn't do anything for me), I might not bother with them.

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This time in Japanese! :P






I've never played the ZoE games since I couldn't find them here, so I'll definitively buy that one.


I might also buy the Silent Hill collection since, again, I've never played any of those games.


And of course, the MGS collection is a "must-buy" IMO. \m/ \m/

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I genuinely do not get why gamers who have already played the games get excited for HD remakes.


I'm not gonna pay for a HD port game I've already played, much less one I still own in it's original version.




I don't own the original ones, it's been ages since i've played it, and i can't keep playing MW4 over and over and over again to satisfy my mech addiction.

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