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Humble Indie Bundle


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The second Humble Indie Bundle is up.


As with last time you pay what you want, and then divide the cash either all to developers, all to charity, or split in the middle.

As with last time they've probably also made it stupidly simple to pirate and they'll then whine that folks just clicked a link that lead right to the download.


edit: Oh wait this time it let's you customize the divide, including how much of the charity stuff goes to EFF and how much to Childs Play.

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Just got it too, went pretty much 50:50 like you dean, but added a tiny humble tip, same with the EFF, I guess Child's Play is more recognisable!


Don't think they've offered steam activation with this one yet? Which is a shame cos I think I'll put more time into the 1st games now I can have them in my library, hope it comes eventually.

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Nah as I said it's a unique URL, so sharing a single link where everyone could download from will be a lot harder this time.


Cortex Command is 16-bit btw. So won't work on new fancy 64-bit OSes. I've messaged them for a way around it but...oh I closed mail client ...hmm.

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Notch is the highest paying individual at the moment with $2000 paid.

Some shitty mac developer has put in $1000 for an advert along with another two sites. Robert Bowling (Infinity Ward dou..dude) has put in $500, he was at one point the highest until RockPaperShotgun trumped him :P


As for Cortex Command, I don't know. I've had a reply but it says it should work fine, so I'm gonna reply back, they wanted to know what system I'm on.

edit: Seems the problem was on my end. Seems out of all my games Revenge of Titans was the only one that downloaded correctly. Machinirium wasn't the only one that fucked up.

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