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Games that you hate that everyone else seems to like


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  On 3/11/2011 at 4:44 AM, Yantelope said:
  On 3/10/2011 at 7:47 PM, ZTF said:

I really dislike pretty much all of the DQ games. The plots and dialog tend to be far too cheesy for me.


The first ones graphics were so bad that I could never play them for more than 5 minutes but I just bought IX on a whim and I'm actually quite enjoying it. It's got an original story so far and it's actually got a fantastic soundtrack.


I've got to second this - I've never played DQ before, but IX is great. The main story, as well as all the side stories, are original and usually pretty touching.

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  On 3/11/2011 at 1:56 PM, Strangelove said:

Metroid prime.

Just yesterday I was thinking about how much I love that game after watching Extra Credits rip on Other M. Coincidentally, I began thinking about how I only knew one person who disliked it. For him, the extra dimension didn't transition well.


Now I can say two! :o

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I'm also going to go with Dragon Age: Origins.


I played it for about eight hours and got to the bit where you meet the witch after some tower burns. I felt like I was playing Star Wars: KOTOR in a fantasy setting with some minor story changes. I was aware of it before, but DA:O really opened up my eyes to how much Bioware is recycling a lot of content in their releases.


Another thing that didn't work for me was the generic fantasy setting. I've since found out that was a design choice, to try and make a stand-out generic fantasy; but it still felt generic to me.

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  On 3/12/2011 at 2:54 AM, SanaEquiesterer said:
I felt like I was playing Star Wars: KOTOR in a fantasy setting with some minor story changes.

That's exactly what it felt like and I loved it SO MUCH! :D


Then they ruined it with DA2. :(


  On 3/12/2011 at 3:03 AM, Strangelove said:
Bioware fans never acknowledge that bioware recycles game. Its an unspoken rule.

Maybe most won't, but I certainly will. See above. ;)

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Infamous. Have I said that yet? Yes, Infamous. Never before have I played a game with a less likeable protagonist. Fuck you, Cole. Not to mention, the way he walks around all crunched over, really bugs me. And his friend!!! His friend!! God I almost hate him more than Cole.

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  • 2 months later...

I personally wasn't a fan of RDR. I found the gameplay a bit generic and the story boring and tedious. I always felt like I was just doing shit for people without much actual story progression for John. Traded it in after a couple hours in Mexico.


Also: Kirby Canvas Curse.


Edit: So this was originally another thread because I didn't know this existed. Sorry for bumping a super old thread.

Edited by Masonvrocks
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Dragon Age on normal settings is pretty unlikable(PS3, if you care). I honestly had a real hard time about 6 or 7 hours in.

Then I changed it to easy and the game got awesome as fuck. I hate to say it, but the story stuff is way better than the dungeon crawling. I just enjoy the dialogue and stuff way more I guess.

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Burnout: Paradise

All things Call of Duty post COD4.

Halo 3


  On 3/19/2011 at 11:37 PM, Strangelove said:

I hate the Sims 3.

Sims 2 forever.


Ditto. I reinstalled it last night after talking about it with a friend and thinking I must've been wrong about it. Reaffirmed my hatred for it. Absolutely love TS2 though.

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  On 6/13/2011 at 6:06 AM, Masonvrocks said:

What's with all the Burnout Paradise hate in this thread? That was a fantastic game, best in the series if I do say so myself.


To me the free roam killed it. I don't usually like driving games, the first burnout or two were rather unique. Paradise to me felt too much like a generic driving game.

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Go ahead and throw in Halo Reach as well as maybe the series in general for me.


I played Halo: Reach for free by me signing up for that "disc format beta" thing. I had never played a Halo game before, but since it's so freaking popular AND so freaking popular with kids (they make Halo-themed LEGO toys FFS) I said to myself "well, it's probably not going to be awesome but it's probably going to be amused in some way".


Holy shit was I wrong. There's nothing particularly WRONG with the gameplay, except for the fact it's the most pedestrian and flat AAA title I've played in several years. The level design I found completely unimaginative and not at all engaging, and you did absolutely NOTHING but shoot. They didn't even make the shooting interesting by switching things up for you to shoot things differently (with the exception being the space dogfight, which was fine if not a little pedestrian itself), it was just "go here and shoot. Done? OK, move up a bit and shoot more". The fact that I've heard many call Reach the "best in the series" makes it even worse. If this is the best then I really don't want to play the rest. It's just "Space Shooter: The Game". Generic art style, generic story, generic music, generic shooting. Just generic in general. Nothing is of low quality, but Bungie made absolutely no effort in going above and beyond in any way in my opinion.

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  On 6/13/2011 at 9:54 PM, RockyRan said:

Go ahead and throw in Halo Reach as well as maybe the series in general for me.


I played Halo: Reach for free by me signing up for that "disc format beta" thing. I had never played a Halo game before, but since it's so freaking popular AND so freaking popular with kids (they make Halo-themed LEGO toys FFS) I said to myself "well, it's probably not going to be awesome but it's probably going to be amused in some way".


Holy shit was I wrong. There's nothing particularly WRONG with the gameplay, except for the fact it's the most pedestrian and flat AAA title I've played in several years. The level design I found completely unimaginative and not at all engaging, and you did absolutely NOTHING but shoot. They didn't even make the shooting interesting by switching things up for you to shoot things differently (with the exception being the space dogfight, which was fine if not a little pedestrian itself), it was just "go here and shoot. Done? OK, move up a bit and shoot more". The fact that I've heard many call Reach the "best in the series" makes it even worse. If this is the best then I really don't want to play the rest. It's just "Space Shooter: The Game". Generic art style, generic story, generic music, generic shooting. Just generic in general. Nothing is of low quality, but Bungie made absolutely no effort in going above and beyond in any way in my opinion.


Whoa whoa whoa.


Look, son. We agree on a lot of things. But don't you go insultin' my Halo music. The story itself is a decade old, the art style was done differently for Reach, and yes. There is even a goddamn joke in Halo 2 in which Chief says "Thought I'd try shooting, mix things up a little."


It's a shooter, man. ALL YOU WILL DO is shoot and drive vehicles.


Halo: Reach was a Halo fanboy's dream because of the story you read about ten years ago was finally brought to life in a video game. It is straight up Halo fanboy territory. It is the best Halo made in my opinion. If you want to play a game that takes you to different stories with different perspectives on the way things move. Play Halo 2. If Reach didn't exist, that'd be the best one.


Fuck what anyone else will respond to you with about Halo 2. It is the best of them all until Reach, an admitted fanboy territory for hardcore Halo fans, came out.


Seriously, dog.


Fuck whatever anyone else has to say about Halo. You should not play Reach until you've played the rest.


When you suffer through Halo 3 and ODST, then you'll realize why Reach is so heralded. It got it right, finally, on the next gen platforms.

Edited by Chewblaha
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