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Far Cry 3


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Nobody understood FarCry 2 and they all hated it :(


I'm with spork, I fucking loved that game. Put it on Insane difficulty, turn the music off, put on some great headphones, dark room, play standing up: one of the most immersive and challenging and realistic and liberating shooters ever made.


Once in the right 'survive or die', 'take no prisoners', 'be fucking deadly' mindset, all the "problems" people have with the game actually become good things. Becomes a huge exercise in strategy and survival. It's so goddamn great. So atmospheric and tense, like a game version of No Country for Old Men (especially with the music turned off).


Thankfully it seems like the scripted parts that get shown in the trailers and such are pretty much just at the start of the game (which was true of FC2, and that quickly opened up)


I told everyone this. I told everyone this repeatedly, and nobody listened. It's been clear from hands-on's/ previews for years that this game had the same open-world bones as FarCry 2. But everyone based their opinions on the attention-grabby scripted-bit trailers.


I'm am dying for FarCry 3, just looks like FarCry 2 but significantly more gameified, which should make it a lot more accessible and easy to get into. Think it's gonna have to be an xmas ask for me, though.

Edited by kenshi_ryden
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Thankfully it seems like the scripted parts that get shown in the trailers and such are pretty much just at the start of the game (which was true of FC2, and that quickly opened up)

I told everyone this. I told everyone this repeatedly, and nobody listened. It's been clear from hands-on's/ previews for years that this game had the same open-world bones as FarCry 2. But everyone based their opinions on the attention-grabby scripted-bit trailers.

I should probably amend this and point out that the reason at the time it seemed to be just relegated to the start of the game is because you start off with a fair few 'missions' until you end up in the open area with the whole "go to next mission or explore island" thing. Quite a few of the missions are scripted stuff. But there's quite a few bases that you're open to take out in whatever manner pleases you (I prefer to kill them with my favourite weapon of all: tigers. Or dogs)

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Started this today. It's pretty good. I'm not sure I like it as much as Far Cry 2 necessarily, but this is a far better game, I'd say. That said, there's some reeeeally irritating things about it. So I'm just going to bullet point the good/bad here I guess, since I'm too lazy to really write a whole paragraph about it.



  • Gunplay is still great, enemies react to bullets well and go down in a reasonable amount of shots, driving is fun, open world is lush and exciting.
  • The hunting is a nice addition, although I wish I could find some fucking boars.
  • The new characters are fantastic. Vass is going to make a lot of year end lists, and rightfully so.


  • The pseudo-progression system they've hackneyed in is crap so far. It hasn't taken away from my enjoyment of the game much at all, but I feel like their "Let's throw tons of useless shit into a game and then try and justify it via weird story cuts" is as bad in this as it was in Assassin's Creed Revelations. I like the radio towers, I like the tattoo (even though it itself is a poor front for throwing in a leveling system), but limiting you from filling up an entire tree of the Tattoo without completing story missions first is kind of dumb. I can complete 90% of the side missions right now having only completed four or five main story missions, but if I want to level up my character to better complete those remaining 10% of side missions? Nope, too bad, better do some more story missions before you can swim 25% faster underwater.
  • I guess I just wish Ubi had the balls to go all RPG or no RPG on this. There's obviously a leveling system in place, but locking down upgrades until you complete the respective story missions is dumb. The whole game right now feels like they've adapted the open world aspects to fit the scripting, rather than adapting the scripting to fit the open world. The "upgrading" of your inventory falls victim to the same skill issue, with you having to wait to upgrade certain ammo pouches until you complete the story mission allowing you to get the hide of some maneating shark or something. '
  • The missions are still kinda linear. There seems to be a half and half split so far between Crysis 2 levels of linear throughout (big corridor), and Far Cry's of the past "go here and kill this guy" style, which is okay, it's just even in those big corridor ones (which I actually don't mind), the game still takes over a bit towards the end and tosses in some scripted twist sometimes. One I can think of was after clearing out and entire area full of guys without even being spotted, the game triggers a cutscene telling me an alarm has gone off in the area I just cleared, sending an extra 10 guys my way. Oh, and they all already know where I am, so I guess it's time to put away that crossbow and take out the AK.

Overall though I'm enjoying it. Story and gunplay are so far worlds ahead of Far Cry 1 or 2, but some of the backend stuff is really getting on my nerves already. Maybe it'll be better once I've finished all of it...

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To be fair requiring unique pelts for some of the final level pouches is fair enough. If you're struggling to hold 64 items and $6000 you might be going a bit overboard with your skinning and plant collection. They're like FF Ultimate weapons; neat to have, but you don't need them, and if you do want them then you'll have to earn them.


Being unable to level up your tattoo(and are we now complaining about leveling systems having an in world reason to be?) Without certain missions completed is somewhat annoying, but you'll finf misdions won't require you to have those skills, like swimming faster, until after it is unlocked. For the most part they're frivolous perks (except health)

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My biggest complaint is just that the game suffers from the now expected Ubisoft feature creep, I suppose. I'm not complaining about the amount of features, I suppose I just wish they would have thought it out a bit more, as at the moment it seems like they just went totally overboard ala AC:Revelations. Money is 100% meaningless unless you need that MP5 now, and it feels like there's artificial walls in place to stop you from advancing along faster than the game would like you to. But I'm still having loads of fun with it, so I digress.

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There's stuff in place to make you go along with the story, something there wasn't much of, if any, in FC2. I will agree on the gunshop being weird. When the woman is saying to put the radio towers online to get in new gun stock I would have figured it'd expand the selection, not give you guns for free. So in that sense yeah the money is mostly meaningless excpet fo customisations and the signature weapons (Whcih you own't unlock if you don't care for the side missions).


Have you treid getting to the bottom half? Cos yeah there's an artifical wall there. Jerkingly so given most every other game elment has "reasons" to be there. With this if you head across the ocean you get a 5 second warning, then it fades to black and you're pointing the other way. I'm guessing it'll unlock soon for me though since I'm about halfway through the main missions (nice it has the stat chart to measure that) and have this island totally cleared of enemy bases.

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Has anyone on the 360 version experienced having the screen randomly go black for a second or two from time to time? It's happening to me all of a sudden...I really hope it's the game.



*Edit* Nope...it's my 360. God damn it, I actually buy a new 360 game for once and I'm really enjoying it and this shit just has to happen now.

Edited by Mister Jack
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Sorry Mr. Jack... :/


You just bought it and it is fucking up already? Hope they fix it for you for free....I've been really unlucky this gen, both my ps3 and 360 have crapped on me several times.


Last gen it was the ps2 for me.





I'll probably end up getting FC3 once it hits sub 20. Just because I have so many other titles on my backlog/games that are at a higher purchasing priority.

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Man you'd think it'd be the other way around haha. My launch lasted maybe 2 years, died on me, I had another one for like a year with the warranty, last warranty one for 3 or 4 and this one I bought recently in college since I was out of warranty and had to get one to play vidja gaemz.

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I went out and bought a component cable today just to test a theory. I was able to play Far Cry for a little over 2 hours tonight with no problems. I'm still cautious for the time being, but I'm hoping this means that my HDMI cable/port is worn out and not the console itself.


As for the game itself, I am so glad I changed my mind on skipping it because of my distaste for Far Cry 2. This is a strong contender for game of the year with me.

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