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Game of Thrones (Current episode spoilers)


Who Will Be Next To Die?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Dany Crew

    • Tyrion
    • Greyworm
    • Varys
    • Sandsnakes
    • Yara
    • Olenna
  2. 2. Northern

    • Jon Snow
    • Sansa
    • Little Finger
    • Brienne
    • Tormund
  3. 3. South

    • Cersei
    • Jaime
    • Mountain
    • Qyburn

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Finished season one. It really was rather good.


Also, where did Dinklage learn that accent from? Eddie Izzard routines?


EDIT: Oh, and those who have read the books, with episode 9...


when Ned confessed to treason. It appeared that Cersei was ready to show mercy to him. Does the book give any clear indication whether this was all a planned act or if Joffrey was really being a total shit making the decision himself?


Edited by Hot Heart
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I've finished the second book and honestly, I don't think I'm gonna read the third till this summer at the earliest.I have WAY too many games to play, and the shows seasons are about a year apart so I can easily read the books alongside the series until the next book is released.

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Eh. That family tree is good for matching faces with names, but a better one would be those from Tower of the Hand. As long as you don't fill out your scope dropdown bars, then you won't see any spoilers at all.




It's really useful and spoiler-free (unless you fill in the aforementioned scope).

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Why did Rob need to cross at the Twins then? Think I need to go back to the start and re-read.



Back when...


Rob went down to save his father? Well, first off Rob just can't storm King's Landing directly with Lannister's forces behind him. So he is forced to face the Lannisters out in the field first. At that time, Jaime was around Riverrun so Rob went towards Jaime.

Then there is the part where Rob got to make sure that the Freys, if I recall the house of the Twins, have his back.



And that is how Tywin Lannister shitted gold.

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