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Sony E3 2011


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Yeah, to everyone saying that what the Wii U does can be achieved with a PS3/Vita: while it's possible, that would require a $250 drop on the handheld, another drop on the game, and then the cost of the PS3. At least $600. The Wii U requires no repurchasing of games, and you can bet your ass it will be less than $400 - my guess is $299.


Plus, developers would have to develop PS3/Vita specific control functions for Sony, while Nintendo versions could have it be mandatory, thus cutting your work in half.


I dunno, I think Sony will do something to counter this news (they kind of have a history of it), but I don't think it will take off like the Wii U will. That's my $0.02.

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But if you already have a PS3 and intend on picking up a Vita then you're sorted. They've done this kind of thing before with PSP, and given the game transfer thing was one of the first things they showed with the Vita it looks like it's a feature they want to heavily promote.

I believe Remote Play was in use with the GT5 prototype. If they could do this kinda thing with PSP I don't see it being any problem on the Vita.


Not sure what you mean on PS3 specific controls with Wii U cutting work in half. The PS3 n Vita only have one controller (okay I guess move) and one control scheme. Wii, and now Wii U has about 5. I'd say the consistent scheme PS consoles have would surely help in making games?

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I was hoping there would be more PS3 content announced, but oh well. Vita seems awesome, and the price point was a pleasant (as well as expected) announcement,but I don't commute by bus/train often enough to use one of those, and I'd much rather play my home console at home. I always perk up at the news of cross-platform connectivity though, so Dust 514 has me intrigued, though I don't know much about it yet, or Eve Online for that matter. Decent press conference overall, not as exciting or fun as I had hoped.

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I'm the kind of guy that likes having separate devices. My smartphone will make phones calls, social network, email, and play videos. I have an iPod Touch for mobile games and music, and I have gaming handhelds for deeper gaming experiences.


The again, I don't travel often so that would probably be the biggest factor in having an "omnivice." Still, I wasn't interested in an iPhone 4 even if I could have all my music, videos, games, email, and etc together. I'm content with my iPod Touch and I didn't want to miss out on the Android platform.

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As far as buying two versions is concerned, I think you'll have to but I don't think it's going to bother us much in the end as we've been doing pretty much that with the PSP since release, albeit without the connectivity between games. For example, Wipeout 2048 isn't going to require anyone to buy a new Wipeout game for the PS3 since it allows Fury players (don't know about vanilla Wipeout HD) to play with 2048 players. I think for the most part, the PSV version and the PS3 version of a game will have differences among them, apart from maybe Ruin but so far that's just been announced for PSV, so I don't think having to pay for the two seperate versions is too bad.


That said, it'd be great if we didn't have to.

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As it stands if you buy a PSClassic or PSMini game on your PS3, you can also put them on your PSP.

I don't think you'll need to buy the game twice.


Yeah, I foresee that this will be the case with some of the Vita games where you could run them on either system. It really needs to be the case. I also went ahead and claimed my two free PSP games in expectation of getting a Vita.

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yep, you get 4 total games.


Also, more details on the Vita from Engadget.


"Sony just answered a few burning questions for us -- mainly about those mysterious ports we spotted on the bottom and top. Apparently those top port covers will hold one slot for the official PSVita game cards, and another slot for regular removable media for downloadable content and saves, and the port that's occupying one of those places will be removed. Meanwhile, the large socket at the bottom is a "multiport" that provides power, connectivity and might do video-out. We couldn't get any firm details about the AT&T 3G partnership, by the way, but we're told that there will be a special cellular plan of some sort. As you'd expect, Sony's also not talking battery life, but a developer told us that -- with the exception of graphically intensive titles like Uncharted -- the company's shooting for parity with the original PlayStation Portable."


I really hope they have SDHC support and not Memory Stick. Video out also seems like a no-brainer.



Edited by Yantelope
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If they expect people to buy games twice, then this crossplay is DoA.


I can totally understand taking the WipEout route in which you offer a completely new entry to the franchise but the online connects straight to that of the previous game, but with enhancements like new maps.


I could totally see them releasing Uncharted 3,for example, and then a few months down the line release Golden Abyss that connects to the Uncharted 3 online but with new maps. These maps can be offered to the PS3 players by either buying a map pack or buying Golden Abyss.


They better not expect me to buy Ruin twice though. They are essentially the same game and should not be sold separately.

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