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So I figured since Hitman: Absolution is on the table, why not start a discussion?


I personally own Hitman: Blood Money, and I've enjoyed it quite thoroughly. I never thought it would be so enjoyable to engage in pre-meditated assassination, especially so in Vegas (which is my favorite level).


So how about the rest of TAY? Any experiences with the Hitman series?

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I bought Codename 47, Silent Assassin and Blood Money when they were on Steam sale a while ago, but only played the first so far (I've played demos of a Silent Assassin and Blood Money before). It's a great game but I stopped playing because it's bloody hard. I'll definitely go back to it at some point, and I'm keeping an eye on the new one.

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Big big fan of the Hitman games. It's the only franchise where I own a copy of one of them on several different platforms. I've got all of them on the PC, but I have Blood Money on the PS2 & the 360 as well.


Although it seems the 360 version of Blood Money doesn't work with the 360 slim. It throws up a message about not being able to display on a 50Hz screen, despite having worked on it before with a circa 2005 360. Thinking about that actually, it could just be it doesn't like the HDMI cable, I should perhaps try using the component cable.


I played most Hitman games, but only finished Contracts. It's a series I always mean to come back to and play again.


If you liked Contracts, you should see if you can get the first one going. Looks pretty dated, but a few of the Contracts missions are re-vamped from the original but missing some details and areas that were in the original. :)

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Blood Money is my favorite. I didn't like the series too much until my friend told me that you have to play it to get the silent assassin rating every time. Once I learned to do that I enjoyed the series much more. I will say that I despise the idea of limiting your quick saves. I understand that it would make the game much easier if you could save anywhere but I still hate having to manage my save games.

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I played most Hitman games, but only finished Contracts. It's a series I always mean to come back to and play again.


If you liked Contracts, you should see if you can get the first one going. Looks pretty dated, but a few of the Contracts missions are re-vamped from the original but missing some details and areas that were in the original. :)


I played the first one yeeeeeeears ago. Got to the mission with the jaguar in the jungle, but my save got wiped for some reason and I never bothered playing again.

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I played most Hitman games, but only finished Contracts. It's a series I always mean to come back to and play again.


If you liked Contracts, you should see if you can get the first one going. Looks pretty dated, but a few of the Contracts missions are re-vamped from the original but missing some details and areas that were in the original. :)


I played the first one yeeeeeeears ago. Got to the mission with the jaguar in the jungle, but my save got wiped for some reason and I never bothered playing again.

I lost all my equipment on the previous mission so I just ran straight past the jaguar and managed to get past with a light mauling. Then I got stuck on the next mission with no equipment again.

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Blood Money is my favorite. I didn't like the series too much until my friend told me that you have to play it to get the silent assassin rating every time. Once I learned to do that I enjoyed the series much more. I will say that I despise the idea of limiting your quick saves. I understand that it would make the game much easier if you could save anywhere but I still hate having to manage my save games.


Yea, it requires a lot of thinking to achieve Silent Assassin, but it's something I enjoy doing. A bit too much, I'd say.

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Since this was the Hitman thread figured I'd mention a few things about the new game.

Firstly David Bateson (the voice and look of 47) has been unceremoniously dumped from the game. Jesper Kyd will also not be returning.

Seems like the team that worked on Kane and Lynch 2 is working on this game.

Game is definitely more action-ey. In fact there's even a detective mode from Batman in the game.

Instinct Mode replaces the map which works similar to the conviction mode (was that what it was called?) like Splinter Cell: Conviction. It gets refilled by stealth kills, it's upgradeable and used when donning a disguise, allows you to see through walls and even reading the minds of characters in easier difficulties.

There's also a slow-mo mode when you get caught so that you can try and find stuff to keep yourself disguised.

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Since this was the Hitman thread figured I'd mention a few things about the new game.

Firstly David Bateson (the voice and look of 47) has been unceremoniously dumped from the game. Jesper Kyd will also not be returning.

Seems like the team that worked on Kane and Lynch 2 is working on this game.

Game is definitely more action-ey. In fact there's even a detective mode from Batman in the game.

