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Oh god I love that movie so much. Everyone should watch it.


Also, Cronos (Guillermo del Toro's first feature) was added recently. Haven't seen it, but it's del Toro, right?


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Undead was also recently added. Haven't seen that either, but, again, possibly great? I mean, conceptually it's a winner; don't know about the execution though.

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ive been watching documentaries recently and found a few good ones. I'd highly reccomend Restrepo, its about the lives/missions ect of soldiers in afganistan. Its not a polished cut out all the bad scenes film either, there are some graphic parts to it.

links yo!


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The Iron Giant is on Netflix. If you haven't seen it you should. It's directed by Brad Bird who later did The Incredibles and Ratatouille . Go watch it.


I'd be surprised if anyone here hasn't seen it by now, but it is required viewing, yes.


Really? Seems like nobody I know has seen it. I saw it at the theaters and was like 1 out of 10 people who did.

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staySick, i've been tempted to watch it but wasn't sure if it was any good. What did you think?



It wasn't that bad. There were a few parts where I like "...wat." but overall it was pretty enjoyable and fairly interesting.


Not OMG YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS, but not horrible either.

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Oh god I love that movie so much. Everyone should watch it.


Also, Cronos (Guillermo del Toro's first feature) was added recently. Haven't seen it, but it's del Toro, right?


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Undead was also recently added. Haven't seen that either, but, again, possibly great? I mean, conceptually it's a winner; don't know about the execution though.


i watched cronos the other night. it's definitely worth watching. i mean, it's guillermo del toro and ron perlman's in it so... yeah.

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Exit Through the Gift Shop has been added! Anyone with any interest in Banksy or graffiti art in general should definitely watch this. It's a documentary about a guy who sets out to make a documentary about Banksy but can't stop filming so Banksy turns it around and makes a documentary about him. I know, confusing! And great.




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ZOMG totally. Might just throw it in the "Last good movie you watched" thread though. I had to take a break and do some work, but will get back to it shortly. Will definitely finish it by the end of the day. I'm about 30 minutes through it and like it so far, although there could be a bit more dialogue. They do a very good job of portraying what's going on without it, but I'm just more of a fan of dialogue than action. So far, good movie though.

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ZOMG totally. Might just throw it in the "Last good movie you watched" thread though. I had to take a break and do some work, but will get back to it shortly. Will definitely finish it by the end of the day. I'm about 30 minutes through it and like it so far, although there could be a bit more dialogue. They do a very good job of portraying what's going on without it, but I'm just more of a fan of dialogue than action. So far, good movie though.

Don't worry. Eventually there's no action either. Quietest movie ever!

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Just finished it. I honestly was a bit underwhelmed. The cinematics were absolutely amazing, but the story pretty much sucked.

Noooooooo! Well, we may have hyped it up just a tiny bit. I really, really liked the plot; however, I don't have time to write up a well-thought out post about it right now. Stupid work.

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