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Warhammer 40k: Space Marine


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Co-op info was finally released.


1.) Space Marine will have 4 player online Co-Op and will be FREE to anyone who purchases the game.

2.) Co-Op will be Space Marine vs. Orks & Forces of Chaos.

3.) All 3 Multiplayer classes will be available (Tactical Marine, Devastator or Assault Marine)

4.) Multiplayer Perks can be applied to each of the 3 classes that you have unlocked via Multiplayer progression

5.) Co-Op progression will apply to your multiplayer ranking (Unlocks perks & weapons)

6.) Co-Op will initially launch with 2 scenarios: Assault on Hab Center Andreas & Escape from Kalkys Facility. Each will include multiple arenas.

7.) Co-Op will be score based featuring global leaderboards. There will be score multipliers and dynamic challenges to help teams boost their scores.


So basically, it's kinda like Last Stand from the DoW series. I was hoping for campaign co-op, but this is alright.

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I'm waiting for reviews. Once ANY good review comes out, I think I will immediately jump on this game.


Any review, you say? :P


I'm going to a midnight launch for it later tonight so I can grab my copy. I already have a very good impression of it from the demo, so I'll let you know how the campaign is. Similar to DoW, it already sounds like the multiplayer will make up the biggest chunk of content. Campaign was already described as being 8-12 hours in length, which isn't much.

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Already beat the campaign. They weren't kidding when they said it was short, but damn was it fun. Relic has done an amazing job making everything look and feel absolutely massive, and there's a wide selection of weapons. If you love Warhammer 40k, you're gonna love the campaign. The difficulty steadily ramps up, and even on normal, I was dying and having difficulty with some of the fights. I can't imagine it on hard. Also, there's only two boss battles in the game, and the last is very reminiscent of the Meta-Ridley fight from Metroid Prime 3 (in a good way).


Gonna grab a shower, then I'll try out the multiplayer.


EDIT: I'm gonna put a list of the campaign weapons under spoiler tags below, for folks that like that sort of thing to be a surprise. Most of them also made it into multiplayer as well.



Ranged Weapons:

  • Bolt Pistol
  • Bolter
  • Kraken Bolter
  • Storm Bolter
  • Stalker-Pattern Bolter
  • Meltagun
  • Lascannon
  • Plasma Pistol
  • Plasma Gun
  • Vengeance Launcher

Melee Weapons:

  • Combat Knife
  • Chain Sword
  • Power Axe
  • Thunder Hammer

Heavy Weapons (Special, may only be found mounted to tripods. May be ripped off the tripod and carried around):

  • Heavy Bolter
  • Autocannon
  • Plasma Cannon

Edited by Vargras
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Sorry for four posts in a row, but I spent a good part of the day playing multiplayer. Leveling system is put in, with a cap of 41. You unlock new items for the customizer and loadouts every few levels, or once you finish certain objectives. Every weapon in the campaign is also in multiplayer. There's three different classes to choose from, each with their own play style. Throw in all the items and the painter, and it's incredibly unlikely that you'll ever find a marine that looks like yours.

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Well, time to get this game... I suppose?

Is the MP good old fun?


It is. It does kinda suck starting out, but that's true for any game with a leveling system - it only sucks because you don't have the neat toys that help you do your job better. There's two modes: Seize Ground, which is a territories/control point style of gameplay, and Annihilation, which is basically good ole' Slayer. Teams are automatically sorted into either Space Marines or Chaos Marines, you don't really get a say in it - however, if you invited buddies to join you before you picked one of the game modes, the game will actually attempt to keep you on the same team as your friends, which is much appreciated.


There's numerous weapons and perks. Tactical Marines have the largest amount of weapons to choose from, whereas Devastators/Havocs and Assault Marines/Raptors have less. Every weapon has its own pros and cons. Perks are unlocked as you level up, or as you fill certain requirements (kill 50 enemies with a power axe/chain axe, for example). Co-op multiplayer is coming out in October, and any experience earned there will apply towards multiplayer as well.