Instinct Mode replaces the map which works similar to the conviction mode (was that what it was called?) like Splinter Cell: Conviction. It gets refilled by stealth kills, it's upgradeable and used when donning a disguise, allows you to see through walls and even reading the minds of characters in easier difficulties.

There's also a slow-mo mode when you get caught so that you can try and find stuff to keep yourself disguised.


Kane and Lynch? >_>


I, uh, think I might be keeping an eye on Absolution. The fact that it's a bit more casual means it'll allow me to get into it a bit easier, but the fact it's made by the Kane and Lynch team, as well as the absence of David Bateson drives me away from it a bit.

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Firstly David Bateson (the voice and look of 47) has been unceremoniously dumped from the game. Jesper Kyd will also not be returning.

Seems like the team that worked on Kane and Lynch 2 is working on this game.


Absolution just got downgraded from a day one purchase to a bargain bin purchase in my eyes.

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Yeah I think he wasn't told that he'd been replaced till someone broke the news to him. I guess it's mostly because none of the staff from the original games (Well the main staff I suppose) are attached to this game.

It is crap to be let off like that and I know how annoying/terrible it feels.

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It annoys me because 47 was the face of the Hitman series, in perhaps more than one way. Now they're writing off the original entirely.


I understand that they'd need to make some changes, but I think that it was too much for them to replace Bateson. As far as I see, there really is no reason to replace him. =\

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Since this was the Hitman thread figured I'd mention a few things about the new game.

Instinct Mode replaces the map which works similar to the conviction mode (was that what it was called?) like Splinter Cell: Conviction. It gets refilled by stealth kills, it's upgradeable and used when donning a disguise, allows you to see through walls and even reading the minds of characters in easier difficulties.


Uuuuggggghhhhh what? Plural? I thought the whole point to Hitman was not killing people unless they were your target (or they had cool clothes). I hope this doesn't turn into a typical stealth action game. I really liked just walking out into the public eye, finding some environmental way to make your targets death look like an accident, and then slipping into the shadows to execute. That was a great formula.


I've played Hitman 1, 2 and Blood Money. As much as I loved the first two back in the day, Blood Money was an absolute masterpiece and it's hard to go back to the others after that game brought so much to the series. Although, it has always had very memorable level design and there's a lot of sections of the first two games that I still remember fondly. Though I've never actually played Contracts, I think that if any series deserves a 'greatest hits' kind of game with levels from previous games, it's definitely this one (and maybe pre-ride Tony Hawk).

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Uuuuggggghhhhh what? Plural? I thought the whole point to Hitman was not killing people unless they were your target (or they had cool clothes). I hope this doesn't turn into a typical stealth action game. I really liked just walking out into the public eye, finding some environmental way to make your targets death look like an accident, and then slipping into the shadows to execute. That was a great formula.


I've played Hitman 1, 2 and Blood Money. As much as I loved the first two back in the day, Blood Money was an absolute masterpiece and it's hard to go back to the others after that game brought so much to the series. Although, it has always had very memorable level design and there's a lot of sections of the first two games that I still remember fondly. Though I've never actually played Contracts, I think that if any series deserves a 'greatest hits' kind of game with levels from previous games, it's definitely this one (and maybe pre-ride Tony Hawk).


I know. It is terrible. I mean really there's a shopped image doing rounds which pretty much shows what's being donehitmanabsolution.png


On the plus side for conviction, at least it did a 24-esque game which doesn't seem out of place in that tom clancyverse. However hitman going this way is just weird. Oh and btw

http://www.neogaf. co...7&postcount=151


Hi there Mathew,


Thanks to you I now know more! I didn't even know the E3 thing had voice work on it at all.


Yeah, I won't lie. I am totally gutted. You know, IO called me in in Sept 09 and said I had to now audition for the part thanks to them hiring some LA casting director. Well, I ate my slice of humble pie and auditioned and then heard back shortly afterwards: congratulations - you got the part. I have been waiting ever since for the call to go in and record...


You know, I can even understand IOI not letting me know what's going on so as to avoid any loss of shine in the build up to the trailer premiere and then E3.


But now, after repeated mails and sms to the producer and still no reply I am lost for words.


Thanks for your support though.


