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Secret World Beta


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Anyone sign up for the Beta?


I just did, I'm 50/50 in regards to caring if I gain access or not. Chances are, I wouldn't play it after the full release, but I'm always interested in checking out new games when chance arrives.


The themes are at least a little different, so there's that. FYI: I went for Templar.

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Fb? yeh i will pass on this one.


the more i see of the gameplay trailer, the more i feel like the game is just slow

enough to be engaging for console players. probably explains why the textures/graphics

are somewhat mediocre. i was keeping up with it up till today. will probably forget

about it until i walk past it on the shelves somewhere. go back home, pull the torrent,

try it for a day, realize i had already played and become bored with borderlands group-run-n-gun games;


uninstall and delete it.


if a publisher wants my money; it needs to be spectacular. cus im completely content to load up

my snes emulator and play FF3/SuperMetroid.

Edited by _S0MA_
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The concept and some of the (meta) gameplay elements sound really interesting. I thought I'd signed up to this a while back at the end of the personality test thing, in which I got Templar, but I guess not (maybe that was a closed one?).


Will have to do this later and thanks for the reminder, GunFlame!


Including a link would be useful though. :P

http://thesecretworld.com/ - main page

http://secretwar.thesecretworld.com/ - straight to the secret war intro and sign-up process.


Not sure if there is a main topic on this. Maybe I shall make one later.

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I signed up last year for news on beta when they first teased The Secret World, it may have been when i bought Age of Conan way back when. All i know is Age of Conan had some interesting concepts and features i enjoyed but the game went slack after you got out of Tortuga*Or w/e the first 20 levels took place at*. Funcom is using an original IP*Pretty sure of this, might be wrong* so anything can happen. Also, needing facebook to sign up for beta made me sadface. I had to use my Shariffa Bonqueefa fake account since im not the biggest fan of facebook.

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Also, needing facebook to sign up for beta made me sadface. I had to use my Shariffa Bonqueefa fake account since im not the biggest fan of facebook.


Unfortunate for you because I think they just changed the beta sign-up to allow not using Facebook, as long as you had a Funcom account. :P

Although, on the plus side, maybe you can double your chances?

Edited by Hot Heart
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Also, needing facebook to sign up for beta made me sadface. I had to use my Shariffa Bonqueefa fake account since im not the biggest fan of facebook.


Unfortunate for you because I think they just changed the beta sign-up to allow not using Facebook, as long as you had a Funcom account. :P

Although, on the plus side, maybe you can double your chances?

Wow thanks, off i go to the internet! WOOOOOOOSH

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