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  • 3 weeks later...

As a minor update to this, I saw a copy in GAME a couple weeks back. It's a slimline case with a sort of card holder instead of a disc holder. I assume it's a card with the CD-key printed on. It was pretty fucking silly tbh.


In other Origin news:


Boo to you if you didn't take up on it and could. Shaner obviously did.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I need to make some space on my hard drive. If I delete my Origin games, does anyone know if there's a time or download limit on reinstalling them later? I know steam lets you redownload as many times as you want but I don't want to get an urge to play Dragon Age down the line only to find out I have to rebuy it.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

1. Copy the entire game directory (Example Battlefield Bad Company™ 2 Digital Deluxe Edition is 8.33 GB). 
Now you have basically three options. A: Transfer these files to the other computer over your home network. B: Transfer to a USB key that has enough space then transfer to the other computer. C: Burn files onto a dual layer DVD (This option requires a special drive and space is limited so you may need to span the files across two discs). 

2. Once the files are on the other computer in the directory where you normally install your games, navigate to the directory called ""__Installer\DISK1"". 

3. Find the EASetup.exe file and run it. 
Running this file will create the proper registry keys you need for the game to be detected and launch properly from Origin. 



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Never had any luck with that method since my origin games never came with an EASetup.exe.  This one has always worked for me and the 0.01% download should also meet dean's next to no download needs.


1. Find your Origin Games install folder. This is found under Gear Button > Settings > Downloaded Games.For most users, this will be "C:\Program Files\Origin Games"
2. Close down Origin (if its open), Navigate to the folder, and back up all of the game installs In the folder you will find subfolders that are named after all of your games (i.e. "Battlefield 3" ) - copy or move these to the desktop (or another easy to find place) - this may take a while depending on your setup, my games were ~60gb.
3. Uninstall/Delete current Origin install. You'll then need to get rid of your current origin setup. If you're moving from one drive to another, you'll need to first uninstall origin, then delete its install folder. Make sure to select "No" if it asks if you want to keep its settings. If you're reinstalling origin after a windows reinstall, you wont need to do this and can just delete the Origin folder.
4. Reinstall Origin. The natural next step is to reinstall origin in its desired location. It really doesn't matter where you put it! Make sure that you've ran the program and logged in, and make sure the games install directory is where you want it to be ( again this is in the settings)
5. Initiate a download for your games. Don't worry! we're not really going to redownload all of your games. This next step makes origin do all of the registry linking and whatnot. Make sure the download has got to at least 0.01% or had created the folder for the game in the origin games folder.
6. Close down Origin, and move your games back. leave the downloads running, close down Origin in the tray and then proceed to move your games that you backed up earlier to the desktop (or wherever) back to the games install directory. When prompted to "Merge Folders" click yes, and select "Move and Replace" if windows asks to overwrite any files.
7. Open Origin up, and install the games! Open Origin back up, and after giving it a few seconds, it should start to read the games. After a few more seconds, it'll tell you it's ready to install! click "install", and you're ready to go!


Edited by CrowKnow
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Thanks for the help dudes. Though I feel a bit of a jerk now because I've bypassed it all and my sister got Sims 3 instead. Though holy hell are the instructions for that a pain in the butt. I assume/hope Sims 4 will be a tad more straightforward but hey nothing else I've touched on Origin so far has been.

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