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F2P Game Group



23 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would you prefer?

    • Champions Online
    • Global Agenda
    • Spiral Knights
    • Alliance of Valiant Arms
    • Forsaken World
    • Dungeons and Dragons Online
    • Quake Live
    • Battlefield Play4Free
    • Other
  2. 2. Which of these three?

    • Spiral Knights
    • Champions Online
    • Dungeons & Dragons Online
    • All of the Above

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So with Steam launching their F2P collection and with a few guys on here signing up to Dungeons and Dragons Online I was thinking it may be worth setting up a game we can all grab and join in on. Free games work out very well for this because there's no financial commitment (most do have micro-transactions though) so no issue if you only play a short-while then hop off. It might be nice to have something for over the summer we can join in on now n then, play with each other, maybe set up a guild or something.


So what games would people be up for playing?

One main issue would be the need for global servers as we're all around the world. I'm unsure which ones do this. DDO does, and I'm sure Cyber may be able to fill us in on what Champions Online is like. Anyone with any experince on the otehr games what to pipe up?


The poll is multiple choice, so pick any you're up for. The two FPS titles I added may have issues with lag and obviously to make more worthwhile would need coordinated events to play together, unlike MMO where it's not entirely required to all be online at the same time. But they're FPS so it adds a bit more variety to the list.


Just something that's a bit persistent and free really, so suggestions are welcome.






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I am absolutely ecstatic that Spiral Knights is finally picking up more publicity, much in thanks due to Steam.


Other than that, there are a number of F2P MMOs, though most tend to cater towards group-grinding and not really social grouping.


Also, free-to-play shooters tend to be very bad in general anyways, so it's most likely for the best if we stay clear of those.

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From my experience with DDO:

It is of really high quality. Even on standard textures, the game looks rather good. The best parts of WOW, the raids, are one of the biggest parts of the game. The other part is exploring in which you are rewarded bonus exp for finding landmarks, defeating a certain number of mooks, and defeating bosses around the exploration areas. There are all ready a few people playing DDO on here, so it would be easier to make the jump. The paid content is really out of the way, it hasnt told me I needed to buy something using real money in the time I have been playing. Lots of character customization, with different types of each individual class.


So that is why my vote goes to DDO.

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I vote for CO (since I'll be playing it anyway), DDO (heard good things) and Spiral Knights (also heard good things).


Here is a basic rundown of how Champions Online works for free and subbed accounts:


If you are an unsubbed player, you have access to:

One bag slot (as opposed to 4),

One bank tab (as opposed to a max of 5),

Limited number of Auction House slots (subbed gets more of them),

Limited number of costume pieces (around 3000, subbed gets an additional 400),

Limited to base archetypes (these are classes. Subbed has access to "gold" ones (which you can buy even if you aren't subbed) and freeform builds),

Cannot change power colours,

Limited to two character slots,

You have access to all the game's missions and lairs, except for 3 Adventure Packs (2 hour long mission chains),

You have access to 4 basic travel powers.


All the features can be upgraded or purchased without subbing, except for making freeform builds and customizing power colours. These are only available if you are subbed. Subbing works kind of like PSN+. As long as you are subbed, you have access to a bunch of stuff. When you aren't subbed, you lose access until you are subbed again. But if you say, buy Fire Flight in the microtransaction store, you keep Fire Flight regardless of whether you are subbed or not. Same goes for bag slots, adventure packs and so on...


Freeform builds is something exclusive to being subbed. That means you can mix and match almost any powers. The only limit is that some power have requirements like "You need to have 3 Heavy Weapons powers or 5 powers from any framework before selecting this power."


I don't do PvP, but I know that there are separate queues for freeform and archetype characters, so no fear of getting ganked by min-maxers. Archetypes offer some customization though. You can spread advantage points (power upgrades) as you like and there are a few levels where you choose between two powers.


Oh, and the game limits your chat abilities until you've reached 20 hours playtime in it or buy something in the microtransaction store. The workaround is using custom chat channels. I'll make one for us and invite anyone who wants in so at least the forum can keep in touch with each other.


Here's the official F2P matrix: http://www.champions-online.com/f2p_matrix

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Uh, LotRO? Because LotRO is definitely more polished than any MMO on that list. And I refuse to touch anything Bill Roper has had his hand in.


I believe there was a let's play on the Escapist of LotRO. It did not look very appealing, to say the least.


Edit: Free to play game of the day on steam is Spiral Knights. The special offer is that you get double energy today and a commemorative TF2 HAT. NOW OFFICIALLY BEST MMO EVER.


Seriously though, would anyone care for pairing up and trying it out?

Edited by VicariousShaner
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Yea. The amount of energy you get per day in Spiral Knights is only good for roughly 1.5 runs into a dungeon on average, assuming you're going from one rest point to another within a dungeon. It's good for burst play, but if you're looking for something consistent Spiral Knights is probably not a good idea.


Also, crafting takes up 50 energy, which is basically half of an entire day's supply, which is very costly in terms of time and resources (not to mention you need to run the dungeons to get the items needed to craft).

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So it currently seems to be a tie between Champions Online, Spiral Knights and Dungeons and Dragons Online.


So I'm going to stick up a second poll for those.


We currently have people on all three. Cyber on Champions Online and a couple others with Dungeons n Dragons and Spiral Knights I think picked up a few with the Steam F2P launch.


So we'll see what the poll comes out like, though I think I may have an inkling. And given the way Spirals Knights is structured I don't think that would be on it's own.

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