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College asshattery


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They did pull the textbook crap though - I have two editions of one book because they moved the page numbers over a bit from one term to the next... and of course while we "needed" them, we hardly cracked the cover of most of our books.


Ah yes, the wonderful "required" textbook that the professor NEVER uses. I've had a couple of those. Nothing better than wasting students' money for absolutely no reason.



None of my professors wrote the books though, so it didn't stink quite THAT bad...


That just reminded me of the class I dropped yesterday. My Poli Sci professor not only wrote his own textbook, he also ensured gigantic profit margins by selling you just its pages by themselves exclusively at the college bookstore.


I'm dead serious. You go to the "book" on the shelf and it's literally a stack of like 300 papers shrinkwrapped. For $70. And it's nonrefundable. And of course the first day he insisted on how he made it his biggest priority to sell it as cheap as humanly possible, which is why there was no cover, no binding, and no colored ink. Just a stack of 300 photocopies sold as is. And $70 was the absolute cheapest that he could possibly make it.


Anyone with a half a brain would realize the guy was pooting out his ass. First of all, if he was really that concerned with making it as "cheap as possible" he wouldn't be re-writing/re-arranging the textbook every year so as to kill off used sales. If he wasn't in it for the money he would have absolutely no reason to do so, but he is. Second of all, I can go to the local copy joint and get 300 pages done for $20, and get the exact same product. The quality of paper and ink from regular copies and the "textbook" are exactly the same. It most likely costs the university press even less than that considering the whole "printing in bulk using their own resources" thing. Needless to say, I dropped the class like an ugly baby.

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As far as books, there have been semesters that were ridiculous, but this semester wasn't that bad. I think the only dumb thing is that one class requires four packets rather than a single reading material. Like, it all came to together at $24, but I've never had a class before that had more than one packet required. Usually they're $4 - $12. :)


(To clarify, a "packet" for me is an instructor's selected readings from other materials in a spiral book. Dirty cheap, but this time I got an instructor who had us getting other instructor packets.)


My other books were $32 and $42. Amazon had them for $5 cheaper, but I figured I could get them now as the savings were pretty small. Besides, I like to get new copies if the books are in my field. If they happen to be good, I keep them. Otherwise, I get a used book from a student or used book store just off campus for, like, 75% off. (Best saving I got was a $143 book for $26!)


That's my beef, when it comes time where you can sell back books, there's always a limit. It's understandable though, but if you've got your final on the last day, good luck getting rid of that textbook by that time. :|

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Gotta hate those required textbooks. Hate those "school brand" books even more. Not only will they not buy it back after the semester, but it's pretty much useless to you after the class ends, and most are only available for purchase. Luckily, my college started renting out books more efficiently, but then there are those books that contain those f**king online codes that you need to sign up for, and are only available on brand-new purchases. Very few ways around those...



Just wanted to give a warning that Financial Aid offices become less and less "friendly" the closer you are to graduation.


See, the exact same thing happened to both me and my brother. We both got serenaded by our corresponding colleges of choice and showered with generous financial aid, then as you're a junior/senior both our F.A. offices became assholes. It was worse with my brother, seeing as they found completely random excuses to take away his aid as early as sophomore year, but as for me they started pulling shit out of their ass this semester (my senior year). We both suspect it is to entice incoming freshmen the way they enticed us, and the only way they can afford it is to take away aid from the upperclassmen.




Thanks for the heads up, but my mistake last time was a bit of naivete and general carelessness, and for going under my usual full time schedule. Shan't be doing that again...I should really try recording phone conversations though...

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My bookstore has begun renting as well, which I wish had been around when I was taking GE courses with university brand textbooks.


As for non-bound punch hole books, I had one that was cheaper (university book) and one that was a complete waste. All that was different about the "for this university" edition was it had an added page of the course requirements. Then again, previous students were selling their copies for half the price. It was a $120 book, so that's $60.


I still have mine as it's useful, but the whole concept was ridiculous.

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I've got it off as well, but I'm just at a little community college.


I was under the impression it was a National holiday.


I'm pretty sure it is, but yeah. Another thing to throw on my list. People were complaining left and right and I was wondering what colleges in general usually do.

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My university had classes. I think it's due to the fact that we just got back to classes like a week ago and they didn't want to give us time off.

First day of classes for me was last week too. :D


EDIT: Truth be told, colleges vary depending on when you begin semesters, end them, have breaks, and etc. Thing is, you'd think Labor Day would be the exception to all breaks/holidays.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, I guess I can add application fees to my list of college shit I hate. I just put in my application to UC Berkeley and UCLA and now I'm out $140. I knew it would be like that, and I get why they exist but I think $70 a pop is a little excessive, especially seeing how much I'd be paying to them if I actually got into their schools.

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Here's a nice one: of my professors absolutely refuses to cancel class on Wednesday.


For people not living in the US of A, it's customary (at least in my college) to close the university at noon the day before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday, the day before is (obviously) on a Wed. I normally have that class at 2:00 PM on Mon/Wed/Fri, so naturally the class is canceled right? Nope. He maintains that if he doesn't get an e-mail DIRECTLY from the dean, the class is not canceled. Nevermind the fact that this is something that happens EVERY YEAR, and this is a professor with tenure, meaning he's been in this university for most likely longer than I have been alive. He KNOWS this is an official "tradition" of the university, he KNOWS the stipulations of the rules, and he's just trolling students and feigning ignorance just to piss people off.


