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I'd think since it was the first film to use 3D elements and that several decades of CGI advancements and this one being worked on by Pixar that it will be many leagues better.

It's an escapism film and I think it should do quite well.


First Tron was a bit clunky (watched it again couple months ago) but it was still fun and had some iconic moments. The light cycles have being used as a pop culture reference for ages. I also think it's a cool window into days of computers gone by. I imagine that it's much better than Die Hard 4.0's computer lingo.

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Well, Die Hard 4 was awful too. I understand how cool the imagery was back in the day but as a movie it's pretty terrible. Acting was bad, story was bad, the basic concepts of computers were bad and the music is so bad. It's just a special effects film and I don't really know how the new tron is going to be any different. I guess it has daft punk.

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Just really need to watch the bit where he gets digitised.
You can pretty much read up the story on wikipedia. I have a feeling there won't be too many references to the last one directly that it'd leave folks out the loop. It's more a 'oooh so that's what they look like now' kinda thing.
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Well, Ebert usually isn't my favorite critic but ouch.





another good quote "TRON: Legacy may well satisfy the fanboys who have waited almost three decades for its appearance. Enjoy. Who knows, maybe one day if you wait long enough they'll make a "Super Mario Bros." sequel, too."



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"Currently, William Monahan is adapting my Oblivion story into a screenplay while Travis Beechum is adapting Black Hole so once those get done, the scheduling and budget process will begin and then I got to work, but its too early to tell. As far as ‘Archangels’ same thing. Right now I plan on just selling my movie Tron Legacy. “

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Oh btw if you were looking forward to the Daft Punk sound track... Prepare to be disappointed. It is mostly Orchestral Undertones. Daft Punk had a VERY limited hand in all of this.


I'm sure they composed the whole thing, actually. It sounds like Han Zimmer but with Tron undertones.

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Oh btw if you were looking forward to the Daft Punk sound track... Prepare to be disappointed. It is mostly Orchestral Undertones. Daft Punk had a VERY limited hand in all of this.


I'm sure they composed the whole thing, actually. It sounds like Han Zimmer but with Tron undertones.



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We're talking about a film almost 3 decades old that uses computer technology for its main premise. So yes, of course it's going to be outdated and laughable at moments. Thing is, Tron was ahead of most modern technology back in the early 80's. That's what I appreciate most about the film, how a fantasy cyperspace was able to momentarily peer into the future. Wired [magazine] has a good write-up on the history behind the film, so if you're ever browsing magazines, give it a quick read.


As for the soundtrack, it's great, but understand that it is a movie soundtrack. Tron Legacy isn't exactly trying to pull off a Interstella 5555, so Daft Punk merely added their unique electronic sound into orchestral music.


Oh, and I'm seeing Legacy tomorrow. While Ebert was one of the few critics to praise the first Tron, I am a little concern with his position on the sequel. Still... I'm not someone who listens to Ebert. :lol:

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But Daft Punk only had a hand in like 3 songs on the entire soundtrack. The rest is extremely forgettable orchestral undertones and backdrop.


3 out of 30 tracks. That's like claiming a featured artist on a CD was the main artists on the whole thing.



Like Peacey P featuring Coach Z? Or....was it the other way around..?

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The main appeal is that a highly popular music duo had a hand in scoring and producing the soundtrack. If you have the actual soundtrack album, take a look to the back cover. There are other names on there alongside Daft Punk, and would you really be that surprised? Again, it's a movie soundtrack. It's not like Joseph Kosinski, when he met Daft Punk back in November 2007, said to them, "Alright you guys, we're going to need about two dozen pieces of music from you. Make it all electronic and stuff!"


I wouldn't have it any other way because a film needs to express a range of emotions, or at least moments. Daft Punk is great, but electronic/house music doesn't sync with you're typical cinema. I mean, I don't think a song similar to "Something About Us" would work for a general audience in a romantic scene.


If you want to see a movie working for Daft Punk, there's Interstella 5555. Otherwise, you have Daft Punk working for Tron Legacy.

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I looooove the first movie, but that has everything to do with the fact that I watched it over and over and over as a child. Watching it now, it's slow, clunky, and silly, but I have such a nostalgia crush on it that I can't help but to enjoy it.


Just got back from Legacy and I thought it was an absolute blast. IMAX 3D certainly helped the entire experience. Is it a great film? No, not really, but it's so totally worth seeing simply for the stunning visuals/sound. Is it a fun movie? Hell yes! The entire thing was a thrill through and through. The plot is silly and convoluted, but I liked the attempt the writers made with the whole digital world/real world theories.


I would see it again tomorrow.


If you're thinking about seeing it or holding off, I would go now. That movie would not be the same at home...I guess, unless you have a completely kick ass entertainment setup with some ridiculous speakers.