EDIT: Checked some other sites, now that more reviews have gone out. Lowest review I've seen it get so far is an 80, highest being a 90. The classes in multiplayer are fairly well-balanced (for the most part), but there are issues with it - an Assault Marine/Raptor that knows what they're doing can absolutely obliterate almost any other class, save for another Assault Marine/Raptor. Tactical Marines feel a bit weak at times, but have uses. Last but not least, the plasma cannon for the Devastator/Havoc is ridiculously powerful - luckily, you can only get it at level 20.

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Hrmm, I haven't gotten this game yet. I want to but reasoning tells me to wait until co-op comes out then perhaps I can get the game for slightly cheaper.


It's your call. Exterminatus won't be out until October. If you end up getting it for PC, I'll let you farm me a bit so you can level up and get a better start in multiplayer - it's rough until you start unlocking more goodies. The really nice thing is that Relic allows you to copy your killer's loadout for one life, which can help put you on equal footing with others.


EDIT: If you do pick it up for PC, I sent you a friend invite on Steam. The name is Sock [Team Win], if you're wondering who the random friend invite was from.

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The campaign is awesome, really cool weapons and lots of dudes to kill with said weapons. :P So far my favorites are the Thunder Hammer and the Stalker Bolter. \m/ \m/


Played 1 match in multiplayer, it was fun, though many dudes have really powerful weapons and stuff and being a level 1 dude means you'll get killed frequently. Still, it's possible to survive with the basic weapons and I managed to gain 2 levels in 1 match so it's not that bad. :P

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So after seeing the end of the game:



Captain Titus was taken in under the Inquisition under suspicion of heresy. Now if I do recall correctly, canonically aren't the Ultramarines the only Space Marine chapter to never have a Space Marine of their banner fall to Chaos (due to them having the purest geneseed)? I wonder how they're going to fit it in, if it all.


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So after seeing the end of the game:



Captain Titus was taken in under the Inquisition under suspicion of heresy. Now if I do recall correctly, canonically aren't the Ultramarines the only Space Marine chapter to never have a Space Marine of their banner fall to Chaos (due to them having the purest geneseed)? I wonder how they're going to fit it in, if it all.




Those are the Grey Knights you're thinking of. In 10,000 years of service, the Grey Knights have never had a single member turn to Chaos.


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The campaign is awesome, really cool weapons and lots of dudes to kill with said weapons. :P So far my favorites are the Thunder Hammer and the Stalker Bolter. \m/ \m/


Played 1 match in multiplayer, it was fun, though many dudes have really powerful weapons and stuff and being a level 1 dude means you'll get killed frequently. Still, it's possible to survive with the basic weapons and I managed to gain 2 levels in 1 match so it's not that bad. :P



I find it's rather easy to catch up, some people are really inattentive in that game and are high leveled because they've played a ton. I played Tac marine for about an hour and jumped a good 4-5 levels despite losing quite a few matches due to bad team mates.

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  • 11 months later...

Like i said, i've put 8 hours in so far. I think i'm on the final boss fight, and the shit just hit the fan. I can't do it. Its turned into a Horde Picked this game up for a bargain at £4 the other week. So far i've put about 8 hours into the game (according to Steam) and i've loved almost all of them.


The combat is very enjoyable and whilst the execution moves can be a pain in the a*se at times it provides a fair amount of spectacle. Shooting is a little awkward at times, i find shooting down a Sniper scope to be a little challenging, its a little too twitchy for me.



Like i said, i've put 8 hours in so far. I think i'm on the final boss fight, and the shit just hit the fan. I can't do it. Its turned into a Horde mode and i can't do it. I'm lucky to get to the 3rd wave of enemies before i die in a hale of bullets and blades. So i guess i'll be forever stuck on the final boss fight.



Any tips?

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