To be honest all I have to say is "So? Then don't go". It's exactly what I'll be doing. He can make a 5 hour lecture on that day if he wants. No student is obligated to go to a lecture when the university is officially closed, period. He cannot officially have class in that day and if he decides to give important vital information the students can (and most likely would) complain to the higher-ups. I'm pretty sure at the last minute he'll just send an e-mail going "I GOT THE E-MAIL NOW CLASS IS CANCELED LOL", so I highly doubt anything meaningful will come out of it, but it just pisses me off that he's taking this smug attitude and refusing to just do what he's supposed to lest he "listen" to the students. Since the kids were the ones who brought it up like a couple of weeks ago I suppose he just doesn't want to feel like he's being told what to do by the kids. Too bad the kids are 100% right and he should STFU already.

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As a current student of the UC system, I agree, screw the UC system.


Also, fuck EVERYTHING about having engineering majors pick their classes LAST. Every single other damn major gets priority in enrollment schedules. It's gotta be the most ass-backwards shit I've ever seen.


I'm really only applying to see if I can get in and see what the price would be. I figure if I'm going to be paying 30,000 a year I might as well go private, though.

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Private isn't necessarily better... I think anyways. Kind of like how I think UC isn't better than CSU. I personally think you're only paying for the name in the UC systems. :P

But yeah, with the tuition increases... eh, its your choice. For 2012-2013, I'm at least paying $500 more. $1000 more if something else passes here at Cal Poly. I somehow got to last that year and another to get my BS degree... I love how its called a BS degree...


As a current student of the UC system, I agree, screw the UC system.


Also, fuck EVERYTHING about having engineering majors pick their classes LAST. Every single other damn major gets priority in enrollment schedules. It's gotta be the most ass-backwards shit I've ever seen.

Eh? Its done by major over there? Over here its rotations by last names. Seems more fair.

For example, I'm 7th of out 12. Not great but not terrible either. Then next quarter... I'm 2nd I believe. Then during summer and fall I believe I get shit ones. I also have 3 priority registrations I can use to get me first throughout my whole career.

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Private isn't necessarily better... I think anyways. Kind of like how I think UC isn't better than CSU. I personally think you're only paying for the name in the UC systems. :P

But yeah, with the tuition increases... eh, its your choice. For 2012-2013, I'm at least paying $500 more. $1000 more if something else passes here at Cal Poly. I somehow got to last that year and another to get my BS degree... I love how its called a BS degree...


At this point I'm really just trying to see what I can get into. I'll have 60 community college units, so I will be an upper division transfer, and I think that might give me a better chance in the grand scheme of things. My only reason for going private is for scholarship and financial aid opportunities, which I hear could be better. Who knows. My standards are low after going to a community college for long enough.

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Eh? Its done by major over there? Over here its rotations by last names. Seems more fair.

For example, I'm 7th of out 12. Not great but not terrible either. Then next quarter... I'm 2nd I believe. Then during summer and fall I believe I get shit ones. I also have 3 priority registrations I can use to get me first throughout my whole career.


I go to the same university Pirandello does.


The enrollment system (to the best of my knowledge) is based first on what year you are. Obviously the longer you've been at the university, the higher priority you have.


The second one is based on major. For whatever arsed reason, they decided to let the majors in the engineering college pick their classes last, for freaking Christ's sake. What this usually translates to is all the breadth courses being full, since everyone else either has them as a major or needs them, as well as our own freaking engineering classes being full, because some of the other majors require that they take lower-to-mid level engineering courses to satisfy a breadth requirement they will never use beyond university.


I believe the last criteria is how well you do in grades, but I've no indication that this plays any role as people who score worse than me get to choose classes almost a week earlier than I do.

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God damn I didn't realize that dropped classes' units during enrollement counts towards your total you can take on during rotations. I made a mistake and I wasn't expecting a waitlist class to knock out a class I would get into. Now I'm stuck with 4 units short. Open rotation is on Saturday. I think I am fucked in the ass.


I knew about the 16 units limit thing but I didn't know that waitlisted classes will knock out classes you can get into and that dropped classes units stays with you. I was just putting that waitlist class in to see if I can get into it so I can drop a class math class since I was already pretty math heavy and I wanted a lighter load. Besides, that waitlisted class won't be offered until Fall.


Then there is the thing about me paying for 13 units which is sort of like paying for 17 units... or however they figure that shit out.


I'm so mad at myself and the system that I'm just in whatever mode.


Private isn't necessarily better... I think anyways. Kind of like how I think UC isn't better than CSU. I personally think you're only paying for the name in the UC systems. :P

But yeah, with the tuition increases... eh, its your choice. For 2012-2013, I'm at least paying $500 more. $1000 more if something else passes here at Cal Poly. I somehow got to last that year and another to get my BS degree... I love how its called a BS degree...


At this point I'm really just trying to see what I can get into. I'll have 60 community college units, so I will be an upper division transfer, and I think that might give me a better chance in the grand scheme of things. My only reason for going private is for scholarship and financial aid opportunities, which I hear could be better. Who knows. My standards are low after going to a community college for long enough.

Yeah, you will have an easier time to get in to schools and yup, I felt pretty dead after community college.

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Just put in CSU apps for SF State, Humboldt State (fallback if I don't get in elsewhere, but I'd rather move), and Cal Poly SLO. And unlike the CSU system, I guess I'm poor enough to get the fees waived. Score.


And Malicious, if I end up going to SLO I'll totally take you up on that finding a place idea from page 1. It's not my #1 choice at the moment, but if tuition falls through for elsewhere I could definitely see myself choosing there.

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