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Shadows of the Damned

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I got through half of Act 2. So far, this game is blowing my mind. The writing is top-notch, the visuals are astounding, and it evokes Grindhouse-esque stylings while preventing itself from becoming yet another Grindhouse knock-off. The demon world is a confusing place, and even your pal Johnson is willing to admit that yes, the demons are kind of dumb. Plus, read the books you find on the side. Johnson engages in a little Story Time, and the one I've read so far is hilarious.


I'm eager to jump back in.

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It's not had much marketing support... Pity really as I'm rather enjoying it. It's totally over the top, but it's a lot of fun.

Yeah, when I went by the GameStop to buy a copy, the managers said they only received a small number of units. In fact, I grabbed the last one they had.

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So, played a fair bit of Shadows now, and here's an interesting point that I'm seeing raised here and there. How is this different to DNF? There's graphic violence and dick jokes in spades. There's also a degree of violence with sexual overtones, and undertones, in fact, there's a whole orchestra of it.


Somehow it doesn't come across as offensive to me in the same way that the DNF content did, but why?


Is it because the game is better than DNF so I'm giving it a free pass? Is it because SotD seems to be more self aware? Perhaps it's because Garcia Fucking Hotspur is as appalled by the violence inflicted on his "angel" as I am, while Duke seems not to give a crap?


I'm inclined (or maybe I'd just like) to think it's the latter. Duke is callous and unfeeling, while Garcia Fucking Hotspur is passionate about putting a stop to the horror.

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Looks like no store here will have it until next week. :(


Still, really looking forward to playing it, only thing that kinda disappoints me is that there's no New Game + option as far as I know, it would have been cool to play again with all weapons maxed out and stuff. :P

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Looks like no store here will have it until next week. :(


Still, really looking forward to playing it, only thing that kinda disappoints me is that there's no New Game + option as far as I know, it would have been cool to play again with all weapons maxed out and stuff. :P


With any luck it'll be patched/free dlc'd in.

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So, played a fair bit of Shadows now, and here's an interesting point that I'm seeing raised here and there. How is this different to DNF? There's graphic violence and dick jokes in spades. There's also a degree of violence with sexual overtones, and undertones, in fact, there's a whole orchestra of it.


Somehow it doesn't come across as offensive to me in the same way that the DNF content did, but why?


Is it because the game is better than DNF so I'm giving it a free pass? Is it because SotD seems to be more self aware? Perhaps it's because Garcia Fucking Hotspur is as appalled by the violence inflicted on his "angel" as I am, while Duke seems not to give a crap?


I'm inclined (or maybe I'd just like) to think it's the latter. Duke is callous and unfeeling, while Garcia Fucking Hotspur is passionate about putting a stop to the horror.

It's because Shadows is well-written, and there's a certain sort of earnestness to the dick jokes. It's all in the performance and presentation. Both G and Johnson are in agreement that the underworld is fucked, and that the demons are dumb, weird creatures. Also, it's completely self-aware, while DNF plays Duke completely seriously.

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