Kind regards



via gaf via the hitman forums.
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Addendum to the above post

We already knew Diana was played by Marsha Thomason but I guess this is confirmation too

Subject: Hitman

Date: 19 june 2011 15:46:52 GMT+02:00


"Dear ####,

Thank you! I am so pleased that you wrote this. David and I are feeling pretty disappointed about being dropped from Hitman 5. There are rumours that Keith Carradine will be the voice for Agent 47 ! And I have no idea who will play Diana... probably some American Hollywood actress with an American accent. I guess that is what they want for the next one - to make it feel and sound American. Personally I still don't understand why David did not play the role in the movie. He looks like Hitman and he is an incredibly good actor.


Anyway thanks again and please keep let IO know your feelings.. The Hitman fanbase is not to be ignored !


best regards,


Vivienne McKee

Keith Carradine as Hitman? That'll be a bit odd.

Also from Gaf

Edited by WTF
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Ohh man I loved Contracts, that was the only one I've played. It had a few parts that were really annoying in missions where your cover would be blown for no reason. That said I loved the feeling of it, you felt like an assassin going around in the game. I hope Absolution is great...but all the information given out is pointing to a game that is nothing like the previous games

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You know who LOVES Hitman? Gamespot, that's who.


Best PS3 Game - Hitman

Best 360 Game - Hitman

Best PC Game- Hitman

Best of Show - Hitman


There was no "Best Wii Game" category, presumably because Hitman is not coming to the Wii...


From their brief description of the demo they played:


"now there are more cinematic moments"


"Absolution, on the other hand, has you on the run"


"From the blaring, Inception-style music that opened the demo, to the blinding searchlights of the helicopter Agent 47 was so frantically trying to outrun on a rainy rooftop, to the tension-riddled final stretch when it seemed like Chicago's entire police force was staring a hole through 47's impromptu disguise"


They also criticise the blandness and lack of personality of the previous games.


The character is SUPPOSED to be bland and characterless. That's how he blends in to crowds. If he was a zany character who dressed up in a clown suit while murdering people he would be the fucking Joker. He's not. He's Agent 47. Jesus fuck, he doesn't even have a fucking name. GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!


I don't want to run around on roof tops like Jack Fucking Bauer. I want to disappear into the shadows like Leon or Ghost Dog. I want to play as a faceless, nameless, anonymous assassin.

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You know who LOVES Hitman? Gamespot, that's who.


Best PS3 Game - Hitman

Best 360 Game - Hitman

Best PC Game- Hitman

Best of Show - Hitman


There was no "Best Wii Game" category, presumably because Hitman is not coming to the Wii...


From their brief description of the demo they played:


"now there are more cinematic moments"


"Absolution, on the other hand, has you on the run"


"From the blaring, Inception-style music that opened the demo, to the blinding searchlights of the helicopter Agent 47 was so frantically trying to outrun on a rainy rooftop, to the tension-riddled final stretch when it seemed like Chicago's entire police force was staring a hole through 47's impromptu disguise"


They also criticise the blandness and lack of personality of the previous games.


The character is SUPPOSED to be bland and characterless. That's how he blends in to crowds. If he was a zany character who dressed up in a clown suit while murdering people he would be the fucking Joker. He's not. He's Agent 47. Jesus fuck, he doesn't even have a fucking name. GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!


I don't want to run around on roof tops like Jack Fucking Bauer. I want to disappear into the shadows like Leon or Ghost Dog. I want to play as a faceless, nameless, anonymous assassin.


Yep. Cause that's what we wanted in a Hitman game. They'll announce the tacked on multiplayer and cover system anyday now! Pisses me off.


Why not just do Kane & Lynch 3 if they want to make a shitty fucking action game

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  • 3 months later...

I agree. I liked Conviction too, despite the move away from traditional Splinter Cell, of which I am also a fan. In fact I actually thought the exact same thing when I saw it.


Thing is I'm more attached to the unique game that was Hitman. Blood Money is awesome. I want a current-gen Blood Money. The game looks awesome as a game, but not so interesting as a Hitman game, if that makes sense.


This all looks very scripted, I'm sorta hoping it's like a tutorial level (like the first level on Blood Money which was also very "do this, do that") but who knows how the final product will turn out.

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