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D&D 3.5: Online



3 members have voted

  1. 1. Does an online D&D 3.5 game appeal to you?

    • Yes, definitely.
    • Yeah, if I have time.
    • I guess.
    • Not really, maybe with enough people.
    • No, you're an idiot.
  2. 2. What day would be best for you?

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So, it's a pretty simple though. Earlier, a few of us in the PXOD Steam chat were discussing out longing/love for/of Dungeons and Dragons and, after some nostalgic discussion and a Demonoid link, Dean and I started a tentative plan to host a weekly/bi-weekly game played via Skype.


For those of you not in the know, Dungeons and Dragons is a tabletop RPG set in, well, whatever the hell realm the Dungeon Master sees fit. I've been playing the game since I was seven years old, but for awhile now I've been without a group to lead and, as Dean mentioned, I'm not the only one who longs for a campaign.


Basically, this game would be on a set night once every one or two weeks, and we're looking for anyone else who might be interested and/or willing to set that time aside to play. I personally have a few requirements (and, since I'm to lead this adventure, I guess that's important) and though I don't know many of you very well, and will be relying on Dean's say-so to decide on you eligability with this little experiment in fun/awesomeness, I feel you should know them from the start:


1. Be willing to play on the decided-upon time unless emergencies won't allow it. I'd be taking time off from work that I really shouldn't be taking, in order to make sure this game can be played, so I'd hope you'll be willing to show up for it barring extenuating circumstances.


2. Don't be a douche. I mean, if it's funny than SOME douchery is acceptable, but if I notice someone never seems to roll anything but positive, useful rolls... well, let's just say you can play a different game*


3. You'll be needing Skype and some dice/a dice roller program, and at LEAST the Players Handbook for D&D 3.5. We can provide you with the means to get at least what you need digitally, if interested.


4. Be willing to have fun. We don't need to be, and frankly shouldn't be, serious-face the entire game. A little good-natured fucking around is always fine (in fact, the best games are 70% game, 25% fucking around, and 5% ordering delivery), so if you get to be a tightwad I'll get sick of you pretty gorram quickly.


5. DO NOT FUCK WITH YOUR DM. I'm serious, this isn't for my sake, it's for yours. Last time someone decided to nitpick the difference between a Search check and a Spot check, I made their character go blind by being skull-fucked by a gang of kobolds infected with various STDs. Don't tempt me.


Other than that, we're just looking to see who's interested and what day would be best for everyone. Don't let my little list deter you, I wont be a douche about it if you don't end up feeling it's the right scene for you, and I'm perfectly willing to help walk new players through the game when they get lost or confused.


Specifics on the rules and how the game will work are still to be decided, but if you're interested let us know!





*The game is called Hide and Go Fuck Yourself With A Rake

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I would totally play, but I am not into fantasy RPGs. Well except video games, but that's different damn it.

Well, I'm not the conventional DM when it comes to D&D, so if you decide to give it a shot that'd still be cool.


I take more of an open-ended approach to adventuring. For the better part of three years I ran a campaign in which the party split into three groups and traveled the world separately, all of their own volition, yet working towards the same goals without realizing it.


I also imagine folks wanting the occasional change of pace, and I've been meaning to try out a Shadowrun campaign (still fantasy, but scifi fantasy in a good way). I can make a point to remember if we ever go that route, assuming this pans out and becomes a regular thing.

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Sorry for the delay, girlfriend was back for the week and all my time was absorbed.


Anyway, so, seems like not much in the way of interest here, but I'll keep checking back periodically. I'm also thinking of starting a group with local players (my local game shop has a bulletin board for players seeking games/games seeking players, and there's a huge number of players without a group. Considering making little logs of our progress and showing it on here, maybe getting to see how my campaigns run will draw a few second looks.

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I would totes be into this, but with my current schedule it'd be hard finding the time. Sucks.


Also, have you thought about G+ hangout instead of skype? I've never really used my skype account, can you do group video chat in it? I know you can in G+, so real dice could be a substitute for dice rollers, and also the DM could actually have a mat and figures for movement / battles / etc instead of trying to explain everything over voice / type chat.


Yes I've been putting a lot of that into it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A fair stance. 4th made a looot of sacrifices to cater to a less experienced crowd, and I can certainly understand why many think it wasn't worth it.


But yeah, Pathfinder is a 3.5 variant system. Irons out some stupid things, and then manages to make the game even MORE complex. Because if there's one thing we pen and paper gamers like, it's complexity. (Eyes his copy of GURPS 4th)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is this still happening? I am interested.

It's possible, though I have remarkably less time than before. Saturday or Sunday night (EST, my time) is looking like my only reliable days free, so, we'll see.


I'm surprised that you run 3.5. Have you tried Pathfinder? Very similar, but I personally find it superior. Obviously, it's all up to the individual, I'm just curious.

I haven't tried Pathfinder yet, but I run 3.5 because it's what I know best (well, other than Advanced D&D, but not many people can handle the raw manliness that it represents).


That, and it was the last official rule set I played before they bastardized the game into 4.0 which, as has been said, I refuse to play after my first time.

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