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Games that you hate that everyone else seems to like


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Yeah, I bought it used on Glyde, played it for about an hour, then sold it on Glyde. I should have trusted my instincts from playing the demo, but everyone raved about it so much I caved in.



Hmmm...i remember you being the guy who really liked it on here. Thats kind of why I got it.

Ill never follow your false advice again!

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Im not digginh just cause 2.

the grappling hook and parachute shit is amazing and feels great, but literally everything else about it sucks.

the driving blows.

the shooting blows.

controlling the character blows.

the main character blows.

The voiceacting blows.

the enemy ai blows.

the game just does so much wrong.

i need to get my money back or credit to buy something else.


If you take "voice acting" as something detrimental to the game, you are very clearly missing the point.


The story, characters, and VA are SUPPOSED to be intentionally bad. They made it so obvious that it baffles me how there are people who have this go over their head.

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Just because it's supposed to be bad doesn't make it enjoyable, it just makes it bad. :P It doesn't go far enough to get into "so bad it's good" territory.



I love satire, but just cause doesnt do it in a way that is remotely humorous. Theres absolutely nothing funny or witty about it. Its just bad.

The main character is such a tool. I really dislike him.


Again, missing the point.



The game makes a BUNCH of quips at video games in general. Like the Lost-satire mission, the ally NPC makes the typical "OMG WE'RE ALMOST TO THE BEACH" and Rico mumbles "I have eyes, you know" (which is a nice change of pace considering how 99% of games make incredibly obvious remarks about where you're going, etc.). Or the mission halfway through the game where you fight the criminal warlords (which are obvious caricatures) from other countries, concluding in massive explosions while Sheldon and Rico drink margaritas from the bar. Or the ridiculously oversized rockets in the final mission that are big enough for you to walk on. While they're being launched. Or the completely random appearance of ninjas (Rico: "I. HATE. Ninjas") also about halfway through. Or in multiple faction missions where the quest-givers constantly tell you to hurry, Rico says "DAMNIT WOMAN, STOP BUSTING MY BALLS" in one of them (again, a quip at how many games constantly pestering you with "OMG HURRY TIME'S ALMOST UP HURRY HURRY HURRY"). Or the absurdity of the main antagonist being a weakling tiny bald man.


I got a bunch of these, honestly, and they're sprinkled all throughout. If you can't see these and tell that it's satire, you need to get your ears and eyes checked. It's subtle, so they're not going to hit you over the head with them, and they're not all meant to have you ROFLing, but seriously. They're obvious. Why people miss them is beyond me.

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I was commenting on the bad VA specifically.


Which goes right back to the "intentional" point I was making. There's a reason why Bolo Santosi's voice/accent is a meme. Every voice/accent in this game is exaggerated, and when those voices say satirical quips it's extremely obvious it was intentional.


I just realized how hard it is to explain "satire" to people.

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I was commenting on the bad VA specifically.

Which goes right back to the "intentional" point I was making. There's a reason why Bolo Santosi's voice/accent is a meme. Every voice/accent in this game is exaggerated, and when those voices say satirical quips it's extremely obvious it was intentional.


I just realized how hard it is to explain "satire" to people.

I get satire, what I was saying is that just because it was satirical doesn't make it good. The fact that I didn't like it, and criticize the way they used it, doesn't mean that I missed the fact that it was intended to be satirical, it just means I didn't like it.

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I was commenting on the bad VA specifically.

Which goes right back to the "intentional" point I was making. There's a reason why Bolo Santosi's voice/accent is a meme. Every voice/accent in this game is exaggerated, and when those voices say satirical quips it's extremely obvious it was intentional.


I just realized how hard it is to explain "satire" to people.

I get satire, what I was saying is that just because it was satirical doesn't make it good. The fact that I didn't like it, and criticize the way they used it, doesn't mean that I missed the fact that it was intended to be satirical, it just means I didn't like it.


