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Netflix Instant Shows/Movies


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So, what do you guys like to watch that is on Netflix Instant? Shows and movies obviously.


I just found Blood to Wine had been added yesterday and I was totes stoked. It's a documentary on Maynard James Kennan's vineyards and has Puscifer tracks going in the background. P. cool stuff.


I don't have cable, i just use Netflix Instant, so I watch a lot of Family Guy and American Dad on there as well.

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Uhh...I have like 230ish movies on my queue, but mostly I've used it to watch all of Doctor Who, all of Avatar: The Last Airbender, Season 1 of Archer, and I'm currently working through Buffy (in Season 6) and Pysch. That, and now that BSG is on there, I'm totally going to rewatch it.


My latest mistake was adding and watching The Human Centipede. My latest successes were watching The Secret of Kells and Valhalla Rising.


In terms of lesser known, or smaller budget stuff, I really recommend Ink (sci-fi/fantasy), Lo (horror stage play?), House of the Devil (70's/80's style horror), Antichrist (creepy as anything I've ever seen), and everyone should watch Tetsuo The Iron Man. Not sure if all of those are still on there. Probably?


(I also just added Blood to Wine!)

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Just a heads up as it's been marketed as an action movie, Valhalla Rising is anything but. The only thing I can think to compare it to is it's as though Werner Herzog directed a movie on acid. It's so strange and quiet and I loved it.


And, yeah, Secret of Kells was fantastic.

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i too only have the 'flix, no cable. it's the way to be.


there are bunches of great movies available in the instant queue. ichi the killer and the host are both fantastic if people haven't seen those yet. they just added the first season of she-ra, which excited the heck out of me, but probably nostalgia tainted. not so nostalgia tainted the dark crystal and never-ending story are on there and those are pretty sweet. anime-wise i've been watching soul eater. it's cute and funny, though i've certainly seen better anime. if you want to be disturbed i second diedan's mention of antichrist and add aftermath to the list.

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I just added Valhalla Rising



I saw it last week? and I then I watched it again? and I would totes watch it again right now.


OT, Mushi-shi was pretty good

OH GOOD! Someone else loved it as much as me! Honestly, the entire time I was watching the movie I just keep saying to myself, oh god this is so great, this is so great...and then proceeded to have my head implode after the ending.

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According to Netflix, there's going to be a whooooole lot more available on instant soon, as they're starting to move away from disc media and toward instant.


I'm pretty stoked by that idea - it's great to be able to find something to watch at your whim.


I just hope they don't eventually change their pricing model so that there is a cap on what you can watch instantly - I don't think they would do that.


Although Comcast might force them to if that case goes through...


Fucking Comcast.


On-Topic: My queue is ridiculously large - stuff that is available is always going off the service before I get to it. I've been stoked the Dr. Who Specials are on there (the most recent ones), as I've been wanting to catch up on those and have the latest season on disc waiting at home.

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I only instant stream on Netflix, so when they created the two new subscriptions, I took the $8 a month plan.


It's awesome, but I find it hard to find something everyone would like to watch when you simply browse the titles without searching. I mean, I can find something for myself, but there's always gotta be someone who takes issue with a movie.

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