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One of the VFX guys writes about how he did some of the effects in Tron Legacy. Not in too much detail (most of it is trade secret)

It's pretty heavy on technical terms n reference's to programs such, but at the very least it has some nice photos. Shame none are wallpaper sized.

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Look here:


I first saw TRON on the Disney channel when I was eight or so. I loved it. I thought it was super cool despite being super 80's.


"But Chewie, You --"


Shut the fuck up. I know what I mean.


I love Star Wars. I love old time sci-fi movies with cool scenes. Star Wars. Fucking Last Starfighter. Blade Runner. Star Trek Movies. Dune. Aliens. Zardoz.


Okay fuck Zardoz.


Yeah. TRON for th most part was different looking than all of those movies in it's computer generated world.







But noooo. Everyone has to rag on TRON. WHY!? WHY?! I don't know why. Though I do know one thing. I've never seen the Matrix. Though I know it's just a modern day, more violent, sex-filled TRON wannabe. It had a cool plot, it had good acting, it had some fun action scenes and some nice humor. It had some old guy everyone hated and forced that old guy to fight. And lose.


It also had baby Bobby Kotick.




Then: They made a new TRON. TRON: Legacy. Some BA movie with some BA stars in it and the biggeset BA of them all. Jeff Bridges. Again. Yes. I know.


Though to a movie that brings back most of its original characters to take part in a movie they filmed almost 30 years ago? That's dedication. The new TRON offered everything: A glimpse into what Flynn did for his company that he rightfully earned. A glimpse into his life and how he treated his family, which you could tell he'd do a good job of. His old arcade (With some BA 80's music playing). The world he built, which became a living ecosystem that even generated life he never thought possible. He made self-aware programs and spawned a world in which programs can be physically brought into the living world.


Holy shit? That's amazing? Yes.


Plus. It all looked pretty sweet and was really fun to watch.


Also: It had Olivia Wilde.


Insert sexy picture here.


Another reason why TRON is great?


Because it's fucking awesome. End of discussion.


This rant was brought to you in part by Blue Moon and Guiness.

Edited by Chewblaha
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The first Tron is turrible to everyone who isn't nostalgically attached to it. The new one was enjoyable though aside from perhaps

Jeff Bridges melding with Jeff Bridges and exploding. WTF Mate?


Quorra explains that earlier in the movie, though I can understand viewers being mesmerized by her looks instead of actually listening. B)

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Ya know I saw the first movie at a friends house while drinking a few months ago and I really enjoyed it. The setting, the visuals, the writing. I really liked it. I liked the sequel a lot as well and enjoyed the nods to the old film and thought the acting was really good. GO ON HATE ME GO ON, YOU JUST TRYING KEEP THE TRON FANBOYS DOWN

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Ya know I saw the first movie at a friends house while drinking a few months ago and I really enjoyed it. The setting, the visuals, the writing. I really liked it. I liked the sequel a lot as well and enjoyed the nods to the old film and thought the acting was really good. GO ON HATE ME GO ON, YOU JUST TRYING KEEP THE TRON FANBOYS DOWN


This is why we are bros.

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Tron is like people who know nothing about computers or movies or videogames making a movie based on computers and videogames. Deresolution eh? Are you trying to say deletion?

It not that bad.


However, with the debut of Tron: Legacy, people/critics who had/have a minimal amount of computer knowledge would go off about how "cyberspace" is too unrealistic. I guess Science Fiction has to be deeply engrained to our reality, or something.

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