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Dungeons of Dredmor


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Everyone buy this!....well maybe. Its a dungeon roguelike with skills you pick at the start. Got all the roguelike ingredients. its got turn based movement, permanent death (well you can actually turn that off when starting...but c'mon where's the fun in that!) and randomization thrown in for good measure!

Its genuinely funny, and the tutorial is short and breezy and fills you in on the basics.



enemies are pretty rude.

Its got an amazing thing that other roguelikes don't have though. It actually looks nice. I mean it has visuals that don't want to make you scratch out your eyes with hot coals. LOOK. Music is good although the tutorial music is annoying, after that though its all gravy. Gravy and mash potatoes to your ears.



You will die a lot.


And its got a very user friendly interface, complete with a DOOM style avatar of the player at the bottom of the screen. Haven't played that much so BACK TO DREDMOR.


The only problem I've got with the game is, despite having Steam achievements.....you can't use the Steam overlay when playing it. This is madness. Presume they'll patch that.



Edited by excel_excel
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The PXOD review by Cyber Rat: http://www.pressxordie.com/2011/07/21/review-dungeons-of-dredmor/


I've personally been playing this lately, mainly on my netbook in Offline mode so I have a fair bit more racked up than what Steam says.


It's pretty good. I'm kinda new to rouge-likes, so most of my past experience is with Desktop Dungeons (which is also pretty good, though they're knocking out a paid for version)


Since I've been playing on my netbook I will say the interface can get extremely cramped. Even on my big TV it gets a bit cramped. So yeah you quickly learn the keyboard shortcuts. On the netbook the inability to move the Character window is a huge pain since it's pretty big and in an awkward spot. Unsure if it's a bug or not as most windows can be moved around.

The 2 block height is slightly annoying as you tend to miss out on anything close to a low wall unless passing your mouse around everywhere looking for a pop-up.


There's quite a bit left unexplained, mainly in the crafting areas. Meaning that I was stockpiling stuff that turns out I couldn't use, so that's a bummer. Adding new skills and buying items can also be a pain as it's a 50:50 split on which items offer amusing description and which items offer straightforward stat information. And since you earn skills kinda slowly you don't want to be wasting your skill point on what seems to be a dummy skill.


So yeah it could do with a bit of polish around the edges, but other than that it's a fun game and worth what I paid for it.


Oh and I'm catching up to Excel in 'cheeves. Though I'm unsure on why I don't have Welcome to Dredmor and Gesundheit since I'm sure I've frequently been killed by Diggles. (If I played Online I'd probably have a few more too)

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Dreadmor has been stealing a load of my time since getting it. I still haven't got past level 4 but I'm doing pretty well on my latest build, even managing to defeat a Monster Zoo!


Things I've learned:

-Multi-class is hard. The purer the class, the easier it is...or so it seems.

-Knightly Leap or some form of Teleport is essential if you want to get all the loot.

-Disarming traps is a great way to level up.

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-Disarming traps is a great way to level up.


Oh god, this. I always, ALWAYS take a skill that will give me the first level of trap affinity before I start so I can get some easy levels on the first floor. Then I pour some level ups into those skills as I come across the more dangerous traps. Once I got lucky and an anvil of krong enchanted my shield to give me +2 trap affinity.. I could disarm anything I came across all the way down until level 4. T'was awesome.

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