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Games that you hate that everyone else seems to like


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God of War (the first one)






Yes, I played both, I finished both, I don't see what the deal with God of War is, I prefer faster combat, and also, the fact that many dudes believe GoW started the genre makes me hate them and the game! :P Seriously though, it's just the speed of combat and some of the traps and obstacles were just plain stupid IMO.


Uncharted: I loved the sections where you had to solve puzzles and stuff, but the combat was awful.

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I don't understand why other people's misconceptions about a game makes people not like the game (or movie or whatever). I'm referring to the "the fact that many dudes believe GoW started the genre makes me hate them and the game!" I mean, I can see that if something is super hyped up and then doesn't live up to those expectations it might hurt your opinion, because you expected too much, but why does something like people thinking it created a genre affect your opinion of the game? That has nothing to do with the game, it's just people being retarded.

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God of War was good, definitely slower and less reliant on skill than Ninja Gaiden Black, but it wasn't bad and the story was interesting.


Now Dragon Age, I don't hate. I just really, passionately believe it's not for me. I loved KotOR and I had heard the gameplay was similar, but it just didn't click with me. The inventory system was essentially what "broke" the game for me. I kept running out of inventory space every 15 minutes on my first quest, so being OCD as I usually am with RPG's, I walked all the way back to the village to sell the extras. The problem was that I didn't know the quests in this game are long as fuck. So halfway through the first quest, I decided to only pick up items that were truly necessary. I'd pass up weapons and armor because they weren't that much better than my current equipment. Then my character wasn't strong enough, so I dropped the difficulty and tried to enjoy the story. Yet another problem was the fact that I stopped leveling up myself due to the difficulty, and just used auto-level up. By the time I got to the last section, with the armies and stuff, my character sucked so much ass that I couldn't finish the game. I wasn't having fun anymore, so I just gave up. Maybe one day I'll try it again...


Now, Uncharted 2, I'm with Chewie and Yant. The story was engrossing (if cliché), the graphics were great, and the animations were wonderful. But the platforming was unintuitive, and the shooting was downright boring. Nathan's jumps were all context-sensitive during platforming sections, leading to unrealistic jumps even by the game's previous standards. There were quite a few times I got stuck because I was convinced Nathan couldn't make a certain jump, so I'd look around for an alternate path until I'd just try whatever seemed least impossible. Whenever I chose the "correct" jump, Nathan would borrow Kazooie's Spring Boots, and Dwight Howard it up to the next ledge or whatever. The shooting controls were ok, but the bullet sponge enemies got incredibly annoying really quick. Headshot detection was pretty inconsistent too. The bottom line is I suffered through the gameplay because I wanted to see the end of the story.

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I haven't played Uncharted 2 or any of the other God of War games, so, can anyone tell me, does the pacing change? In Uncharted 2 are there still those puzzle things like in the first game? In the next GoW games, are there still parts like... The Path of Hades (or something like that I think)?

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Oblivion. O-fucking-blivion. And Morrowind too, actually. It's like Bethesda has this incredible talent for making amazing games, and then finding one crucial aspect to fuck up so incredibly badly that the rest of the otherwise wonderful game is ruined.


Until recently, I would have said GT as well, but I picked up 5 on a whim, and I freaking love it.

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I haven't played Uncharted 2 or any of the other God of War games, so, can anyone tell me, does the pacing change? In Uncharted 2 are there still those puzzle things like in the first game? In the next GoW games, are there still parts like... The Path of Hades (or something like that I think)?

GoWIII is pretty streamlined, there are a few puzzles, but nothing terrible, and they actually fit in with the story very nicely.


You should really play it, it's fantastic.

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Oblivion. O-fucking-blivion. And Morrowind too, actually. It's like Bethesda has this incredible talent for making amazing games, and then finding one crucial aspect to fuck up so incredibly badly that the rest of the otherwise wonderful game is ruined.


Until recently, I would have said GT as well, but I picked up 5 on a whim, and I freaking love it.


I have something for you then:


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I haven't played Uncharted 2 or any of the other God of War games, so, can anyone tell me, does the pacing change? In Uncharted 2 are there still those puzzle things like in the first game? In the next GoW games, are there still parts like... The Path of Hades (or something like that I think)?

GoWIII is pretty streamlined, there are a few puzzles, but nothing terrible, and they actually fit in with the story very nicely.


You should really play it, it's fantastic.

So what you're saying is, the reduced the number of puzzles? AKA reduced the only aspect of the game I might have enjoyed? ;)

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I haven't played Uncharted 2 or any of the other God of War games, so, can anyone tell me, does the pacing change? In Uncharted 2 are there still those puzzle things like in the first game? In the next GoW games, are there still parts like... The Path of Hades (or something like that I think)?

GoWIII is pretty streamlined, there are a few puzzles, but nothing terrible, and they actually fit in with the story very nicely.


You should really play it, it's fantastic.

So what you're saying is, the reduced the number of puzzles? AKA reduced the only aspect of the game I might have enjoyed? ;)

Hah, I dunno if they are reduced or not. I don't remember how many were in GOW other than when you were hiking up to get pandoras box.


Sorta the same idea on GoWIII but with the Labaryinth, and the area right before it. Not really a spoiler to say that either. :P


I never even played GoWII though, so I can't comment on it.

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I haven't played Uncharted 2 or any of the other God of War games, so, can anyone tell me, does the pacing change? In Uncharted 2 are there still those puzzle things like in the first game? In the next GoW games, are there still parts like... The Path of Hades (or something like that I think)?

GoWIII is pretty streamlined, there are a few puzzles, but nothing terrible, and they actually fit in with the story very nicely.


You should really play it, it's fantastic.



Ok, maybe I'll rent it or something, first I have to work through my backlog :P Also, one of the most frustrating things in the first GoW was the camera angles during some parts like when you had to cross a beam with some traps and stuff, I fell to my death thanks to the fact that I couldn't see anything :P

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Super Meat Boy. Don't see what the fuss is about.

WoW. Not into mmorpg's generally.

CoD. Seriously, what is the attraction here over any other FPS?

BioShock. I sort of liked it, but I wasn't compelled to finish it. I think I got to the point where you are collecting bees or some such.

Bayonetta, got bigged up but is in fact a DMC clone, except that the enemies are utterly abstract and therefore I don't give a toss about them. I liked the enemies in DMC, there was something primal about them, the reapers, the marionettes, all that stuff. In Bayonetta it was just a bunch of brass meccano with a ceramic mask on it somewhere.


I don't necessarily "hate" any or all of these, just I don't particularly like them.


Regarding God of War 3, there's nothing quite as cheap as the Hade's Spiked Columns, (which I hate beyond my ability to express), but the vents were a tad tiresome. On the whole though, that game was flippin' awesome.

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