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Star Wars: The Old Republic



32 members have voted

  1. 1. Will SWTOR Fail

    • Yes, it will die quick
    • Yes, it will die a slow and painful death
    • No, it will coexist peacefully with WoW
    • No, it will finally dethrone WoW

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I've not once called you ignorant, nor did I reference you at all in my reply to Kovach.

Perhaps it was a poor choice of words on my side. I didn't imply that... forget it.

@FDS: Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous that dancing makes you invincible, but not nearly as ridiculous as the idea of them banning you for using that to survive battle. Games sometimes have pretty ridiculous bugs, that's to be expected, but ridiculous CS reactions to it are not.

BTW, It didn't make you literally invincible.

I think 1 day is pretty quick for a patch. But they've got a lot of work on their hands, lots of things need improvements.

Edited by Maritan
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Is it just me, or are the vast majority of Marauders (and whatever the Republic-equivalent is) complete and utter idiots?


I swear, they're the TOR-equivalent of Huntards. I even have a nickname for them already - Marauderps.

Lots of Sorcs and Marauders on all servers. I think Powertech and operative(and their republic counterparts) are the least played classes.

My next char will probably be light sided female sith juggernaut(tank spec).

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Is it just me, or are the vast majority of Marauders (and whatever the Republic-equivalent is) complete and utter idiots?


I swear, they're the TOR-equivalent of Huntards. I even have a nickname for them already - Marauderps.

Lots of Sorcs and Marauders on all servers. I think Powertech and operative(and their republic counterparts) are the least played classes.

My next char will probably be light sided female sith juggernaut(tank spec).


All the Sorcs on my server have been fine, it's the Marauders that are usually incompetent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, definitely good to have that. After seeing all the other "bans" like this going around recently it turns my kneejerk reaction into screaming "faaaaaake".


Still, hrm. I'm still confused about why people post on the EA forums anyway, but that's a different story.

Because they are retards. No sane person would post things on ANY official forum. Just look at battlelog, it's a fucking mess.

Also, people who whine on forums are usually vocal minority, but devs still think that their opinion is important. Operative will be nerfed very bad in the upcoming patch because of this, I'm already thinking about respecing, lol.

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If you are under 13, the box says you must be 13 to register, the logo on the box says the game is rated 16 and then you go and tell the person running it that you are 13, you deserve your ban for being an idiot.


EA has to ban and delete the details of people under 13 when they tell us they are under 13. Retaining the data of under 13's is an offence under data protection laws and could lead to severe consequences.


In short, while some of EA's bans on SWTOR may have been a little harsh this one is fully justified.

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Long, but it fits rather well.

Yeah, that's a good one. But 4chan as Obi Wan? It's more like Salacious B. Crumb to me.

Besides, I thought they don't play anything except POKEMANS there.

... Thursday, I hope you realize that "I'm 12 and what is this" is a meme, not a statement about the poster's actual age.

To give a comparison, I've seen that same meme posted countless times on the WoW forums, and Blizzard doesn't ban the posters for it.


What surprises me the most is that people tend to discuss publisher's wrong-doings rather than the game itself.

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I was not aware of that meme and I am fairly familiar with them, moreso than most people in the company I'd wager.


When someone posts something that is a clear violation of the ToS and could land the company in hot water legally speaking, my first port of call is not to go to knowyourmeme.com on the off chance that it is an internet in-joke.


I'm sure if the user was to explain to CS that they are in fact over 12 and just told a stupid joke they'd get the ban overturned. It's possible that their data may have been scrubbed though, since it is illegal to keep the data of under 13's.

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I was not aware of that meme and I am fairly familiar with them, moreso than most people in the company I'd wager.


When someone posts something that is a clear violation of the ToS and could land the company in hot water legally speaking, my first port of call is not to go to knowyourmeme.com on the off chance that it is an internet in-joke.


I'm sure if the user was to explain to CS that they are in fact over 12 and just told a stupid joke they'd get the ban overturned. It's possible that their data may have been scrubbed though, since it is illegal to keep the data of under 13's.

Maybe their forum moderators are illiterate Indians, like their tech support guys?

Also, it's funny how horrible that forum community is compared to the actual in-game community. The people I play with are mostly nice, polite and always ready to help. Well, except Russian scum.

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They really should have 'community managers' overseeing the forums, and these should be people who understand the community. I can understand the legal ramifications but as long as you have been explicit about the age restrictions and such then I'm not sure how much could come back on you. They hold the account, is there no way to check this information otherwise?


You do a fair better job for the community, and in policing it, by getting to know it. Knowyourmeme.com should be a useful site for any respectable community manager.

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Yeah, I'm kinda with TN on this one. Has the guy tried to get the ban overturned? I haven't seen anything saying.

He said in the video he's not looking to get it overturned (hell they did just save him having to manually hunt down the 'cancel sub' button)


Also I'm with hot Heart (beyond the knowyourmeme.com probably being a good idea in this age), is people going "I am 12" the only way you guys have of telling the age of someone? For something that seemingly has such legal ramifications surely there would be something before signing up that should filter out the 13 year olds?

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The ban is clearly an honest mistake. The person who got banned could easily have it overturned, instead they have decided they'd prefer to use it to do some shit stirring, that's fine. I don't think it warrants scrubbing every offensive or suspicious post against a list of known memes.


If I was still working behind a bar, someone who looked borderline 17/18 came in and showed me some ID but then later he came up and said "I can't believe you've been serving me drinks when I'm only 16." I'm gonna kick the guy out at that point. I'm not going to risk losing my premises license just because the guy might have been joking.


As for filtering out younger players, given how much people piss and moan when EA try to collect the data needed to actually run a game, I would love to see the shit storm that would emerge if we started asking for some form of verifiable ID from everyone to ensure that only over 16's or 13's or whatever were allowed to play.

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I would buy the argument that it's a honest mistake, if it was just this thing, and similar things happened in the other MMOs I've followed and/or played.


As it is, EA/BioWare is being really really quick with the ban hammer and in general the way the community is being managed has been the cause for many a facepalm.


EDIT: That's not to say other MMO devs don't make mistakes. Once in a while you see someone bringing up a shitstorm over a ridiculous ban on the wow forums, for example. But it's far rarer than with SWTOR, and that's a game with many more players.

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