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The other night the lady and I watched the original Clash of the Titans. It had better acting, better actors, better spfx and more nude boobage, All 'round a far superior film to the CGI crapfest that came out last year.


There's nude boobage!?


*puts back on list*


Kidding - but the remake really was atrocious.


Good thing we're getting a sequel!

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Update: I watched I'm Still Here last night. At best it's a self-indulgent experiment, at worst it's a self-indulgent mess. Interesting, mostly just to see someone pretend to throw their life away and do it incredibly convincingly.


I also watched SubUrbia for the first time in a long, long, long time. I think it still holds up! Yeah, it's a bit angsty, but it's still a fantastic film.

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ok, everyone watch adam's apples, together, terribly happy and DEAD SNOW!!!!!


watch them all, now!!


dd - i watched the jp/ca movie and was surprisingly angry. they could have life trolled so bad and i felt like they not only wussed out on the life trolling but in their half-assedness just made a bad movie. i know, he ruined his career for a year or so ppl say, how is that so bad as if they'd totally trolled? because even with the hookers and making pdiddy feel dumb it was still not hardcore or real enough. something was totes missing transferring jp from being a potential, brave role-model or person to just a dumb actor being dumb to try to prove a point that like no one else will get.


also, watch flickering lights and reno 911. that is all




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Yeah, the film didn't make me as angry as I thought it might, but there was something unsettling about the entire thing. I mean, I give the guy kudos for going through with it, but the idea of making a film about how difficult it is to be paid millions of dollars to act kind of falls short on a significant meaning. I mean, I get it, it's an art, and it's tricky, but really, I don't feel bad for him, and they don't make me feel bad for him (even if I thought it was real, which I knew it wasn't.) So, I guess, nice attempt, but you're no Andy Kaufmann?

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