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WipEout HD


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BC here, hello my fellow country man!


I really wanna see what plats you have now, I consider myself a bit of a trophy whore and I've only got 3, although I'm one dumb fucking trophy away from a plat in Burnout, but I'll never get it =/. LA Noire seems like a bitch to plat, I'm almost done, haven't found a single film reel and 5 starring would be shiiiiiiit.


What other plats you have? I've got AC2, Borderlands Mw2.

Edited by Masonvrocks
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Ha, I can relate. Fellow trophy whore here and I've pretty much given up on the Arkham Asylum platinum.


The advanced combat challenges are damn impossible to gold medal, and that's preventing me from getting the trophy for beating them, the 100% completion trophy and the platinum <_<


As for the plats I do have http://us.playstation.com/publictrophy/index.htm?onlinename=Toxicitizen

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  On 6/10/2011 at 3:52 AM, Masonvrocks said:



@Caveman What I'm pretty sure he means when he says "Go Smash Bros" is turning off all items, as many people do with Smash Bros. The idea in Smash is that the items involve too much chance and can help a shittier play win because they got a lucky Hammer or really good Pokeball or something. To be honest I've always played Smash with no items, I think they ruin the experience when you're playing with a group of fairly equally skilled opponents but I could see Wipeout being super boring sans items, they do make it alot more fun and aren't super imbalanced, besides perhaps the Quake I could argue.


Also why is everyone here but me, Staysick and Dan European? >.<



Ok now I get it. :P Personally, the fun in Smash Bros is using all the crazy items and stuff. :P




SP Zone is fun, MP zone... Not sure, I like that you can repair your ship, but "zone barrier" doesn't sound like a good thing IMO. :P

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MP Zone is actually very fun,imo.


What happens is instead of a last man standing type deal the host sets a zone goal and the first one to reach that zone wins. So in SP zone progression is timed and always the same but in MP you can go over speed pads to fill up the bar at the bottom of the screen. Whenever the bar is even partially filled you can press square to get a zone boost, putting you in a higher zone and creating a barrier behind you that really fucks up anyone who drives into it. Your other option is to press circle, healing your ship is handy because dying makes you loose a good couple of zones. The idea is to balance your health and the need to get to higher zones faster as well placing your barriers in strategic locations. Very fun mode imo.

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Damnit, my cousin was here minutes ago and talked to me for like 20 mins, so now I don't have time to finish my current mission in Valkyria Chronicles :angry:


Oh well, I wasn't doing that well, so I'll just start over, I guess.


Anyway, I'm still down for Wipeout. And I do have Fury.

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Eliminators are mental. Real fun, hectic because you never know when the dude in front's going to do a u-turn and blast you!


They're also pretty good for loading up on loyalty points too, which is awesome. Helps out loads if you're going for the Disciple or Livery Liberator trophies (names may not be exact but you know the ones I mean right?.

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You should be able to get Livery Liberator just by playing through the single player. WipeOut Deciple is crazy though, I've been playing exclusively Harimau since we all started playing together and I'm only at like 40K loyalty...


Also karmatic balance? :P We're all pretty evenly matched in Eliminator I'd like to think, yes I kick all your asses handily in races and zone battles but I lost a fair few Eliminators.

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Yeah, that was pretty awesome, even though I was absolutely terrible at eliminator :lol:


I have a perfectly valid excuse for my poor performance, though! It was my first time playing it! :unsure:


I've been playing the events in order and haven't reached Fury yet.

Gonna have to rethink that approach, though, because I don't want to fail so miserably next time we play! :P

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