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Game of Thrones (Current episode spoilers)


Who Will Be Next To Die?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Dany Crew

    • Tyrion
    • Greyworm
    • Varys
    • Sandsnakes
    • Yara
    • Olenna
  2. 2. Northern

    • Jon Snow
    • Sansa
    • Little Finger
    • Brienne
    • Tormund
  3. 3. South

    • Cersei
    • Jaime
    • Mountain
    • Qyburn

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So, are they wyverns in the show because they made them with only two legs? Or is that detail also mentioned in the books at some point?

I'm admittedly only 2 books in, but I don't remember them being referred to as anything but dragons.


Because if this dragons having four legs thing is just a random "fantasy fact", then I don't give a shit. They are called dragons in the books/show ergo they are dragons regardless of how many legs the show decided to give them. I mean, we're talking about a fictional fantasy creature here, so who gives a shit...



That fear has always been up. I think he'll have to make Winds of Winter and A Dream of Summer within four years though (Since that's how long his contract with HBO is four.

What does the length of his contract with HBO has to do with the books' publications? I mean, it's not like HBO is publishing the books.

Also, contracts can be renewed when they expire. And four years seems like a ridiculously short time period to adapt an unfinished 7 book series...

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Well that's the thing. At his current pace (let's say 5 years between books), he might get book 6 out just in time for the show's season 6. I also heard that some of the larger books might extend beyond a single season, which could possibly buy him some time. But I have no source here, so don't quote me on that. But still, unless he starts writing faster, the show is pretty much fucked for book 7.

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It was three books in six. Then two in eleven. Fucking stupid, I know.


However, ASoIaF is to be played on HBO in its entirety. That is, every book. THAT was the contract. HBO wants to finish the series. How pissed would you be if shit just ended after A Dance with Dragons?


Winds of Winter has to come out within four years. That's just the clock that George set up for himself. Dream of Spring (Read: What I had previously thought was Summer, as Brain helped me realize I've been mispronouncing it) would have to come out pretty soon after that.

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Yeah, when I said five years between books I was referring to the last two books.

Book 1 through 3 all came out within 2 years of each other. That's a much more reasonable waiting period, imo.


As for the four years thing, I guess maybe it was Martin's way of giving himself a deadline? Some kind of motivation to write faster, perhaps.


It'd be interesting to hear from him why it took so long for the last two books, though. I can't help but wonder if he got a bit of writer's block or something.

If I had to guess, I'd say splitting what was originally book 4 in two probably made things a bit more complicated. But that can't be the only thing at play here.

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Finished A Clash of Kings audiobook last night. Man, what a finish. I think I can safely say, I'll be with this series until the end. Also, Roy Dotrice was a fantastic choice for the audiobooks, he really helps to bring the world to life.


A Clash of Kings Ending Spoiler:


I was shocked when I heard Roy say "Bran" at the start of the last chapter. I did not see that coming. Well played, Mr. Martin, well played.


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We may not see eye to eye on some things, Chewie, but as I'm nearing the end of A Storm of Swords, I find myself (so far) agreeing with your ranking of the series. A Storm of Swords is fantastic.


:( I guess it's all downhill from here now then, eh?

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Well, you're agreeing with my ranking so far, as well, if you remove the 4 and 5 from my ranking.

I wouldn't knock the last two before you read them. The ranking of 3>2>1 is pretty common, it only gets divisive when 4 and 5 come in.

Again, I totally see where people that dislike the last two are coming from, I just disagree. Give them a read and decide for yourself.

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Well, you're agreeing with my ranking so far, as well, if you remove the 4 and 5 from my ranking.

I wouldn't knock the last two before you read them. The ranking of 3>2>1 is pretty common, it only gets divisive when 4 and 5 come in.

Again, I totally see where people that dislike the last two are coming from, I just disagree. Give them a read and decide for yourself.


I'm definitely going to give them a read. I don't think I could handle not seeing how this story plays out! :D

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We may not see eye to eye on some things, Chewie, but as I'm nearing the end of A Storm of Swords, I find myself (so far) agreeing with your ranking of the series. A Storm of Swords is fantastic.


:( I guess it's all downhill from here now then, eh?


It's not that it's bad. It's just that...I guess you could say there's more of a downflux of events from ASoS. Kinda in the sense that GoT- ASoS is like the hurricane hitting you, while AFFC and ADwD is the eye of the hurricane. It's more of a political tie-in (sans the events that take place north of the Neck in ADwD) and not that they're bad, just that they were split up. Had one book been solely about Westeros and another been about the Free-Cities and Slaver's bay, we might have just had one bad experience. It was just odd reading about different events in AFFC that were actually taking place in ADwD. Kinda like you watch Star Wars from the POV of Luke, meanwhile you hear that Han Solo has been murdered, but they don't show how or what may have even caused it.


What just really disappointed me about Dance was the overabundance of Tyrion and Dany doing absolutely nothing. There are about 25 chapters between them (Roughly, give or take two to three) and you can really read about ten of those and get the info that you need to know. The rest were just...just SEEMED so unnecessary. Dany thinking about who she wants to fuck and Tyrion describing the goddamn wine he's drinking and the description of boat and how he wants to fuck a septa for so many chapters can have its toll on you (if you're like me).


Plus, there are different conspiracies that Martin writes in that are ridiculous.






I really enjoyed AFFC, though nowhere near as much as I did Game of Thrones through A Storm of Swords. I enjoyed half of A Dance with Dragons as much as I did A Storm of Swords, and half of A Dance with Dragons less than I did A Feast for Crows.


None of the books are BAD though. Just frustrating.

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  • 2 months later...

AFFC is in the can, and I quite enjoyed it. It was more depth and nuance and less breathless action going all the time, but I can see why lots of people didn't like it. The writing is all top-notch (other than the sophomoric sex scenes of course), and I found the new POV characters pretty interesting. The book lagged about halfway through, but the second half picked things up quite a bit. This one was more about characters changing for better or worse as the story slowly progressed.


Spoilered for character references:



Starting to hate Sansa though I didn't mind her in earlier books; the Cersei chapters were really well done even though she's so twisted. Or perhaps because she's so twisted? I'm pleased to see Jaime's character growing realistically rather than just being a bad guy turned into a good guy.


The Ironborn and Dorne chapters were also interesting, though I'd hoped more would come of them in this book. Oh well, I'll start ADWD soon enough.


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  • 1 month later...

So finally got round to this the other day. Only seen episode 1, but will most likely continue.


I'll be honest, not 100% sure what's going on and who is who but I guess over time I'll learn, not the best first impressions mind. Does just kind of throw tons of families n people at you and leave you to figure it out. But the ending made sure I'd continue on.


Oh and:




For the none whovians, "Son/Brother of Mine" of The Family of Blood. He's a baddy in case the name and look didn't give it away.

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Does just kind of throw tons of families n people at you and leave you to figure it out.

It's loyal to the book in that way! :D


Keep this handy for reference, spoiler-free:




EDIT: And below is my favorite Westeros map to track the books/series. Note that Dany & co. are across the Narrow Sea to the east on another continent. A fuller ASOIAF map can be found here but it's a little more unwieldy for following the bulk of the events in Westeros.



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