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Sony E3 2011


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Ah okay. That makes sense, but pretty much everywhere I read about it they said the conference was going to last 5 hours.

Seemed pretty crazy, to be honest.


As for 3G, I loved how people started booing when they announced AT&T but then it sort of turned into a half-hearted cheer at the last second.


I have to say, internet everywhere is damn tempting. But if you have to pay some kind of monthly fee in addition to the 50$ more on the base price, then fuck that.

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Man, I've come to realize that the one thing I hate about E3 is fucking live chats next to streams. Seriously, what a train wreck of unsatisfied bitches those are. Seriously wish I could've turned off the chat in the gametrailers stream.


About the press conference,I think Sony did a good job overall. No "OMG MEGATON ANNOUNCEMENT", but, then again, those only happen in a blue moon.


Uncharted 3 was badass, but that was to be expected.


I swear I have a man-crush on Ken Levine. Anything him and his team shows makes me excited, and announcing support for Vita ruined my pants.


And that brings me to Vita. $250. Great games. Not much else to be said. I'm sold.

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So far I am most impressed with Sony's conference, followed by EA, followed by Microsoft and lastly (like, waaayyyyy lastly) Ubisoft.


- Sony had a fair amount of reveals (new Sly Cooper, some fun Vita stuff), alongside some wonderful footage of Uncharted (which I don't even care that much about) and Resistance 3. Combine that with a sincere apology for the PSN, and a fantastic PSV price point, and it was easily the best so far.


- EA had some nice stuff too. Mass Effect 3, Battlefield 3 (two weeks before MW3 - lolz ), SSX looked great. It was short and sweet, and showed me exactly what I wanted to see.


- I expected more out of Microsoft. At least reveal a new IP or something, but there was nothing new. Both new announcements (Fable: Journey and Halo 4) are sequels and the biggest showings were for previously announced stuff (Gears 3, MW3, etc). I kind of liked some of the Kinect Lite integration into the AAA titles like Mass Effect and Ghost Recon, but if I already have a controller in my hand, why would I use Kinect or my voice? I just don't think Microsoft knows who they are targeting with this thing anymore. Too many little kids, and Tim Schaefer doing Sesame Street? Uhh....


- Ubisoft was just disastrous. I wanted to punch Captain Caffeine in the balls the entire time. Just shut. The. Fuck. Up. The games were shit, too. How is spending 60+ percent of your time on titles like Just Dance 3, more fitness games and Rayman Origins a good decision when only the core gamers pay attention to these things? These people are just utter morons. Also, how could the footage of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier vary so much from what Microsoft showed only hours prior? The MS footage looked great (not just the amazing pre-rendered footage, but the GunSmith thing too), but the in-game footage looked terrible. It was actually a step in the wrong direction. Luckily, Assassin's Creed: Revelations looked amazing, but that doesn't make up for the overall shittiness which was their presser.


I have faith that Nintendo can overcome Sony, but it's going to take a lot on their part. Console reveal with date and price, some great first party launch titles plus a HUGE catalog of third party support. Don't talk much about the 3DS or Wii-specific titles, and they just might do it.

Edited by Gyaruson
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Looks like Sony caught Nintendo with their pants down. I know Nintendo charged $250 for the 3DS pretty much just because they could (they literally said that of the launch price in Japan at least), probably overly confident that Sony wasn't directly wanting to compete with them, meaning they were going to charge more than whatever Nintendo did by default. Little did they know, Sony now shows up to the party with a handheld that's FAR better in hardware quality (IMO at least) at the exact same price.


I doubt they'll outsell the 3DS (people love Ninty handhelds WAY too much for that to happen), but damn is Sony calling out on Nintendo's cockiness. This is giving me brief flashbacks to 1995 when Nintendo thought they'd own with the N64 just by having it exist. Also gives me flashbacks to the days when Sony was actually competitive with its pricing. Haven't seen that in a while.

Edited by RockyRan
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Looks like Sony caught Nintendo with their pants down. I know Nintendo charged $250 for the 3DS pretty much just because they could (they literally said that of the launch price in Japan at least), probably overly confident that Sony wasn't directly wanting to compete with them, meaning they were going to charge more than whatever Nintendo did by default. Little did they know, Sony now shows up to the party with a handheld that's FAR better in hardware quality (IMO at least) at the exact same price.


I doubt they'll outsell the 3DS (people love Ninty handhelds WAY too much for that to happen), but damn is Sony calling out on Nintendo's cockiness. This is giving me brief flashbacks to 1995 when Nintendo thought they'd own with the N64 just by having it exist. Also gives me flashbacks to the days when Sony was actually competitive with its pricing. Haven't seen that in a while.


While I agree with you that Nintendo didn't think this one through well enough, and that Sony is doing everything right with the Vita (on paper), I don't think any amount of preparedness would have changed Nintendo's price point on the 3DS. They will never, under any circumstances, take a loss on a system. They haven't done it since the SNES, I think. They think they can get away with charging what they do because the public perception of 3D is that it's expensive. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo drops the price of the 3DS by $50 before the PSV launch, but it's still not going to be enough to dissuade core gamers from holding out for Sony's offering.

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Also, how could the footage of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier vary so much from what Microsoft showed only hours prior? The MS footage looked great (not just the amazing pre-rendered footage, but the GunSmith thing too), but the in-game footage looked terrible. It was actually a step in the wrong direction.


Are you sure you weren't watching the Ghost Recon:Online Free2Play version? (Their Battlefield Play4Free)

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I should jump on it since there are no Amazon taxes in CA... yet. Plus the free shipping I get.. but god damn, this or get another video card to beef up my PC... can't really decide. I may shy away for now... since its the 1st gen Vita. Might be a good idea to wait for any fixes.

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Also, how could the footage of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier vary so much from what Microsoft showed only hours prior? The MS footage looked great (not just the amazing pre-rendered footage, but the GunSmith thing too), but the in-game footage looked terrible. It was actually a step in the wrong direction.


Are you sure you weren't watching the Ghost Recon:Online Free2Play version? (Their Battlefield Play4Free)


No, I'm talking about Future Soldier, specifically that demo they showed of the Ghosts moving through that village, rescuing hostages and whatnot. It just looked muddy, sluggish and boring.

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Yeah, they are quickly going to need a steamplay clone. Sony and MS need to create a system where you purchase the rights to a game once and can play it across multiple platforms. We need to be building a content library and not just purchasing software over and over again. The problem is that Sony and MS like it when you buy the same games over and over.

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Having to buy both versions of a game to use the PS3/Vita stuff is annoying. I'm hardly going to buy both versions of a game when I could just sit back and play the game on Vita on my couch anyways

Has it been confirmed that we would need to buy two versions of the game for that?


I was wondering the same thing for the PSP HD Remaster line. Will the HD version also get me a PSP copy?

If not, it's kind of pointless to have save files be compatible.


If they really expect people to buy two versions of the same games they're going to be very disappointed.

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