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Have you been following this much? It had a lot of early and mid dev coverage so I remember seeing plenty of the game months and months ago and I was always really impressed. I remember it having a lot of features that will slow down the pace of the game instead of making it a frantic twitch fest. It all seemed very well done.


Since then though I can't really remember any proper write-ups on the game. It'd be worth looking into. I think what i saw was from Game Informer mag scans.

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What I've seen of it is the TotalBiscuit videos with the Tripwire devs (who were also the voices of the Killing Floor characters) and that was certainly interesting. It didn't show the large 64 player battles, but did show the cover system, damage modeling, graphics, and movement speed which was neat.


I'm not 100% sure I'll preorder, but it does look like a game I'll probably be picking up before the next steam sales for sure.

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Didn't realize this had a thread. With the Green Man Gaming sale and the great looking gameplay videos, I went ahead and pre-ordered a copy. I needed a first-person shooter fix, anyway. And there isn't another such game forthcoming to fill that void.


Yep, that's what I was thinking of doing as well. I might just do it to spite the part of me that wants BF3 further.

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I don't know. I mean, I love world war 2 shooters, and I love the russian theatre in games, but I really don't like realistic shooters where I have to move slowly and have long respawn times for someone I didn't see snipe me/I ran from cover and got shot by a guy in a corner. I know you're supposed to use teamwork, but what's the point on pubservers where it's a pain in the ass for people to move together?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Played some of the beta today in some pub servers. Got oneshotted from areas on the map I didn't even know existed a lot as well.


I don't regret a preorder at all, though. The mechanics are rock solid and the guns all have a nice kick to them. This is just one of those games I'll need to get better at, but I think the presentation and mechanics are good enough so I won't have an issue with that. The voice acting is great so far, and it's actually really cinematic in parts.


Also, the screenshots don't do the graphics justice. They're beautiful in a really dark, WWII shooter type of way.

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