That's OK, but there's a difference between saying "I know it's satire, but I didn't enjoy it" and "the VA is bad". The former acknowledges the intention from the get-go. The latter misses the point.

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The FPS genre. Probably the most successful genre of recent years. Every so often I try to get on with one but I just find them incredibly frustrating. I don't hate them per se but because I'm awful at them I cannot enjoy them so feel like I am missing out on some of the biggest games that get released. I feel the same way but to a lesser extent about third person shooters. I tend to find them easier to control but it still means I get more frustration than enjoyment out of them but I can at least get through them if there are other aspects of the game I enjoy.


It also means I miss out on one of the biggest areas that games have moved in to: multiplayer. I can't tell you how many reviews say the single player is mediocre but get it for the multiplayer and that's me scuppered.


Even worse is co-op. I think this is the area that is potentially the most fun and it really annoys me that I'm too sucky to inflict myself on another player. I'd be like one of those escort missions AI characters everyone hates.

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I really dislike pretty much all of the DQ games. The plots and dialog tend to be far too cheesy for me.


The first ones graphics were so bad that I could never play them for more than 5 minutes but I just bought IX on a whim and I'm actually quite enjoying it. It's got an original story so far and it's actually got a fantastic soundtrack.

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The FPS genre. Probably the most successful genre of recent years. Every so often I try to get on with one but I just find them incredibly frustrating. I don't hate them per se but because I'm awful at them I cannot enjoy them so feel like I am missing out on some of the biggest games that get released.


I'm not a huge fan of FPS games but there have been rare exceptions.


Timesplitters (2) I enjoyed because of the co-op story as well as the competitive play with friends and bots


Halo series. Again it was the co-op that drew me in (and it's a lot of fun for noobs) and I started playing online with 2 (shortly before 3 came out). Now with Reach you can even do an online co-op mode that's a blast.


Resistance 2, I only played co-op because the story felt too much like a corridor shooter (and no co-op like TS2 was probably a large factor). I'd recommend that because it scales to difficulty and because you're taking on different roles in a team it's not always on you. You can even play a medic so you're more focused on healing people (and they sure as hell appreciate that).


Of course, it doesn't matter if you suck (we all do at first). Start with the difficulty down low and work your way up.

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The game makes a BUNCH of quips at video games in general. Like the Lost-satire mission, the ally NPC makes the typical "OMG WE'RE ALMOST TO THE BEACH" and Rico mumbles "I have eyes, you know" (which is a nice change of pace considering how 99% of games make incredibly obvious remarks about where you're going, etc.).


Or in multiple faction missions where the quest-givers constantly tell you to hurry, Rico says "DAMNIT WOMAN, STOP BUSTING MY BALLS" in one of them (again, a quip at how many games constantly pestering you with "OMG HURRY TIME'S ALMOST UP HURRY HURRY HURRY"). Or the absurdity of the main antagonist being a weakling tiny bald man.


Not sure how these count as insightful commentary on gaming tropes rather than just being gaming tropes. To avoid the trope the character would have to acknowledge that they are doing so. For example, if you are going to subvert the trope of arbitrary or artificial time limits then you would need to draw attention to that specifically. As in:


"We've only got 10 seconds to kill the bad guy."


"Why 10 Seconds? He's driving the car we're following, what's gonna happen in 10 seconds that a rocket launcher can't fix?"


It sounds to me more like the game follows obvious gaming tropes and that the developers are not sure how to cover it up. Superman's antagonist was a balding weakling and that was never painted as absurd.

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That analogy with superman doesn't fit :P.


That's a brawn vs brain thing. It's not absurd in the real world that a smart weakling( though I never can see lex as phys weak. ) is jealous of a stronger athletic type and vice versa. Plot point of majority of teen movies.

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I think JC2 is aware how absurd it is.


Although, for one mission I thought it might be quite dumb. I had to escort a woman who had been working undercover or something, but she would only ride in a limo; which seemed like the worst way to travel to safety.


Needless to say, once that had been sent flying off a cliff and into a river she was open to alternative modes of transport.

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