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Far Cry 3


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Yeah, but we don't know if the whole game will be like that. I remember reading reports of people being able to do this one part they were letting people play in many different ways, true to a far cry game.


And I hope this is the case, but this is a piece of footage released as a representation of the final product. What's more, this is the first gameplay we've seen, other than the initial E3 trailer. This chunk of game was very very carefully selected. And with all that caution they chose to show us some very scripted, very straightforward gunplay. That doesn't mean that's all there is to the game, but it doesn't do much for our optimism.

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A recent, big Edge preview was really great, and puts that 5 minute video in context.


Certain story-missions in the game end with these sorts of scripted sequences. Uncharted'ey bits to mix up the open world stuff. Most of it is like FarCry 2, roaming about, approaching situations however you want, but story/ plot climaxes end in these sequences. There'll probably be a few in the game, but most of it is like FC2, as I said.


Also, they detail a playthrough of the sequence seen above in which the guy approaches stealthily with sniping.

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It was the immersion of the world and environment that really drew me into Far Cry 2. Scripted sequences would have ruined it. I hope you are right and FC3 will be open world as well.


It is open world. Positively. As I said, the scripted sequences are like periods at the end of main story arcs; full-stops to dramatically resolve an Act of the game's story. Outside of these few missions, which are by ar the minority, the game is open world.


Read any preview/review and the developers are constantly going on about how proud they are of their open world, and how much work they're putting into it to make it better than FC2's.

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I wonder if they'll fix the hilarious Far Cry 2 health system. I liked the concept, but it was delightfully glitchy.


(Six runs out of a burning building) Gah, burns all over... I better heal up. (Hits the heal button, his character reaches down, and pops a bone in his arm back into place) ...When did I break my arm, exactly?

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  • 2 months later...

They're blatantly showing off these bits to try and catch people's attention. It is an open world game, for the most part.


That said, if you're out of control to this extent in these sequences, that's really not cool. It's basically just a cutscene but in first person.

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  • 4 months later...



EG have given it 10/10. I am hyped. I think this may be picked up with my first pay check. Thankfully it seems like the scripted parts that get shown in the trailers and such are pretty much just at the start of the game (which was true of FC2, and that quickly opened up). Seems they've taken on board the criticisms of FC2 as well, so no respawning guard outposts and repetitive slogs back n forth. Just you and the jungle. And mercenaries. And sharks. And the odd bear or two.

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  • 2 weeks later...




So I've being playing about in this, definitely gonna see on grabbing it (though I'm to understand it's currently tied to Ubi store for downloads, so fingers crossed on Steam release).


It's pretty great. You feel very much like a survivor, trawling through the jungle taking out any one and anything in your path and leaving no trace. I especially like the scavenging/hunting and crafting mechanic. You use pelts to upgrade your equipment; wallet, ammo pouches, quiver, gun sling etc, and plants to make health potions or enhancement drugs. So if you liked doing that in RDR you'll love it in FC3 because it doesn't have a stupidly long animation (you slit the knife once and dump the hide in your bag). Oh and like RDR you too can be hunted, up to now I've been killed by sharks and tigers. I've seen a lion wandering about too I think.


I'm currently playing the role of the new Oliver Queen origin story. And it's fun as fuck to do so (though seems a tad OP that arrows one hit kill compared to bullets).

It pretty much takes all the awesome things they bigged up about FC2, while taking out the shitty things like frequent guard posts (now there's little bases and roving guards) and the naf story (this one is feeling a bit more fleshed out, none of the rubbish civil war stuff of FC2). You can see from the above shot that fire is still there (though a bit harder to start, in that case I stupidly drove right off a cliff and my car burst into flames), though the green grass instead of dry grass jsut looks like it's in shadow instead of burnt to a crisp. Oh yeah there's also fast travel, and none of that conflict diamond stuff which got pretty dull, just plenty of crates with random junk in them. Like


Oh and it has stolen two parts from Assassins Creed; climbing towers to open up more of the map, and zip lines. There's also vines and ledges to climb too which weren't in FC2 either. Adds a bit more range to the angle of attack.

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Apparently it came out in Australia yesterday (29th).


*Edit* - Also, given this page exists, there's definitely a Steam version. It's probably like AC3 though, where the Steam version still launches Uplay, from which you must launch the game.

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Yeah ethan that's an error page. Sorry I should have specified; fingers crossed on UK Steam release.


Yeah, after I posted that I saw other people talking on RPS about how there's just no Steam version in the UK. That's just weird.

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