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Wii U



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  1. 1. Buying a Wii U?

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Apparently Nintendo specifically asked Ubisoft to make a mature game so they came up with ZombiU and I can't imagine Mass Effect 3 turned up without a bit of prompting so it seems Nintendo is finally courting third parties in the same way MS and Sony have for years.


Do you think Nintendo will keep this up through the life of the console, or should they try and make mature games themselves? and can they ever win back core gamers, or do you just think people who would buy the WiiU anyway may not feel the need to buy a PS4/nextbox?

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I think they might do okay at first, but as soon as the 720 and PS4 release they're going to have the same problem the Wii did: being woefully under-powered and so unable to run multiplats. I think that's cost them more 3rd party devs than anything else this gen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Latest Wii U rumours: http://ca.ign.com/articles/2012/09/04/report-new-potential-wii-u-release-details-appear


If this is true... for 250, and Rayman Legends and New Super Mario, I'd gladly pick up a Wii U at launch day. I like the Remembrance Day launch as well.

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If that $250 price point is accurate, that console will be a guaranteed success. Still, the details look to be a bit sketchy, so we should keep an eye on news.




Also, some small details about the specs. Not sure how accurate this is and the data is pretty vague, but it's worth a look, right?

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That's weird, they totally lost me with their E3 conference... but the 3DS XL has rejuvenated my waning interest in Nintendo. I love Mario sidescrollers, and Rayman Legends looks great. ZombiU and Pikmin are also promising. That's enough right there... what I'd love is HD Zelda. Oh man do I want HD Zelda. Even if it's just Twilight Princess up-res'd in HD.

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ZombiU looks good too, left that one out, but that and Pikmin alone aren't enough for me.


More details on its Wii b/c might make it a little more interesting, since if it's good enough I might get one just so I wouldn't have to deal with the weird graphical glitching my Wii has developed. Unless it's going to upsample games to HD resolutions though that's not enough of an incentive either.

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I imagine the WiiU has to be backwards compatible with Wii games given that we're going to be using Wii controllers with this console too.


It'll be funny for me because I left my GameCube with my folks since my Wii plays GCN games, but if I get a WiiU, I'll probably use my old Wii strictly as a GameCube. Probably also all the downloads I have since I can't imagine those could transfer to the WiiU.

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  On 9/5/2012 at 11:55 PM, Atomsk88 said:

I imagine the WiiU has to be backwards compatible with Wii games given that we're going to be using Wii controllers with this console too.


It'll be funny for me because I left my GameCube with my folks since my Wii plays GCN games, but if I get a WiiU, I'll probably use my old Wii strictly as a GameCube. Probably also all the downloads I have since I can't imagine those could transfer to the WiiU.


Looks like it's about time you checked Dolphin out.

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I vaguely recall someone from Nintendo mentioning that Wii games won't upgrade on the Wii U because they wanted the games to be viewed as the developers intended. Which is of course code for "we want to sell you HD Wii games". This was shortly after they announced the Wii U, and it was on either Kotaku or IGN... can't remember which. This, of course, could have changed or been an entirely created in the vortex that is my mind.

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Well when you say upscale, it may just do that. What it won't be doing is rendering those games at a HD resolution, that's clear, it would present way too many problems getting all those games to render at that resolution without problems or glitches occuring. The PS3 BC didn't render games at a higher resolution, didn't see anyone complaining.

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Some rumors flying in. Basically, production on the next Zelda game set for a 2014 launch date has started, and the details rolling in makes it a pretty ambitious project. Not sure how accurate this is, but assuming they're not grossly overselling themselves here(which is what it kinda looks like), this could be huge. Something to keep an eye on.

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All of this sounds promising. I do like the idea of a 2013 release to coincide with XBox 720 and PS4. If anything it'll at least keep people talking about Wii U.

As much as I liked the motion controls in Skyward Sword, I'm eager to play a Zelda game with two analog sticks. The tablet controller looks ideal for a Zelda game. Map/inventory on the second screen? Maybe a HUD-less TV screen? Sign me up now!

Edited by TheCowboyPoet
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