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Game of Thrones (Current episode spoilers)


Who Will Be Next To Die?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Dany Crew

    • Tyrion
    • Greyworm
    • Varys
    • Sandsnakes
    • Yara
    • Olenna
  2. 2. Northern

    • Jon Snow
    • Sansa
    • Little Finger
    • Brienne
    • Tormund
  3. 3. South

    • Cersei
    • Jaime
    • Mountain
    • Qyburn

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I think if things weren't moving so fast you could easily pick apart the stupid decisions being made by multiple characters.


Latest episode was alright, and the actual highlights were the walking-and-talking stuff going on (particularly Tormund's) but definitely a case of the above, really.


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Why oh why oh why


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I'm just amazed that the size of Westeros has been thrown out the window. Gendry had managed to do a fair bit of speed.

Also I'm pretty sure that Sansa or similar mention that Jon has been gone for "weeks" which'd imply they're attempting some form of track of time, but the original time span for the early series' was over years.


Anywho, trailer/preview of sorts for the finale



Also a making of for the ice lake stuff. They filmed it in a quarry, which'd explain why it looked like an alien planet....


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Mixed feelings on the finale. Lots of great character moments (and one shit one) but in some ways it felt like the usual GoT finale business of things ticking along until next season.


The music was really strong though. Lots of leitmotifs coming together with the characters.


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I quite liked it, decent pay off and set up the pieces for the final series. Do feel that with us now having the finale that some payoffs were planned then worked back from to flesh out the rest of the series.


Slightly bummed that we had an arena and no pay-off for that thing.


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I thought it was pretty good, though yeah, a lot of it is just setting up the next and final season.  Still, at least we got payoff on a few things.


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It struck me like the finale's of old; lots of plotting and setting up what's to come. And as someone who's a fan of watching people talk, I was okay with that. I'm pleased that the big plan to get Cersei on side failed; it was way too stupid to work and I'm glad we finally found that out. The Jaime threat was an odd one. I understand they need to get him on team #notcersei but it felt rushed and ill planned. And the Jon thing was...well I'm not sure who didn't work that one out a year ago.

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A podcast I listen to was chatting about it and did raise the good point that not everyone does as we do (and they do) of like analysing all the little bits or having the book to pull from n such so it's more a case of reaffirming that for the people that hadn't picked up on it last series. Which would imply that they'll be leaning on it a bit for the finale.

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  • 1 month later...

What? No way. :P


  On 6/20/2011 at 3:24 PM, Hot Heart said:

What happens when Game of Thrones meets Arrested Development.


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  • 1 year later...

That was a solid fucking episode. Jamie knighting Brienne was some good stuff. Arya side boob and butt was a little uncomfortable though.

I have two(ish) reasonable predictions that I'd like to make. I have not read any spoilers, for that, you all have my word, as a man of honour. 


1) So, you know how in the show, for some fucking reason, Dany is apparently fire proof?? Well, in this next episode, Jon will burn things up on a dragon but at some point he will come off the dragon and fight the Night King on foot. The Night King though, has had thousands of years to train, so he will best Jon. He'll have his sword at Jon's neck and be about to kill him, when Dany, nearby with Drogon, will see the Night King is distracted, she'll see this is her one shot, and she'll roast them up. But Jon, as Aegon Targaryen (I still think that name is stupid) will not roast, since he, like Daenarys, is fire proof. This will prove to Dany that he's a Targ.

2) Melisandre will show up in the battle, Gandalf style, probably with some more Fire Priests (that's why she went back to Volantis). They will do one of two things.

2A) Some sort of giant fire monster to destroy a bunch of wights. I think this is important since we saw her give birth to a fire deamon in season 2 but outside of resurrecting Jon (something a simpleton like Thoros could do) we haven't seen her do much magic stuff. 

2B) Show up after the battle, after everyone dies, and resurrect everyone (well, everyone important). Let's hope it's NOT this. Because otherwise....


...I just don't see how you get three more episodes after this. It'll feel cheap is the army of the dead wins but a bunch of characters somehow live. Unless they defeat the Night King in this episode and the rest of the season is dealing with Cersei? Maybe that would be better since the show has, at its core, always been more about politics than magical armies and good vs bad. 

EDIT: Upon further reflection, I also think it's very likely the Night King pulls a Twins or Casterly Rock and just uses a small part of his army to distract Winterfell while he, his ice dragon, and the rest of his army head to the one million unprepared people in King's Landing.

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This is some fan fiction bullshit. Been so for a few seasons already. Expecting anything but a race to the finish is foolish. 

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Where did she come from? Clearly she tapped into the speed force, did you not see that long hair White Walker's hair rustle?!?! 

I guess, as far as the TV show goes, Azor Ahai, The Prince that was Promised, The Long Night, all that stuff, didn't matter. Or maybe Arya is? If they can justify it, I'm ok with that being the case. It just didn't feel earned.

Bran didn't do anything. What's his point???

So episode 4 must be wrapping up the north, preparing for Cersei. Episode 5 will be the Battle for King's Landing. Episode 6 will be the aftermath and wrapping everything up??

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