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Games that you hate that everyone else seems to like


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I'm actually not a big zombie fan either. I'm not against them I just don't find the zombie apocalypse to be that interesting of a proposition.


Also, anything stupidly gory (mainly severed limbs and heads) or designed to make you soil yourself with fright. I'm looking at you, God of War and Dead Space...


I like happy pretty things, clearly. *hugs Viva Pinata*


But those damn red pinatas...Get the shovel!


*backs away from Gyaruson...veeeery slowly...*

Edited by Zuzela
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Fable series. I do not understand why adults would like them as they are clearly designed for young children.






Minecraft. It's a game in which the some of the most-touted achievements of its players are reproductions of something, whether it be a reproduction of the Enterprise, FF1 character sprites or game levels. It's disturbing to me that we value reproductions more than originality as gamers, but I suppose when one of the most popular shows on TV involved folks singing other's hit songs, I shouldn't be surprised. Note: this may not be Minecraft's fault.

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Fable is fun for the humor. Any game where you can name yourself "Piemaster" and have people acknowledge you with "Respect the lardass, Piemaster" is pretty great in my book. If you go into Fable with no expectations whatsoever, it just might be the greatest series you ever play. If you expect something of it, you'll get a game you love, but know that the potential you had for it ruined some of it for you.


For me:


Metal Gear Solid: First one (On the PSOne) was cool and Snake Eater was cool. Though 2, 4, VR Missions, and Peace Walker aren't that great in my opinion. However the demo for MGS2 was legendary.


Final Fantasy: Now. Let me make this clear. Final Fantasy II through VI are some of the greatest achievements in the RPG genre, but VII, X, XII, and XIII ruin it. Throwing it to an MMO in the boring XI and the fucking awful XIV make it worse. I was not that great, VIII was salvageable, and IX was not my cup of tea. Majority rules! Yeah Tactics was cool and some other stuff was, but that's not including all the goatfuck spinoffs from the DS and the Wii. And let's not forget X-2. That abysmal turd of a game also exists.


Minecraft. I built my castle in about 20-30 hours. Then what?


Pokemon gens III through V.


I don't hate Uncharted 2, in fact I think it's a great game. Not fucking legendary, though.


Honorable mentions: God of War and Gears of War.

Edited by Chewblaha
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Oh hell yes


Mass Effect 1 & 2

The Legend of Zelda games. ALL of them

Grand Theft Auto games not Vice City.


Call of Duty


Gears of War 1 & 2


World of Warcraft

Kind of Red Dead Redemption. Only kind of.

Dragon Age

Counter Strike

... actually almost every Bioware game... or shoot people

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Is it possible to list sports games when you have a vendetta of neckbeards who flood the internet with sports hate all the fucking time? Possibly.


It is possible to say that many "TRUE GAMERS" hate sports in general because they, like me, are physically inept when it comes to the sport? Yes.


Is it possible to say that maybe three sports games have ever truly cracked a rating of "great?" Yes.


In reality, can one believe that the majority of all sports games are rated badly? Yes. Very much so.


Don't see how they're liked by everyone. The majority of games listed here are top contenders for high ratings. 98% of sports games don't fit that mold.


There's a difference between hating something and not having interest in it. By hating something, you obviously had an interest in it at one point to have grown disgusted with it. This is not to be taken to ridiculous proportions and say "Well I never was aligned with Nazis, so I can't hate them?"



Oh. Add the Persona series here. Those are such a fucking waste of time.


Edit: Looking back, it seems that something about Shin Megami and Final Fantasy have always had something draw me into the games and left me with the taste of pubes in my mouth.

Edited by Chewblaha
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I'm with ya; sports games are, broadly, at least divisive amongst gamers and so don't fit into the 'games that everyone else seems to like' category. Indeed, on gaming boards and fora it seems that many people hate sports games as a category.



Oh, and to add another game that everyone likes but that I hate: the GT series. I do not care for it at all.

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