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"[Valve has] done a very nice job... it provides a pretty good customer experience," said Brown, replying to an investor's question. However, he noted that Origin offers the entire EA portfolio, while Steam relies on third-party releases.


"We already have high-quality third party publishers," he said, "and we're going to have more third-party content like Steam over time."


lolol. Iv'e seen this pop up a few times in Twitter, with the general lines of "but Steam has valve games".

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Oh, so when he used the inflammatory term "Is it still veritable spyware?" he actually meant: "Do the game and the Origin client still collect totally anonymous, unidentifiable, telemetry data for the sole purpose of identifying the causes of errors in the software with certain hardware configurations so that EA can provide fixes for those errors ensuring a better user experience for all?"


In which case, yes, it does still do that. Also, technically speaking, Origin doesn't "scan your computer". Windows does and reports out to Origin.

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Yeah that, the same thing most other programs handle like so:



And only do it when you actually have an error, not when you install the client.


Also it's Origin doing it, Windows has it's own service for error reports, if the windows service was doing it people wouldn't be moaning about Origin scanning their PC.

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Ok, so Origin just logged me out while i was playing BF3 saying i logged in from another computer, which i did not. My Origin password was the same as the one i was using on Steam before that hack thing the other day. Maybe it's an Origin bug (i haven't looked into it) or maybe the two are related, i don't know, just giving people a heads up.

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Geez, what if a moderator don't like someone at all and find some BS reason to ban someone? They can't even dispute it since EA support is not help at all...


Really... I really want to play BF3. Sure its not Dice's fault but with them being tied to EA and these insane practices... eh. $20 before I even consider BF3... I'll bump it up to $30 if they fix this shit.

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As it stands now, we have no idea what part(s) of the ToS they violated. Okay, perhaps you can nail Nick on something related to being a dick but the other folks are in the "WTF?" zone. What have they done to deserve such bans from their games? Hell, even dick Nick shouldn't have been banned from all his games and especially being totally locked out from them.

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It's possible that there are other infractions not related to the forum, a lot of people are coming to EA's attention for stat padding etc. In BF3. It could be that there were a couple of infractions in game and the forum post was the final straw. Like I say, we've not got the whole story.

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  • 2 weeks later...

TIL that Origin/EA are horrible in sending out shipout email. Haven't gotten it yet but... I got my game.


Also, that EA most likely contracted out UPS SCS to warehouse their stuff. No wonder why its so slow on notifying...

Edited by MaliciousH
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You need to click the first link for the original post. It's all pretty bad. Long n skinny is an automated system banned one dudes EA forum account (n therefore his Origin and seemingly EA-in-general accounts) because someone else called him a "NOOB B---- C---". As I said on twitter the main solution to this is basically to either not use EA's forum, or to not purchase EA games at all until their policy with regards to forum bans is clarified.

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