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I know I've been giving off the vibe that I'm a huge Tron fan lately, and you'll have to excuse me for it. I wasn't a child of the early 80's, but when I did see Tron about a decade and a half ago, I fell in love with the style and mythos.


I have been drinking deep in the hype drank for Legacy, but hype tends to have an alternate effect with me on movies. Video games take some odd hours to completely grasp the quality and experience and so it's not going to be as direct to come to your final conclusion on the media. With movies you're there for an average of an hour and a half. The media is presenting itself to you, and you are merely a viewer.


TL;DR: I'm hyper-critical on anticipated movies.


To begin, I would say the style of the movie would be its greatest attribute. There is never a moment where the scene is dull, but perhaps that's because even the most simplest of objects is so alien from our normal perspective. Heck, the drinks are kinda trippy too! The way light contrasts with the rather dark atmosphere is much easier on the eyes than with the first Tron.


Of course, the music itself amplifies the style of the film. All the different pieces really bring out the scenes, whether it's fighting the enemy or traveling around The Grid. As you may be aware Daft Punk makes a cameo, but with the duration they actually appeared, I would say they were more than just extras. They weren't significant to the story, but they do more than sit in the background for three seconds.


Lastly, the story. I know the majority of critics has been saying its awful, but it's not that bad. It's just... alright. I can understand the difficulty behind making a sequel to the first Tron however. What elements do you take from and build upon? I mean, what should the threat be? As such we have Clu 2 who essentially becomes a egomaniac due to Kevin Flynn instructing him to create a "perfect" world. It extends to a real world domination plot, and Clu's forces begin to resemble the Nazi party. Well, namely because of the purging of the ISOs. Yeah, those people who I'm not too sure how were suppose to better the real world... I think I may have spaced out at the explanation...


As for common complaints I've read/heard:


What's Kevin Flynn? A hippie or Jedi Master?

He's the creator of everything in The Grid. He's not exactly a god however, but he does have great control over, well, everything. He's pretty much an Administrator. Just because he uses 80's lingo in his speech at times doesn't detract from his ability. Sure, he could be killed by a Program, but a laser blast can kill a Jedi too.


There's like half an hour of action in the beginning and that's it!

Well, you must have stormed out of the movie because there's still more action. I would say the problem is that because there is a lot of action in the first half of the film, it builds up too much. Once the story says, "Oh shi-, we need to do some explaining," there's an unsettling balance of narrative and action from that point on. It acts like a gladiator flick at first, but realizes that it was actually trying to be an escapist type film all along.


CG Kevin Flynn is so CG!

We're not quite there in computer technology where we can naturally replicate the exact presence of a human face. It looks fine, but in motion it doesn't appear natural. I'm sure as we're(TAY) into gaming, we're aware of the Uncanny Valley. If I had to put GC Kevin on the chart, he would be in the dip for sure, but on the end where it begins to rise. There is dead eye, but there are also scenes where the face is convincing to the viewer.


I could go on and on, but it's really a movie you've got to experience. If you're near an IMAX, see it! I would say 3D is optional as it doesn't hinder the film, but there's not much that really brings out the potential. Overall, I get the feeling that a lot of people will come out of the theater and think of it as an OK film. It runs a little long in my opinion, and the pacing could have used some work. Still, I would give it a...


4 out of 5 Stars


Also, Olivia Wilde was hot! :wub:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wait, so a positive review has no replies?!


This movie was a godsend!



And actually, Daft Punk composed the entire soundtrack. Read. SOUNDTRACK. Not and album or an EP. They even composed adagios and overtures.



This scene was one of the best transitions/time jump in any recent movie, much less action movie. The score made it epic. I was sitting in the middle of the theater (IMAX) and the surround sound seriously had be feeling I was on an adrenaline rush.





For this, the best was when the camera panned to the title, which would be the 0:46-0:47 mark here. It was pretty amazing.





For the movie itself, this is the run-down. The script was clearly written for a PG-13 movie, yet Disney demanded it be a PG movie, so the kiddies could watch it. As a result, some elements suffered due to that decision. Still, did no one spot the historical allusions? (Spoilers) Clu purging the ISOs like Stalin/Hitler? His speech a recreation of Hitler's speech to the stormtroopers? No one saw the religious themes? With Kevin Flynn constantly referred to as the Creator and Sam Fylnn referred to as the Son of Flynn? Old Man God and Jesus? Did anyone else catch how the film teased things like a revolution in the Grid and the years of massive history during Kevin Flynn's imprisonment? Someone clearly wrote out an extended universe for this thing, and Disney is using this film as a stepping stone to reboot the franchise.


The film had a lot of untapped potential, and this is one of the rare time in which I support to extension/further creation of a franchise, as the Tron universe can be pretty damn great if done well.



Olivia Wilde was hot and cute. The posters don't do her justice compared to motion.

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